Beautiful interiors of the hall. Modern interior design of a living room in an apartment: design tips with photos.

Balusters Hall - a room that in most modern homes

considered central. This opinion is based on its versatility. Often this is not only a room for watching television programs, but also a space for warm communication, a room for work, relaxation and eating. How to decorate the interior of the hall so that it meets not only current design requirements, but also the individual preferences of the home owners?

Where to start decorating the interior of the hall? Space zoning

A small room containing one functional area, for example, recreation, does not need zoning. But if it is used as a multifunctional room, then zoning is necessary. Therefore, the design of a living room in an apartment begins with determining which zones are needed. For the convenience of all inhabitants of your home, consider the needs of everyone. After all, the hall common room

, where both children and adults spend a lot of time.

How is zoning carried out in practice? The interior is divided into functional parts using such elements as shelving, low partitions, screens, lamps hanging from the ceiling, large aquariums... The interior of a large room is also zoned thanks to a combination of different finishing materials, changing the level of the floor and ceilings.

Interior for the hall in different types of housing: non-standard, but common cases

How to decorate the interior of an apartment or house if the room has a non-standard appearance? Let's look at common cases.

  • Modern interior of a hall in a one-room dwelling or in a “Khrushchev” with one room

“Khrushchevka” is a dwelling with a small area. In a Khrushchev-era building, the room occupies an area of ​​only 18 square meters. m. This footage needs to accommodate both a bedroom and a living room. To increase the space, the room is combined with a balcony or kitchen. Also, “Khrushchev” is a potential studio-type apartment. Then all the walls are dismantled, with the exception of the bathroom. As a result, the Khrushchev block becomes a single space, the interior of which needs to be zoned, including the design of the living room area.

Use multifunctional furniture. Indeed, in the “Khrushchev”, which has become a studio, the living room will also serve additional functions. For example, to be a sleep area. It is better to decorate a small room in some modern style. For example, it would be suitable laconic interior hall - Scandinavian or ecological style, hi-tech, minimalism.

  • Interior of a hall in a private house

If you have to create the interior of a living room in a house with your own hands, then the opposite problem arises. The design of the hall in the house is the need to fill a large space. As a result, with an unskilled approach, the room either remains empty or becomes a collection of impractical things. Therefore, when creating the design of a large hall in a house, you need to take into account the correct ratio of the space occupied by furniture and free space - 50:50.

Interior of the hall in the house and external design buildings should be in harmony. For example, in wooden or brick house no need to decorate the room plastic panels. When creating the design of a room in your home with your own hands, do not be afraid to experiment. A large room allows you to use furniture of non-standard shapes, arrange multi-level ceilings and use contrasting combinations in decoration. Thanks to such a wide range of possibilities, it is possible to create an inexpensive interior for a living room in a private home.

If you have an unlimited budget, try decorating the hall in a historical style - classical, antique, empire or modern. After all, these styles involve the use of natural finishes, furniture and textiles above the average price category.

  • Design of the hall - passage room

A room that connects other rooms and is a hall requires a special approach. A significant part of the space cannot be used. This is the space between two doors located next to each other, or the space along the shortest path of movement from one door to another if they are opposite each other.

It will not be possible to make the arrangement of objects in the interior symmetrical, which is typical of historical styles. Therefore, it is better to decorate the hall in some democratic modern style. It is recommended to place the furniture as close as possible to the walls, leaving the center of the passage room free. If one corner of the hall is not large enough to accommodate furniture, then decorate it with a decorative composition. For example, hang a picture on a small bedside table with a floor lamp or vase.

What kind of interior should be created in the hall? Choosing a style

It is desirable that the hall and the entire apartment have the same interior style. This way the living space will be perceived as holistic and harmonious. What interior styles are popular for decorating a hall?

Classical style will suit, if the hall has sufficient area. A classic interior involves minimal use of decor, the role of which is played by luxurious textiles and natural Decoration Materials. As part of the classical style, the walls are decorated with moldings, and the interior includes elements such as arches, columns, and statues. Such an interior assumes that the furniture can be leather or contain textile inserts - with floral or geometric patterns, stripes.

The classic hall will be appreciated by lovers of proven solutions who are not inclined to experiment. The classic style for the hall is a design that requires serious material investments. The classic interior of the hall looks strict but festive. A classic hall is not the most suitable place for friendly parties, but this design will be an excellent backdrop for quiet family evenings and shared meals.

Modern style(contemporary) - a suitable option if the hall is used as a multifunctional room. Such an interior is both simple and elegant, and its main advantage is considered to be openness to any innovation.

The modern hall can be easily adapted to the needs of all family members. The interior may include non-trivial combinations - for example, luxury furniture against the backdrop of a plasterboard niche with precise lighting. Often, the modern design of a hall is based on a single concept - for example, “retro cafe” or “old town”.

When creating an interior, it is important not to chase originality, an abundance of decor and remember the boundaries of good taste! This style is considered democratic because they use available materials– laminate, tiles, paint. If you choose this style, you can create a beautiful interior of the hall with minimal costs. Modern style, due to the absence of strict restrictions and high functionality of all interior elements, is considered universal.

  • Hall in high-tech style

A room whose design is in high-tech style will become optimal choice for lovers of high-tech solutions. This solution is also suitable if the apartment is filled with audio and video equipment. All new technology fits harmoniously into the high-tech interior, replete with glass and metal.

High-tech style does not imply the use of decor. The decoration of the hall becomes complex systems lighting that generates non-trivial combinations of light and shadow. The furniture used within the high-tech style is laconic, in subdued colors.

This style will be a reasonable solution even if the hall has a small area. The room looks more spacious due to the fact that the design involves an abundance of reflective surfaces. An interior in this style is most suitable for dynamic people who want their room to be practical and fashionable at the same time.

  • Hall interior in loft style

Loft interior is a suitable solution for larger than average living spaces. Otherwise, the room may evoke strong associations with basement and look ridiculous. Brick or cement walls, an unfinished ceiling with visible communications, a wooden floor – these are the characteristic attributes of a loft-style hall. It is impossible to imagine it without a leather sofa and various technical innovations.

A room whose interior design looks brutal and elegant is suitable for lovers of extravagance. In a room decorated in a loft style, antique items would also be appropriate. The room creates an original contrast between the rough textures of the walls, ceiling, floor and exquisite antique objects.

If a loft interior design for a living room in an apartment is not possible, then try furnishing the interior with its individual elements. Eg, Brick wall, painted in a light color, would be appropriate in a modern or Scandinavian style.

DIY living room interior in an apartment: choosing the predominant color

What kind of interior should be created in the hall in terms of choosing the predominant color?

To apartment or a private house were cozy for guests, you need to choose wisely color scheme for the hall.

  • Interior of the hall in light colors will visually enlarge a small room. A cold tone is suitable if the room is on the shaded side, and a warm tone is on the sunny side. The space is more effectively enhanced by a cool, light tone.

White interior is a design technique that has already become classic. But a bright white room can look uncomfortable. Therefore, it is better to choose a soft shade of this color - ivory, jasmine, vanilla, milky white, cream. This way the interior is conducive to communication, which is important for the living room. To revive regular design the hall is in light colors, use bright color accents. For example, contrasting pillows on the sofa or a catchy picture on the wall.

  • Brown hall interior. A combination of shades of beige and green will help make the room as comfortable as possible. To prevent a design in beige or chocolate colors from looking boring, use different textures - from silk to fur, and different shades - olive, chocolate, copper, ocher, golden.

Pink, blue, raspberry, and yellow look harmonious with this color. But consider the shade when choosing color combinations. Black and chocolate can be a luxurious combination for the hall, but only with the right choice of accents. For example, gold accessories are suitable.

  • Black and white design. Such a contrasting interior will look soft if there is much more of one color in this combination than the other. For example, the ratio could be 70:30 or 80:20. You can also soften the design of the hall if you choose not a snow-white color, but its soft tone.

Black and white design will be appropriate in any interior style - from classic to avant-garde. The contrasting interior of the hall can become the basis for the embodiment of bold design fantasies. You just need to choose the right decor and accessories.

  • Design in green color. The natural tone of green that predominates in the interior of the hall - and a private house or apartment will find its own oasis. This design will help make the interior calming and relaxing.

Dark shades of green will turn the hall into a respectable space, and pastel shades will turn it into a dynamic and fresh one. Just a few green accents will amazingly enliven any interior. A completely green room looks out of date, so use combinations of this color with brown, yellow, red, and white.

  • Purple or lilac interior. This design, despite its apparent strangeness, promotes complete relaxation. And Provence or shabby chic styles cannot be imagined without these colors. To create a comfortable environment, the room should combine purple or lilac with white, gray, cream, turquoise or green. Pastel, dusty shades of lilac or dark purple look better. Bright colors We recommend avoiding it, since creating them harmonious combinations with other colors it’s problematic.

Decoration in other colors rarely occurs. For example, the psychological impact of red conflicts with functional purpose hall

Ceiling finishing

We recommend choosing a suspended ceiling if the room is being renovated with your own hands. Installing PVC sheeting will cost less than leveling the ceiling and painting it. As a result, the interior will look neater. At low ceilings choose a canvas with a soft shine. This texture contributes to a visual increase in space, which compensates for the reduction in the height of 5-10 cm of ceilings after installing the PVC sheet.

Multi-level ceiling structures are appropriate if the hall does not suffer from a lack of space. Also, a small room will look more spacious if its design includes ceilings that are one or two shades lighter than the walls. A rectangular or square edging of a contrasting color along the perimeter of the ceiling will also help to increase the height.

If you have a private house with a large hall, then the design of the ceiling space can be bolder. For example, among the fashion trends that are photographed in fashion magazines is a dark ceiling.

A universal solution that will suit any interior is stretch ceilings with white matte fabric. But remember that, according to most experts, the design of the ceiling space in a residential area is not a suitable field for experimentation.

Floor finishing

Study photos of the works of reputable designers, and it will become clear to you that beautiful interior The living room does not imply the use of carpet. Although you can find samples with a beautiful design on sale, their performance characteristics remain consistently low. Carpet is difficult to clean and accumulates static electricity and can provoke an exacerbation of allergies. Therefore, if the interior of the hall is unthinkable for you without “soft” floors, pay attention to fashion models carpets For example, with abstract designs or imitating green grass. If this does not save you from associations with Soviet housing, then pay attention to artificial or natural skins.

A universal option is laminate. Don’t skimp on this finishing material, and in terms of aesthetics it will be able to compete with parquet. But, if the room is designed in a historical style, then the floor design is carried out only with natural wood. A compromise option for cases where the living room is a secondary item of renovation costs - cork covering. This finish will cost less than natural wood.

If you want a renovation that will last forever, choose ceramic floor tiles. Don't worry, the hall won't resemble a bathroom. Range ceramic tiles For a long time now it has not been limited to blue-green rectangles with a shiny surface. Tiles that resemble wood, stone, or with geometric or abstract patterns look decent.

Wall decoration

A living room, where the wall surface is the only uniform texture, be it wallpaper or paint, looks boring. But you shouldn’t cross the boundaries of what is reasonable. The smaller the room, the simpler the wall design should be.

Wallpaper - best option for walls in the living room. After all, they soften the interior, making it homely and comfortable.

A favorite technique of designers is to combine wallpaper with local painting. For example, wallpaper can be pasted on one wall, which becomes an accent wall, and all the rest are painted. Also, sections of wallpaper are enclosed in moldings, and it looks like paintings against the background plain walls. So the wallpaper will become not only a decoration, but also a wall decor. The combination of wallpaper with different patterns, for example, plain and striped, is another good combination.

Wallpaper is selected taking into account the size of the room and the lighting of the room. Canvases with large ornaments will fit into the spacious interior. A miniature room requires wallpaper to be plain or with a small print.

Wallpaper will help correct the imbalances in the room. If the room has low ceilings, then choose wallpaper with a vertical pattern. Canvases with a print stretched horizontally will help increase the length of a narrow wall. This is true in cases where the hall is shaped like a carriage.

An interesting solution is wallpaper that imitates natural textures: wood, brick, stone... But you shouldn’t skimp on them, otherwise the overall appearance will be ruined. A high-quality canvas is comparable to a photo in terms of realism.

The walls are also finished using wooden or MDF panels, textured plaster, decorative tiles, glass mosaics... The reception room can have beautiful view only due to non-standard wall decoration. Don't forget that this is the best place to place a lot of family photos and paintings.

Window space design

A hall without at least one window is rare. Therefore, competent filling of window space is an important part of creating an interior. And the interior of the hall with two windows requires increased attention to their arrangement. Otherwise, even a beautiful design will look unfinished.

To feel protected in the room, we recommend making sure you can close the window. Curtains or blinds – you choose based on the style of the room. A multi-layer curtain with tassels and folds is appropriate in historical interior styles - classic, baroque, rococo, etc. French (with drapery over the entire area of ​​the canvas) or Italian curtain(with a grab at the top). Other styles suggest that the curtain has a laconic shape.

Traditional textiles are not the only option that will fit into the interior of the hall. A room where the window is covered with an Austrian curtain with ruffles at the bottom or a cafe curtain located at the bottom will look original. window frame.

If textiles are perceived as an outdated idea, then pay attention to cassette, Roman or bamboo blinds. Small room- a suitable place to place such window decoration. Its compactness saves valuable space.

Fireplace is the heart of the home

Many owners of their own square meters dream of having a fireplace in their living room. This desire is understandable, because a beautiful fireplace is a symbol of home and comfort.

If the room is maintained in historical styles, then a massive fireplace is suitable, which becomes the dominant feature in the setting. All items and furniture are selected based on the type and location of the fireplace.

A modern fireplace without a portal becomes a spectacular detail of the decor. Decorative elements are placed on it - a lot of candles, family photos, vases, clocks...

Install in apartment building You won't get a real wood-burning fireplace. Don't despair: buy a beautiful electric or false fireplace. But if the area of ​​the room is less than 20 square meters, then you should not install a fireplace. It will either be covered by furniture, or you won’t be able to adequately arrange a relaxation area for being in front of it.

In an apartment or private house, the living room occupies a special place. This room is most often used for receiving guests. Also, this room can be multifunctional and combine several zones. The environment should be conducive to relaxation and be presentable. It is very important to carefully consider the design to make it comfortable and cozy.

To decorate a living room in an apartment, you can use the following interior styles:

Description of styles

Classic style– this is, first of all, comfortable furniture, light pastel colors and soft lines. Furniture should be made of natural materials with gilded elements and upholstered in expensive fabric. Massive crystal chandelier on the ceiling - will ideal option lighting will add solemnity to the atmosphere. Curtains on the windows should match the wallpaper. It is better to take expensive satin fabric for them. The walls are usually decorated with paintings and large mirrors; a carpet should be placed in the center of the room. For receiving guests you need to think about the table, it should be made only from natural materials.

If you are missing something in such a room, install a floor lamp or a beautiful lamp, hang a sconce on the wall. Natural flowers will be an additional decoration of the living room. Don't forget, everything must match the chosen style.

High-tech style Practical people use it to decorate the living room. There should be a minimum of furniture and maximum convenience and comfort. The color of the walls should visually expand the living room space; cold and light shades are suitable. Among the materials, preference is given to metal, glass, steel and aluminum. The presence of bright accessories will make the room more elegant and festive.

Modern– a style for brave people who are not afraid to experiment. This affects everything: the color of the walls, decorative items, furniture. Shapes and sizes can be completely unpredictable, lines can be strict, even, asymmetrical and round. Among the finishing materials, preference is given to glass, metal, plastic and plaster. The main emphasis is on the sofa- it should set the mood for the entire interior. The hall or living room should be equipped with the most modern technology.

very expensive and therefore rarely found in living room interiors. The colors used are gentle, pastel; materials – only luxurious and expensive. You can't save money here. The living room must have elements of English style. These include massive bookshelf and the same chair, which will have a high and wide back. The presence of a wooden fireplace is mandatory, then the room will be complete. Do not forget about the expensive fabrics with which the furniture should be upholstered. Lighting fixtures include a chandelier, sconce and floor lamp.

Loft style not picky. It combines modern interior design items with unfinished renovations: piping, brickwork, sloppy plaster. This style suitable for a studio apartment, where there are at least two windows. You can divide the room into zones with a glass partition, which is very relevant for a loft. The emphasis is on the sofa: chic, leather or covered with expensive fabric. In addition to it there will be armchairs, you can unusual shape. Jewelry can be antique, valuable things, such as:

  • box;
  • rocking chair;
  • metal candlesticks;
  • kerosene lamp;
  • samovar.

Decorating the living room with antiques, Don't forget about modern needs for any person is a large diagonal plasma screen and a modern sound system.

Gallery: hall interior design (25 photos)

Interior of the hall in the house

Everyone wants to create a modern hall design. The process covers the finishing of walls, ceilings, floors. For final decoration, you need to buy furniture, equipment and various little things that will be an addition.

The living room can be covered with wallpaper, the choice of which is huge today. Can be applied decorative plaster, which will be more versatile and safe. Liquid wallpaper is also suitable. For design in english style and not only can you build beautiful handmade wooden panels.

The ceiling in a rustic style, in country style, in theory, should be crossed wooden beams. There is no need to worry about their presence. IN country house the ceiling can be:

  • hanging;
  • tension;
  • painted;
  • pasted over;
  • multi-level plasterboard.

For finishing the floor of a room are used natural materials: stone, wood. But materials such as parquet, carpet, tiles, laminate, linoleum will be more common in our time. Which flooring material you prefer depends only on your preferences and chosen style.

During the daytime, windows can provide the living room with light, and the more there are, the more light and warmth. In a country house, the hall may have windows all the way to the floor. Using curtains can emphasize or complement the interior. Window design is individual for each interior. There may be: curtains, curtains, Roman blinds, blinds or something else. The living room should be cozy and chic.

After making repairs, you can purchase furniture. Its quantity directly depends on the size of the room. The interior design necessarily includes a sofa, a couple of armchairs and a pouf. Magazine or dinner table, or better yet, a transforming table, and chairs for it. There should be cabinets for storing things, sideboards for dishes, shelves. In such things functionality is valued, they should not take up much space. The walls will be decorated with paintings - a wonderful addition to any interior.

Hall - a room in which most of the family's home time will probably be spent. Pleasant evenings with your family, get-togethers with friends, relaxing after work with your favorite book or movie, and much more awaits the living room after renovation. But the renovation is just beginning and it’s time to decide what the design of the hall will be. As the central room of an apartment or house, a place that is always busy, crowded and full of movement, the hall requires a particularly careful approach in choosing wall decoration, appropriate interior fabrics, and furniture upholstery.

Photo 1 - Hall interior

The purpose of the hall dictates certain requirements for its interior.

  • Firstly, the living room should please the owners: the room is, first of all, a family room, designed to give warmth and comfort, not add tension, but, on the contrary, relieve fatigue. Thus, a relaxation area in the hall is very important.
  • Secondly, as the name “living room” itself says, the hall cannot avoid receiving guests. To invite family, loved ones and friends, it doesn’t hurt to create an appropriate environment conducive to communication and eating.

In addition to the above two purposes of the hall, it can also perform other functions. IN small house or an apartment with big amount residents, the living room can combine a living room and a bedroom, an office, a dining room, etc.

Photo 2 - Interior of the hall. Stylish and cozy

The design of the hall should be:

  • stylish (color scheme, combination of colors and textures of decoration and furniture);
  • functional (uncluttered space, versatility of the interior, the ability to transform its parts, etc.).

If it existed before certain style, which everyone tried to adhere to in the interior for some time, then modern design simultaneously offers so much fashion styles and directions that it’s easy to get confused when choosing your only one.

When considering options, you should focus primarily on your own taste.

But instead of looking for a ready-made ideal design, it’s better to experiment: synthesize several suitable options, creating your own unique interior.

Photo 3 - Interior of the hall. Unclutter the space

DIY hall interior

When creating an interior yourself, you need to decide on a color that will set the tone for the living room. This does not mean that the living room must be in one color, just one of the colors will be taken as a basis. Many palaces have rooms named after this principle. For example, the Blue Living Room in the Vorontsov Palace in Alupka: the walls and ceiling are painted blue (the main color), white stucco flower patterns curl across them, yellow-gold upholstery, white curtains to match the stucco molding, a fireplace of the same color, and appropriate decor. Light airy interior in a classic style, the heaviest and darkest elements of which are massive wooden doors, baseboards, windows. Great example color combination for a blue living room.

Photo 4 - A great example of a color combination for a blue living room

Photo 5 - A great example of a color combination for a blue living room. Lighting

Before creating the interior of the hall with your own hands, you can consider different current color combinations and pay attention to how the colors of the decoration and furniture are combined.

Hall in brown tones

This also includes the interior beige tones. Brown tones universal and most popular. These colors are the colors of nature, woody colors that fit harmoniously into any interior. Both light and dark brown furniture look good with almost any wall color and vice versa, beige walls are a good backdrop for almost any furniture.

But to make the living room look good, you need to combine different colors and shades. You don’t have to go very far in the color scheme, adding sand, cream, and golden colors. White or milky in combination with beige or chocolate will help expand the space and create contrast. For contrast, you can use more bright colors, for example lilac, raspberry, burgundy (depending on the tone of brown). Natural yellow or red colors are perfect for decoration.

Brown shades are widely used in different interior design styles. For example, a living room in light colors using beige can be created in Provence, country or modern style. A darker brown (wood) can be used as the main one in an English-style living room, etc. But it should be remembered that the smaller the living room, the lighter the main tone should be. In a spacious room, very dark walls are also not always justified: it is best to combine the same chocolate with lighter, pastel shades.

Photo 6 – Hall in brown tones

Photo 7 - Brown furniture looks good with almost any wall color

Photo 8 - Brown tones are universal and most popular

Photo 9 - Hall interior using brown shades

Photo 10 - Brown shades are widely used in different interior design styles

Photo 11 - The smaller the living room, the lighter the main tone should be

Photo 12 - Beige walls are a good backdrop for almost any furniture

Photo 13 - Walls the color of dark chocolate - an original and stylish solution

Hall in lilac color

Lilac, violet, lilac tones for living room decoration for a long time do not go out of fashion.

Lilac, violet, lilac tones soothe nervous system, have a positive effect on vision and on a person in general, and promote relaxation.

In the interior, white, cream, gray, silver, green, and turquoise are combined with lilac colors. A little blue or red decor wouldn't hurt. Living room in purple color may be warmer or colder: closer to blue or red. Best options– light, muted, soft tones of lilac-violet. For example, the color lavender, which is one of the “favorites” of the Provence style.

Photo 14 - Interior of the hall in lilac tones

Photo 15 - The interior of the hall is in lilac tones. Experimenting with lighting

Photo 16 - Lilac, violet, lilac tones calm the nervous system

Photo 17 - Lilac, violet, lilac tones for decorating living rooms have not gone out of fashion for a long time

Photo 18 - The best options are light, muted, soft tones of lilac-violet.

Photo 19 - The interior of the hall is in lilac tones. Classic style

Photo 20 - Lilac, violet, lilac tones have a positive effect on vision and on a person in general, promoting relaxation

Photo 21 - The interior of the hall is in lilac tones. Always stylish

Hall in green

A green living room can become a real oasis in your home or apartment. Green color– the color of nature, familiar to the human eye.

Light green relaxes and calms, rich green stimulates mental activity and helps to concentrate.

Green shades are especially suitable for a small living room - they will make it wider and fresher. Accents can also be green: for example, photo wallpaper, an interesting chair, pillows, carpet, vases, etc.

Photo 22 - Green interior of the hall. Green is the color of nature, familiar to the human eye.

Photo 23 - Green interior of the hall

Photo 24 - Green shades will make a small living room wider and fresher

Photo 25 - Wall decoration in green tones can be the basis for any interior style

Photo 26 - A green living room can become a real oasis in a house or apartment

Photo 27 - Green interior of the hall in a classic style

Photo 28 - Interior of the hall. Dark green walls - impressive

Photo 29 - The interior of the hall is green. We use photo wallpaper

Black and white hall

This color combination is very contrasting. There should be more of one of the colors, the second should complement.

White expands the space, black can make it darker. IN pure form these two colors will look very tough.

To soften the interior, you can add gray and silver. As decoration in black and white interior Bright spots of yellow, red, blue or green are also used. Abstractions and patterns will help make the interior complete and fill the space. Considering the versatility of black and white, such an interior can be adjusted to different styles by skillfully using decor.

Photo 36 - Black and white interior hall

Photo 37 - And again black and white is almost a classic

Window design in the hall

The design of the window in the hall is of great importance:

  • color and material of the window frame (plastic or wood, light or dark);
  • textiles (various tulles, curtains, lambrequins, Roman blinds, etc.) or blinds.

The design of the window is primarily influenced by the design of the walls in the room.

Inexpensive decor - made by yourself. It is better to entrust the installation of a new window to specialists, but it is quite possible to create interesting curtains yourself. Gather interesting idea and you can learn how to make high-quality “clothing” for a window at various master classes and on websites dedicated to design and handicrafts.

Photo 38 - The design of the window in the hall is of great importance

Beautiful and functional design of a room is not an easy task, because, as a rule, you want to combine both fashion design, and inexpensive interior. Decorating a living room will require careful preparation, but the results are worth it. As a result, it will be pleasant to look at your own beautiful living room design and welcome guests in it.

In every home, the living room is a place where the whole family gathers in the evenings, receive guests, and relax after a hard day. Therefore, it is necessary to furnish the room in such a way that it is comfortable and cozy to be in it. Don’t forget about the functionality of this area, which needs to be reflected in the interior using practical furniture and finishing materials.

However, the color scheme of the furniture should be chosen in accordance with the chosen style, and we’ll talk about how to choose it correctly below.

How to choose a design: living rooms in different styles

When choosing a style, first of all, you need to focus on your personal preferences; if you like a classic interior, then feel free to choose timeless classics for your hall.

If you want to try something new, then you can turn your attention to modern trends:

  • Fusion;
  • Modern;
  • Minimalism;
  • High tech.

Particularly good for small hall The minimalist style is suitable, it is built on simplicity and freedom, and light walls and furniture will help visually expand the space. If you like the feeling of freedom in a room and also don't like a lot of... decorative elements in the interior - feel free to choose a minimalist style for your living room. They try to hide as many things as possible in the wall or cabinets in order to leave the overall interior empty and spacious.

Only best tips for those who believe that the interior of the hall should be exclusive and sophisticated:

If you want to add brightness, then choose the fusion style. By choosing this design direction, you can use bright wallpaper, combining them with furniture in calm tones; various vases, lamps and paintings with unusual designs and patterns are also added to the room in this style. However, you should not overdo it and go overboard with the decor in a small living room, so as not to visually make it even smaller.

Art Nouveau style includes features of both minimalism and fusion style. Allowed bright accents in the form of vases and paintings, you also need to pay enough attention to lighting: there should be a lot of it, creative and unusual chandeliers, lamps, lamps built into the walls and ceiling are used. You can choose either calm tones or abstract patterns.

Furniture should be as practical and comfortable as possible; instead of armchairs, bright ottomans are often installed, into which you can put something to save space in a small room.

Design of a small hall: proper renovation

After choosing a style, you need to draw up a design project for the room. On the diagram you need to arrange all the desired furniture and decor. It is best to choose furniture before drawing up a diagram; at least you should decide on the dimensions so that there is enough space in the room for all the interior elements.

This also needs to be taken into account when drawing up a room plan, so that the sofa or table does not rest against the wall and does not interfere with free movement around the room. A beautiful small hall is easy to create if you pay attention to details, carefully create a room plan, choose finishing materials and furniture, like an experienced DJ chooses tracks. Below we will talk in more detail about the choice of colors and furnishings.

Color palette: how to choose a color scheme

Ideas for color schemes vary depending on the chosen style. However, very often in Lately choose light wallpapers and floors, but choose furniture and curtains in bright colors. You can do the opposite, but for the design of a small room it is better to go with the first option. In the classic style, calm colors are predominantly present: beige, brown, white. It’s good if the furniture matches the wallpaper, for example, an upholstered sofa beige colour You can put pillows with black patterns; you can also choose wallpaper with black patterns.

The Art Nouveau style has rocked many, it also allows for furniture in calm colors, and gray is also used for upholstery and wallpaper. Finishing materials can be with sparkles and abstract patterns. The patterns can be bright on light wallpaper, which is ideal for a mini-room in a small apartment. In a spacious room you can glue wallpaper in dark shades, both with and without patterns.

Bright inserts on the wallpaper can be complemented by placing vases, figurines in the living room, hanging paintings or arranging flower pots suitable colors.

For minimalism, it is better to choose light wallpaper and curtains; the furniture can be bright, dark, light, in general, anything, the main thing is that it does not take up much space and is functional. If you add pillows and pictures, then in small quantity, a couple of pieces will be enough. Fusion style is brightness and richness; here you can safely choose orange or red wallpaper, furniture can be white or match the decoration. However, do not overcrowd the room, so as not to make it even smaller.

Proper furniture: how to furnish a small room

As mentioned earlier, a small room must be furnished in such a way that it does not look like one. The main task of the designer in this situation is to visually increase the space through light wallpaper, ceilings and floors. A large number of Light is also an important point, which will make the room lighter and more spacious visually.

You should not clutter the room with large cabinets and sofas; it is better to purchase a small wall or corner shelving. Increasingly popular in modern apartments Corner small showcases are winning, which do not take up much space, but are quite spacious.

In general, in a small hall setting you need to know a few things:

  1. It is best to decorate a small room in light colors;
  2. You can create a cozy room if you add small decorative elements: photos, paintings, vases, figurines, books;
  3. Furniture should be chosen that is compact and functional so that it can be expanded if necessary;
  4. The design of the living room must be carefully planned; finishing materials must be combined with the furniture.
  5. The ceiling should be smooth and slightly darker than the wallpaper, this will visually make the room taller.
  6. Books can be placed on shelves or on a small rack so as not to overload the interior.

Material on how to visually increase the height of the ceiling will also be useful:

Interior design of a small room in an apartment (video)

In conclusion, we can say that small living rooms can also be furnished tastefully, while focusing on visually enlarging the room. Of course, furniture and finishing materials should complement each other, do not forget about sufficient lighting and add some decorative elements, and then even the smallest room will become a wonderful relaxing place for the whole family.

Interior of a small hall in an apartment (photo examples)

In this article I want to consider the interior design of a hall of 16-18 square meters. m. Eighteen square meters for a living room, this is not a small area. But such a space can be visually reduced if you use the wrong colors and furniture.

Let's consider 4 options for decorating a hall of 16-18 square meters. m, which were provided to us by Nina Romanyuk.The design is suitable for both Khrushchev and panel or brick houses.

All 4 hall designs have 18 sq. m. only a recreation area is expected.

The first version of the hall design

Hall design 18 sq. m, combined with a balcony, made in light colors. The light beige color was not chosen by chance; it visually expands the space and makes the room larger. The floor is covered with light laminate. Read.

Initially, the area of ​​the hall was 18 meters, but by combining it with a balcony it was possible to increase the space by another 4 square meters. In this area, the designers decided to make a small work area. The color of the floor here is different from the main color in the hall.

This design of the hall is 18 sq. m. assumed the placement of a decorative fireplace. The perfect place for this is between interior doors. A large LED TV with high image fidelity was placed above the fireplace.

So that the owners could relax, a comfortable corner sofa sand color.

Chocolate interior design of a hall 16-18 sq. m

The next design features bright chocolate-colored inserts. The main rule in the design of a hall is 16-18 square meters. m, that's a lot of light. In addition to the main light source, additional lighting must be used, as in our case.

Don’t forget about having a rug near the sofa. The carpet should contrast with the color of the floor. In our case, the floor is dark and the rug is white.

Cream-colored curtains perfectly complement the design of a 16-18 sq.m. room. m. They make the overall picture complete.

Square room with photo wallpaper

The design of the hall is slightly different from the previous ones. The designers used beautiful photo wallpapers to decorate the walls.

Light glossy suspended ceiling visually makes the room larger. And additionally, spot lighting only emphasizes this.

Decoration of a room with a niche for a TV.

Interior design of the hall 18 sq. m involved the construction of a small niche made of plasterboard with spotlights 15-20 centimeters wide.

TV in a plasterboard niche. Photo 10 Beautiful carpet in the living room. Photo 11 White pillows on a brown sofa. Photo 12

The wallpaper in the hall is a combination of three colors.

A large white corner sofa is an irreplaceable thing in our case.

So we looked at four hall designs of 16-18 square meters. m. Use our ideas to decorate your home or apartment.

Fifth version of the European hall

Sixth hall. Lilac fairy tale