Is it possible to install a mirror opposite the front door: recommendations from Feng Shui masters. Folk signs: is it possible to hang a mirror opposite the front door? If the mirror is opposite the front door

When we create the environment in our home, we rarely think about various signs, the teachings of Feng Shui and the like. However, when arranging a house or apartment, it is necessary to take into account all the nuances. For example, mirrors are often hung this way in the hallway; in principle, this is convenient. After getting dressed, you can quickly check your appearance, or the layout implies such an arrangement of the item. Russian folk signs and the teachings of Feng Shui strongly do not recommend hanging a mirror opposite front door. It is believed that this arrangement has Negative influence on the energy of the entire house and all residents. Let's find out why.

Doors, thresholds, mirrors - features

Mirrors have been considered a magical and mystical object since ancient times and are used in rituals and ceremonies. There are many reasons for this, here are some of them:

    The reflective nature of mirrors allows the image to bifurcate, creating two parallel existing realities. Previously, water was a natural reflective surface, then mirrors appeared that absorbed the power of this element. Mirrors accumulate any energy surrounding them.

Associated with mirrors a large number of will accept. For example, it is believed that the mirror represents the boundary between worlds, therefore, in a house where a person has died and is still there, all the mirrors are covered. Otherwise, the soul may not find the way to the twilight world, and will remain in our world.

Another sign, which, by the way, is observed by many today, is The baby should not see himself in the mirror. This ban is lifted after baptism or a certain age. As mentioned above, mirrors are used in many magical rites and rituals.

Doors and thresholds are also not simple planning and interior items, with no less signs and superstitions associated with them. For example, it is not customary to pass anything across the threshold, say hello and say goodbye. If a person wants to protect his home with a talisman, he hangs it over the threshold. There are talismans that are placed not only above the threshold of the house, but also between rooms in the house. Protective rituals and ceremonies are also carried out on the threshold. The threshold of a house is the protective boundary of the house, protecting all household members and preventing ill-wishers from getting inside or causing harm from afar.

A mirror not only reflects a person, it stores and accumulates the energy of everyone who looks into it, of the entire house as a whole.

That is why the location of the mirror in the house is an important aspect that requires attention.

However, skeptics do not believe superstitions; designers use mirrors for various purposes, for example, to make the room brighter, by reflecting light, to expand the space.

Reasons for the ban

Let's say right away that there are many of them, they all find their origins in different cultures. It is believed that the mirror especially absorbs the energy emanating from the entrance to the home. According to Chinese teaching Feng Shui, when you open the front door, what is behind it is reflected in the mirror. The view is not always aesthetic, and this negatively affects the energy of the entire house. Superstitions are similar, and for good reason.

Psychologists, who tend to be skeptics, also do not support the idea of ​​such placement of the subject. The explanation is quite simple - we often see ourselves tired, for example, after returning from work. It turns out that when we come home, the first thing we see is a tired, tortured self. It spoils your mood, degrades your energy, and the mirror absorbs it all.

Everything is simple and logical.

Feng Shui also does not recommend placing mirrors to reflect the bed in the bedroom, opposite the shower stall in the bathroom. During sleep and taking water procedures, a person will lose energy protection. It is not recommended to hang mirrors opposite long corridors. The energy circulating in the house will never reach the living rooms.

If the front door is iron, Feng Shui strongly advises against hanging a mirror opposite. The door is made of unnatural material, unnecessary stagnant energy will accumulate on it, and the mirror will absorb everything and store it.

Russian folk signs

Here the question is complex, signs and superstitions are sometimes ambiguous. Let's take a closer look.

If we consider the good and good omens regarding mirrors and the front door, you need to know the following:

    A mirror can reflect negative influences, such as damage or the evil eye. If an ill-wisher entering the house immediately sees himself, his bad message will be neutralized or returned to him. Previously, mirrors could be afforded by wealthy, wealthy, noble people. A mirror was hung to attract wealth into the house. If you forgot something when leaving home and returned, immediately look at your reflection to neutralize the bad omen. Of course, this is convenient to do if the mirror hangs immediately opposite the entrance.

Negative signs associated with the location of mirrors:

    A mirror opposite the door will make household members quarrel often and without any particular reason. In this arrangement, the mirror will take away the vitality of those who look into it. Ill-wishers and unwanted guests will visit the house more often. Troubles and misfortunes will happen more often than usual. The house or apartment was not consecrated, and the front door is reflected in the mirror; household members risk seeing the deceased who once lived in this house.

As you can see, there are more signs associated with the negative impact of this arrangement of the mirror. In addition, these are not all the most famous items. However, it is worth listening to them.

Where is the best place to hang a mirror?

We are talking specifically about the hallway or corridor at the entrance to the house. The ideal place is on the side of the entrance. This way we will allow good energy to enter the house and negative energy to leave. The mirror will reflect insignificant things that, from an esoteric point of view, do not carry any importance.

Rules for storing mirrors in the house

There are points that require attention in order to protect yourself from negative impacts. You should not accept mirrors as gifts, especially from neighbors. If a mirror breaks, you need to immediately remove the pieces from the house. At the same time, when collecting them, you should not touch them with your bare hands. It is better to throw it into water or bury it in the ground.

You should not cry in front of the mirror, make grimaces, or look in a bad mood.

The mirror accumulates negativity and remembers everything that happened before it. Don't let anyone look into your personal mirror, especially those who don't live in the same house as you. You can be jinxed, even unintentionally. You should not let other people’s energy into your personal mirror, it can harm you. Also place a small personal mirror with the reflective surface down.

Even if you are not a particularly superstitious person, believe the ancient Chinese teachings of Feng Shui. Protect the energy at home, believe me, a lot in our lives and well-being depends on it.

Of course, a mirror in the hallway is simply necessary. It will help you evaluate your appearance when leaving home, and also, according to popular wisdom, it will protect you from negativity if you forget something and are forced to return. In this case, look in the mirror and smile (in some versions of the sign you need to stick your tongue out at yourself) and trouble will pass you by.
The main difficulty in this case lies not in choosing a quality product, but in whether it is, in principle, possible to hang a mirror in the hallway.

The nature of Chi energy is designed to be attracted to and follow water. Based on this, you should not leave open door bathroom, since all the energy and luck literally go down the drain. The best way out of this situation is to install a mirror on both sides of the door.

Mirror on both sides of bathroom door

A mirror inside the bathroom does not allow negative energy to leave the room, and an object outside reflects the energy back to the street. Feng Shui experts advise hanging a small mirror on the door inside the bathroom. The object should be at the level of the navel of the owner of the house, then good luck will follow all household members. Such a remedy can only be used if the owner believes in the magical power of the item, otherwise this method will not bring any effect.

Mirror tiles should not be present in the house. According to Feng Shui, she figuratively cuts into pieces all the objects and people in the house. And this negatively affects family comfort and its environment.

Mirror tiles harm the comfort of your home

Placing a mirror on a door: advantages and installation

Installing a mirror on the front door helps solve several problems at once: space is saved, the location makes it possible to take a look at yourself before leaving the house, doubts associated with beliefs and prejudices disappear.

The most reliable option is to purchase an entrance door with a mirror built into the door leaf. In this case, it is securely fastened and is level or slightly below the level external cladding, which prevents damage to it when the door is suddenly closed or the door hits the wall.

It is also possible to install a mirror on the front door on our own. The optimal material for making such a mirror is flexible organic glass based on acrylic. The advantages of this material include:

  • Durability - such mirrors do not break, do not crack and are absolutely safe.
  • Possibility of giving any shape.
  • Simple installation - just remove the layer of protective film from the back side and stick it on a flat surface of the door leaf.
  • Easy maintenance and cleaning.
  • Restoring a glossy surface using polishing agents.

Mirror on the front door

To properly hang a glass mirror, follow a number of simple steps:

  1. Measured door leaf and the product of the required size is ordered (when ordering, you need to take into account the space required to install the handle, eyelet, hinges and other fittings).
  2. Fastening materials are purchased ( best option– liquid nails, it is possible to use metal or plastic fasteners).
  3. The surface of the door is cleaned and degreased, and glue is evenly applied to the surfaces to be glued according to the instructions.
  4. Surfaces stick together, residues liquid nails removed after drying.

Decorative item or magical attribute

At all times, a mirror was considered a special magical object. Almost no fortune telling or ritual could be done without it. With its help, you can find out your destiny, predict the future; the mirror served as a talisman against evil forces and witchcraft rituals.

Today, a mirror is an indispensable element of the interior, without which it is simply impossible to imagine modern home. But we should not forget that this magic item can have a strong impact on your destiny. And its influence can be both positive and fatal if it suddenly turns out to be out of place. Therefore, before you start decorating the room, you need to find out in what places you can place mirrors according to Feng Shui.

Is it possible to hang a mirror opposite a mirror, mirrors and their secrets?

From time immemorial, mirrors have been considered one of the most important magical attributes. Sorcerers and witches always carried a small mirror with them, which they used not for narcissism, but for carrying out simple and complex rituals.

Mirror protection is one of the most powerful amulets against other people’s evil and negativity; it is used by famous esotericists.

And all because mirrors have a number of secret properties:

Mirrors reflect not only a person’s appearance, but also his energy;

Mirrors can serve as a passageway for astral projection;

Thanks to them you can create a mirror corridor.

These secret properties of mirrors are used by illusionists when they perform their acts. Due to the distortion of the reflection, it may even appear that the object has disappeared. You can also encounter the distortion effect in the so-called “rooms of laughter”, when due to the incorrect placement of mirrors opposite each other, the human appearance in them becomes unrecognizable. But is this beneficial for the person himself? And why are the secret properties of mirrors important?

Why is it important for mirrors to reflect human energy? It is important because a person can independently send himself a positive message thanks to the mirror. He can tune in to positive changes in life, give himself a smile

You can say a lot of nice things to yourself in the mirror and make a wish. Often such wishes come true and life gets better. And all because the positive charge sent with joy and a smile was reflected from the surface of the mirror and returned to the person.

But you can also send yourself a negative message. These are the so-called self-evil eye and self-damage. The self-evil eye can occur if you stare at your reflection for a long time, admiring yourself. Therefore, it is not recommended to look at yourself in the mirror often. You can just jinx yourself.

You can also spoil yourself - cause damage. If things aren’t going well in your life, something terrible or tragic has happened, you shouldn’t sit in front of the mirror and peer into it. Why? It's simple - because at such a moment negative energy will emanate from you. Energy of resentment. You will shed tears, and they will simply return to you, thus increasing your grief.

If you direct your negative energy with your gaze at the mirror in front of which you are sitting, it will return to you. It will be reflected from the mirror surface and hit you. It is worth carefully selecting the words that you say in front of the mirror - it is better to praise yourself and enjoy yourself. Then the energy of goodness and positivity will increase.

It is worth considering the second property of mirrors - the ability to become a passage for astral projections. There are many rituals that use a mirror to summon the spirits of dead people and other entities. They use special spells, but it is not uncommon for a person, looking in the mirror, to spontaneously see another creature in it.

And finally - a mirror corridor. What is it and how is it created? This is exactly the option when one mirror is hung opposite another mirror. At this moment, the effect of illusory deception is created and it seems that there are not two mirrors, but an infinite number. But such a corridor is quite dangerous for humans. With what?

The feng shui trend involves the use of several more points that relate to the placement of a mirror at the front door. You need to listen to them if you are worried that all the objects in the house are located correctly.

  • The most important point is that under no circumstances should you have products with cracks or scratches in your home. They will spoil the visual appearance of the interior, and will also attract various unhappy events into the life of their owner.
  • Sharp angles are also prohibited; the most suitable shape is oval. To further protect the edges of the item, it is recommended to enclose mirrors in beautiful frames.
  • If possible, try to place paintings, flower arrangements or other equally pleasant and attractive details in front of the mirrors - thanks to them you will eliminate negativity and attract positive energy into your home. It is also necessary to carefully monitor cleanliness.

  • Flowers placed near the mirror will also attract positive energy into your home.
  • Also, according to the teachings of Feng Shui, you yourself can charge a reflective object with positive emotions. To do this, you need to smile every time your gaze falls on your own reflection, you need to compliment yourself, and praise your person in every possible way. Under no circumstances should you allow yourself to scold in front of the mirror or experience various negative emotions. Otherwise, all the negative energy will accumulate in this object.

Don’t let bad omens scare you, because even if you place a mirror at the front door, by resorting to the simple rules of Feng Shui you can easily place it in the most optimal way so that your hallway becomes not just a stylish room, but also acts as a source of positivity for the entire home .

To complete the topic, watch an interesting thematic video:

How to correctly place mirrors in the house according to Feng Shui. Photo

Feng Shui does not recommend placing mirrors opposite windows or doors, as positive energy will not enter the house. You should not use a mirror object in the bedroom. If this cannot be avoided, then the item must be hung so that sleeping people are not displayed in it.

In the bedroom it is almost impossible to hang a mirror so that it does not reflect at least one side of the bed

To ensure well-being in the family, a mirror object should be hung in the hallway. The room should not be small - the bigger the better. If this is a problem, a mirror will help to enlarge the room and fill it with light. It should be hung on the left side of the door.

Large mirror on the left side of the door

In Feng Shui, you often hear about using a mirror in the living room. If there is a beautiful landscape outside the window, you can hang the mirror on the wall so that it reflects the view of the street at an angle.

Mirror in the living room with a view of the landscape outside the window

Against kitchen stove It is not recommended to hang a mirror, as the hostess will feel tired. The item has a positive effect on all family members if the reflection contains a table at which the whole family is dining. Then there will be prosperity in the house.

Mirror close up dining table

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What does Feng Shui say?

Popular Eastern teaching assesses the situation less categorically.

For the hallway, the situation is rather favorable: two mirrors hung opposite each other at the entrance can attract good luck for the home. And if they are edged with red frames, then cash flow is guaranteed. A mirror near the door on the side (not opposite) “pulls out” all negativity or evil intentions from those entering.

However, in relation to the bedroom, there is agreement with the general magical line: mirrors should not be hung here. It is believed that through them forces from the world of the dead enter the sleeper, making the person possessed.

Mirror in the hallway

In addition, during sleep, negative energy accumulated during the day is released from the body. But endlessly reflecting from the surface of two mirrors, becoming entangled, it returns to the sleeper. The result is an absolute loss of vital energy, loss of guidance in life, suffering, problems.

You cannot place a mirror so that the marital bed falls into it. Feng Shui calls this a “double bed”, regarding it as a direct provocation of betrayal.

Aged mirror in the interior


Questions related to the energy of space are not always found practical use. And people don’t often think about them seriously

However, if you enter a black period, it is recommended to pay attention to the location of mirrors in the apartment. Maybe it's all about them? When doing repairs or updating premises, you should also not neglect such a unanimous opinion of specialists in various fields

And if you don’t want to listen to them at all, then conduct your own experiment. But keep an eye on its results so as not to part with our beautiful world before the allotted time. Errors were invented for this reason, so that we could correct them with pleasure and relief! Good luck.

IN modern life Often Lately you hear the expression “located according to feng shui.” However, not everyone can explain what this phrase really means. Feng Shui is the ability to arrange objects in space in such a way as to correctly distribute vital energy, thereby improving your well-being. Few people know that you can’t keep a mirror opposite the front door, or you need to place the bed exclusively with the headboard facing the exit.

The art of rewarding yourself with positive energy

It would seem such a small thing - a mirror opposite the front door. Many people think that this is very convenient; you can always look at yourself before going for a walk. However, if you follow the teachings of Feng Shui, then such an arrangement takes away vital energy. The person will feel headache or bring misfortune upon yourself during the day.

If you know little about Feng Shui, then you can ask a professional for help in this matter. He will help you arrange your home in such a way that it is filled only with positive energy and strength.

A mirror in the house is an important detail

Each element in the house plays its role and influences the distribution of positive energy. Especially when it comes to a mirror. There are a huge number of prejudices and signs associated with it. Since ancient times, it was considered a magical and even mystical object. Many legends prove that a mirror opposite the front door is not the best option.

Helpful Tips:

  • When choosing a mirror, pay special attention to the one with non-sharp corners and medium size. It is not recommended to keep this attribute in the form of a rectangle in the house.
  • The mirror is powerful for this very reason, be careful when you look into it. Try to make it reflect as many smiles and joy as possible, then the atmosphere in the house will be appropriate.
  • Forget about the mirror opposite the front door. Hang it on the side, for example. The effect of expanding the space will remain the same, but you will not let out all the good things that you have in your home.

The right mirror in the house

Every element in the house, every separate part the interior must be chosen correctly. Before moving on to the main question of whether it is possible to hang a mirror opposite the front door, it is worth understanding what it should be like.


  • Large size so that the person's figure is reflected in full height.
  • Without sharp corners (preference is given to oval). Soft outlines add calmness to the atmosphere.
  • There should not be even the slightest crack or scratch on the surface; they attract negativity more. In addition, it can be a reminder of unpleasant situations from the past, which is also very bad.

Do they hang a mirror opposite the front door?

Most people don't know about Feng Shui, much less how to navigate it. Superstitions are indifferent to them, which is why today you can very often find mirrors that the owners have placed directly opposite their front door.

Why is this done:

  • To create the illusion of more space, because reflective surfaces visually expand the area of ​​the room.
  • The room becomes lighter because mirrors reflect not only artificial light, but also natural light.
  • So that you can take a look at yourself before leaving the house.

So why can’t there be a mirror opposite the entrance if some people do it and don’t think about superstitions? The answer is simple. This attribute attracts external energy, and not always positive. And if you place it at the exit, you will let all the negativity from the street into the house. Will also act reverse effect- release of energy from the house. Happiness, smiles and many other good things that you have can go away.

Consequences of incorrect mirror placement

Careless handling of reflective surfaces can lead to the following consequences:

  • In such a house, money will not stay for long. The owners' earnings may be high, but all the funds will simply be wasted, and it is not clear on what. Even if the owners notice this trend, they will not always be able to understand the reason for what is happening.
  • Is it possible to hang a mirror opposite the front door? Definitely not. If you do this, then the person will constantly feel tired, streams of positive energy do not penetrate into the house, so there will be nowhere to get a good mood from.
  • By placing a reflective surface directly opposite the exit, you risk that the entire home comfort, luck and health will simply go outside. But such things cannot be given away; they must be kept in your living space.

Correct location

You can hang a mirror opposite the front door or not, it’s up to you to decide, no one forces you to believe in magical properties of this attribute. However, there are some tips for more correct location in the house of mirrors.

  • If you want the space in the house to become a little larger and the room to be filled with light, you can use a trick. Hang a mirror directly on the door - this is not prohibited by the teachings of Feng Shui. This way, you can look at yourself before going out, and you won’t lose positive energy.
  • If you choose a mirror for the hallway, then the best option will enclose it in a beautiful frame. This option will only increase happiness in your home.
  • Make sure that the reflective surface is always clean. You can’t keep dirt in your home; constantly wipe the dust, a large amount of it is a harbinger of misfortune.
  • Feng Shui talks not only about whether it is possible to place a mirror in front of the front door. The teaching also says that you should not look at a reflective surface during the period when you are in. The fact is that glasses strongly absorb and remember energy, so you cannot saturate them with negativity.
  • Before you leave the house, be sure to smile at your reflection and capture your excellent mood. Upon returning home, a stream of positive energy will greet you.

Let's sum it up

You don’t have to be a fan of Feng Shui to know whether you can hang a mirror opposite your front door. Just read a few useful tips, which will help you correctly arrange objects in the house. In fact, your environment really does have a big impact on your mood. How you arrange your living space will determine your overall well-being.

If you can’t do everything yourself, you can always turn to designers - they will not only correctly arrange every item in the house, but also fill the room with light and joy. Beautiful, regular mirrors will be excellent design assistants.

People approach the issues of organizing the interior of their home from different angles. Some people love Feng Shui, others use the services of designers, and others are interested in the opinions of psychics. To the question of whether it is possible to hang a mirror opposite a mirror, diametrically opposite answers are given. Science does not see anything bad in this, which cannot be said about mystics. It turns out that the mirror corridor poses certain threats to those who regularly “look” into it. Do you know about this? Let's figure it out.

Is it possible to hang mirrors opposite each other?

Perhaps we should start by revealing the mystical properties of reflective surfaces. This doesn't just apply to mirrors. For example, it also affects living organisms. But its power, unlike the mirror one, is positive. Calm water directs and strengthens the energy flows of the Universe. And they, as you know, have a life-giving effect on the entire planet. Being near a lake or even a clean puddle, a person feeds his aura. Another thing is artificial reflective surfaces. They create a dead world. Or, as the mystics say, a gateway to other dimensions. Think for yourself from this point of view whether it is possible to hang a mirror opposite the mirror. Each of them is an open portal to a world whose properties and laws differ from ours. Not necessarily for the worse. And it is impossible to evaluate them according to the rules of human logic. This is something different, not from here. Therefore, it is risky and dangerous. Although designers welcome this decision. They say that mutual reflection visually enlarges the space. But are the externalities worth your health? What does the state of the body have to do with it? Let's figure it out.

Unconventional look

There are many theories and ancient legends about the structure of the world. Almost all of them boil down to the fact that the Earth is unique. It has something that is not found anywhere else. Namely, extraordinary energy that allows one to realize creative potential (not only of humans). Based on this, we will find out whether it is possible to hang a mirror opposite a mirror. By creating such a structure, a person receives a guaranteed portal. He may not feel it, may not suspect the existence of something unusual. But reality is objective. Through this portal - a gift for other beings - residents of parallel worlds will begin to steal energy. By the way, we have a lot of it. People simply don't understand their own incredible wealth. Maybe wisdom comes to those who lose it through misfortune and illness. And they always appear when the energy weakens. But there are plenty of hunters around for our good. They will use the portal to siphon power from an unwary lover of innovative design solutions.

How long have people known about the phenomenon of the mirror corridor?

Agree, the reasonable introduction of folk traditions into our lives is completely justified. This position is not only wise, but also completely rational. When figuring out whether it is possible to hang a mirror opposite a mirror, it is advisable to analyze what the ancestors thought about this matter. They, it should be said frankly, never acted like that. Of course, one can argue in terms of the fact that mirrors in ancient times were very expensive things. Not every family could afford to buy one, but about more and there is nothing to say. But that's not entirely the point. IN folk traditions there is an answer to the question why you can’t put mirrors opposite each other. He's into fortune telling. Remember how a curious girl was advised to look into fate? She should have created that same mirror corridor. Through him, supposedly, she will see the image of the darling. It follows from this that the ancestors were aware of the presence of portals. Therefore, it was not recommended to keep more than one mirror in a room.


It is generally accepted that not everyone knows that surfaces that reflect each other steal the fate of anyone who gets into them. If you often find yourself in such conditions, you will find yourself in a bad spot. It may turn out to be endless. Or rather, it will end along with life. Although such a result will be desirable for the victim. He will be brought to this state by constant losses, failures, and illnesses. They also say that you can’t hang them. Various signs are given. These include scandals that reign in the home of careless experimenters, and the danger of theft, robbery, and deception. A mirror reflecting the front door attracts trouble. It acts as a magnet for everything it fears. a common person. Only malicious or uninvited guests will knock on the house. And the owners will wander anywhere so as not to set foot on the threshold of their own nest. And it will gradually decline and begin to collapse both on the energetic and physical levels. Don't believe omens? Check it out for yourself.

According to feng shui

You and I are modern people, so we won’t rely only on “old wives’ tales.” Let's take an interest in what they say in the East about our problem, especially since the teachings of Feng Shui have not ignored this issue. Experts treat mirrors very carefully, certainly respecting their magical and energetic properties. They have a negative attitude towards any solutions that include mirror corridors. This design deprives residents and visitors of the house of strength. It literally drains their energy. And they say that this happens in a matter of hours. Some people feel this effect. Try sitting in a room with such a design yourself. How long will it take for your well-being and mood to be in a deep negative state? The science of Feng Shui also answers the question of whether it is possible to hang a mirror opposite the door. The verdict is again negative. This is categorically unacceptable. So space is deprived of a positive charge. No matter how much you work to replenish his energy, it will instantly evaporate through the gates you created with your own hands.

Who arranges mirrors like that?

Let's look at the problem from a different angle. Surely everyone has come across such a design while visiting, seen in museums, and so on. Who actually creates it? This is useful to know in order to protect yourself from an unexpected attack. The fact is that people who have fallen under the influence of base entities require constant nourishment. They intuitively choose those design solutions, which help solve subtle energy problems. Just as we all reach out for the most beautiful and delicious apple, if we don’t consider, of course, the fruits before it. People don’t even think about whether it’s possible to hang a mirror opposite the front door or any other door. They just do it that way. And they feel very comfortable. They feel good because there is no light energy in the house. It scares them and causes discomfort.

The opinion of sorcerers

There are people who understand more than others what mirrors are, how they work, and how they affect a living organism. Their opinion should be taken into account. Magicians also do not recommend creating unnecessary mirror structures. They claim that through reflective surfaces a person’s soul is drawn into other worlds. This is done by low-energy entities. The victim herself finds herself enslaved by them. The consequence may be the same troubles and misfortunes. But often it all starts with alcoholism. The magicians move on. They even recommend looking in a regular single mirror with caution. Never try to admire your own reflection if you are depressed, hysterical, or simply upset. Such an act changes fate for the worse. An enemy will definitely appear, cause damage, curse or put the evil eye on you. Do you need it?

How to hang a mirror correctly

The answer to our question seems to contain too much negativity. Wherever you point, everything will lead to trouble. On the other hand, knowing about the danger is almost a victory. Is not it? But what to do with mirrors? Keep it in the wardrobe so as not to bump into them again? Not at all. Mirrors decorate our lives, they are useful and irreplaceable. Avoid their presence in the bedroom. But in the kitchen or in common room This accessory is appropriate, especially in the hallway. Hang the mirror so that it does not reflect windows and doors, that is, from the side. And look at it in good health. It is very useful for the family when a person entering the house encounters his reflection. Everything bad comes out of it automatically. It is literally drawn into the mirror. But the accessory should be located on the side of the door. And he should also be given special magical care. Negative energy is washed off with brine (a strong salt solution). You need to apply it to the glass, leave it for a while, and then wash it off. This is done once every one to two months. It all depends on the number of visitors and the mood of the household.


Issues related to the energy of space do not always find practical application. And people don’t often think about them seriously. However, if you enter a black period, it is recommended to pay attention to the location of mirrors in the apartment. Maybe it's all about them? When doing repairs or updating premises, you should also not neglect such a unanimous opinion of specialists in various fields. And if you don’t want to listen to them at all, then conduct your own experiment. But keep an eye on its results so as not to part with our beautiful world before the allotted time. Errors were invented for this reason, so that we could correct them with pleasure and relief! Good luck.

The mirror has long been used not only for control appearance, but also as a design element. Mirror surfaces can visually enlarge inner space premises, making it more spacious and brighter. In every hallway at the front door of the house, this item must be located so that when you go out, you can examine yourself from head to toe. At the same time, the question of choosing a place for a mirror is based on many factors. These include both ease of installation and use, as well as some prejudices about the intricacies of placing a mirror in the home, especially opposite the door.

From time immemorial, people believed in a large number of different superstitions and endowed many things and household items with magical meaning. Mirrors were no exception, because with their help many rituals were carried out, fortune-telling for the betrothed, calling the spirits and souls of the deceased.

Nowadays atheism is in fashion; people prefer to have a condescending attitude towards such a concept as magic. But no matter what, something shrinks in everyone’s soul when a crack appears on the mirror or it breaks into fragments. A Why can’t you hang a mirror opposite the front door? You will learn about this as you read the article.

Practicality and convenience

If we put all prejudices aside, then, of course, you can hang a mirror opposite the front door. But first of all, you need to consider several safety rules:

  • the installation site must be protected from possible damage;
  • The fastening to the wall must be extremely reliable so that no one is injured by broken glass.

It should be borne in mind that if you hang a mirror opposite the front door, it is exposed to several types of threats:

  • long objects that are brought into the house are highly likely to break glass;
  • in a hurry, you can confuse a mirror with a passage and simply collide with it;
  • very easy to hurt this item a bag, an umbrella or anything else that is in your hands.

Design solutions

Do they hang a mirror opposite the front door? Yes. But is this placement correct? Mirrors allow you to visually significantly increase the internal volume of a room. For example, a mirror surface opposite a door that is in the center wide wall, visually significantly expands the area of ​​the corridor.

At the same time, if the front door is located at the end of a long corridor, then it is advisable to install the mirror at the second end, on the opposite wall.

True, the big disadvantage is that when the owner enters, he sees the entrance behind him. And they are not always attractive and well-groomed.


To avoid the hassle of choosing which wall or cabinet to hang the mirror on, simply install it on one of the doors.

Firstly, this way you can save some space.

Secondly, the opportunity to examine yourself from head to toe remains.

Thirdly, it helps to avoid all sorts of superstitions.

However, it is best to simply purchase a door with a built-in mirror. This ensures strong glass fastening and protection from damage.

The safest to use is considered to be a mirror based on plexiglass, which has a huge number of positive qualities compared to ordinary glass:

  • high level of strength, because mirrors simply do not break;
  • absolutely any form of reflective surface;
  • ease of installation, or rather, gluing to any suitable surface;
  • The erased glossy surface is very easily restored using any polish.

Signs and beliefs of peoples

Is it possible to hang a mirror opposite the front door? According to the ancient teachings of Feng Shui, which is based on harmony between man and nature, positive energy should dominate over negative energy. Thus, various household items can carry both positive energy, protecting the house, and negative energy, attracting troubles. The area near the entrance is the beginning of the family's living space. Therefore, it deserves the greatest attention and requires the correct arrangement of furniture and interior elements. According to the teaching, a mirror can influence the movement of energy flows in the space of a home. That is, the reflective surface will let positive currents of energy into the house and immediately push them back out. Accordingly, there can be no talk of any accumulation of it.

There is a sign: you cannot hang or place a mirror opposite the front door. Why?

  1. The energy of life will leave the home, quarrels will begin in the family, and warm feelings will leave and will not return.
  2. The owners of the house will soon begin to fade away physically and spiritually, and illnesses will appear.
  3. Guests in such a house will feel uncomfortable and try to leave as quickly as possible.
  4. Instead of good people, the home will attract bad people.
  5. Cash flow will be reflected from the doors of such a house.
  6. The mirror can absorb the negative energy of people who come with evil intentions.

The ancient Slavs even had a deity living in a mirror - Mirror. A kind spirit and guardian of the looking glass, loving good and kind people who smile when they look at their reflection.


There are a huge number of signs associated with the mirror as a whole and not related to its location:

  1. A broken mirror brings misfortune and illness to the house. To avoid this, you need to properly collect the fragments and throw them away. To do this, you need to take a piece of thick fabric and collect the fragments only with its help, without touching it with your bare hands. The bucket is taken as far outside as possible and thrown out only there, not in the garbage chute.
  2. A mirror hung opposite the marital bed will inevitably lead to betrayal by the husband or wife.
  3. Sleeping next to a mirror will be restless. A person will not be able to get enough sleep, and upon awakening he will feel a loss of strength.
  4. It is forbidden to give this item to close people. This will lead to quarrels between the donor and the recipient.
  5. If a person has passed away in a home, all mirrors must be covered with thick fabric so that the soul of the deceased can calmly leave our world. Looking in the same mirrors is also prohibited until the funeral.
  6. It is prohibited to look in the mirror for a long time. This can lead to health problems.
  7. You can’t look at two friends in the same mirror at the same time, so as not to share happiness and luck.
  8. Mirror surfaces should always be kept clean and free from fingerprints, smudges and splashes. This can lead to misunderstandings in the family and conflicts.

It is worth remembering that often omens only affect those people who sincerely believe in them. And if you handle the mirror correctly, you shouldn’t expect any offense from it.

Energy of the front door

Is it possible to place a mirror opposite the front door from the point of view not of design, but of the same signs? The answer to this question is ambiguous. It is worth discussing some more points. Feng Shui tells us that every detail of the interior plays its role in the formation of energy flows, and the generators of negativity in the house are the sharp corners of objects, lamps on high legs, and satellite television dishes. These are the so-called “obstacles” that can prevent positive flows that encounter obstacles.

Flows of positive energy are called Qi. They influence, for example, the success and well-being of family members.

Particular attention should be paid to the threshold of the house. Its optimal height is 2 centimeters, and the door should be solid, without glass inserts, and open into the room. Such a threshold protects the home from the penetration of negativity. Conversely, the absence of a threshold allows negativity into the house. This information is especially relevant for families living close to stairs and elevator shafts.

It is important to know that such a door is contrary to fire safety standards.

Slavic culture is similar in its views to the Eastern one, since mirror surfaces in houses were also forbidden to be hung at the entrance.

Choosing the right mirror

Before choosing a place to install a mirror, you should understand what characteristics it should have:

  1. No sharp corners. IN ideal- oval shape.
  2. The size of the mirror should be such that the person’s reflection fits completely into it.
  3. The mirror surface should not have chips, cracks, or scratches. Any damage attracts negative energy flows.

The dimensions of the mirror surface should be from 400 mm in width and 1200 mm in height. A mirror of this size allows you to see yourself in full height.

Positive areas for mirror installation

The most preferred place to install a mirror is the living room. You can place fresh flowers and positive photographs nearby. The main thing is that the positive is reflected in the mirror.

The area in front of the front door, but not opposite, but immediately next to the entrance, is also considered suitable. It is in this case that the mirror begins not to repel positive energy from the home, but, on the contrary, to accumulate it inside.

Inappropriate areas

Under no circumstances should you install mirrors in bedrooms opposite the bed, in restrooms and baths, or in the kitchen near the cooking area.

The bedroom is a place for rest and relaxation physical body person, and a mirror reflecting a sleeping person can absorb this energy.

The restroom is a reservoir of negative energy. It is believed that a mirror hung opposite the sewer will throw everything positive there.

It is believed that the person reflected in it who bathes is at risk of getting a serious illness. So it's not worth the risk.

And in the case of a kitchen, the housewife reflected in the mirror will get tired very quickly. At the same time, a mirror at the dining table, on the contrary, brings prosperity to the family. It is most preferable if a small mirror hangs above the entrance to the kitchen area.

Is it possible to install a mirror opposite the entrance?

To summarize, we can say the following: everything depends on the individual and his decision. You can believe in magic, superstition - then it’s enough just to listen to simple advice about correct selection places for a mirror and its maintenance in order. You can be prejudiced towards spiritual entities, then it is enough to choose a convenient place for this piece of furniture yourself or resort to the services of a designer.

And to make sure everything goes well, smile at your reflection before leaving the house - then a good mood will be ensured for the whole day!