Plastic wallpaper in the bedroom. How to choose wallpaper for the bedroom: a few simple tips. Dark furniture in the bedroom

Choice is always difficult. Choosing wallpaper is even more difficult due to the huge number of options and possibilities. To narrow down the choice, you need to start from the conditions that exist. So, if you choose wallpaper for the bedroom, you need to proceed from its purpose: the environment should promote relaxation and create a calm background. Having decided on the color, choose the type of wallpaper, then the texture, type of pattern. Well, then the search for what you need in the retail network begins...

Color selection

In order to have a good rest, you need to create an environment conducive to relaxation in the bedroom. Psychologists have long known about the impact of colors on the psyche, and they even compiled a table, based on which you can easily find the colors that are most suitable for the bedroom.

As you can see, the choice for the bedroom is not the widest. But that's not all. The same psychologists found that the same color on different surfaces is perceived differently by a person. For example, light green and blue on the walls create a feeling of coolness, but on the floor they create a feeling of uncertainty and unsteadiness. To choose everything correctly, consider the following table.

In this table, select from the column labeled “on the side.” If we talk about the bedroom, then the most matching colors two groups - beige + pink + light yellow and blue + light green + light gray. Only the second group is suitable for sunny rooms facing south and east, and the first for northern and western ones. Three colors left.

If wallpaper for a bedroom is selected during the renovation process, then you need to take into account the colors already present in the interior. If textiles, say, can be changed, then the flooring or furniture is not always so. Therefore, consider also the table that designers use when choosing colors for the interior. In it, matching colors are arranged vertically and horizontally.

When creating an interior, it is not necessary to use all of them - the most inappropriate ones, in your opinion, can be ignored altogether or added in small quantities. Using the same table you can find partner wallpapers if you want to follow fashion trends and decorate the bedroom combined wallpaper. They are often produced in collections that contain matching wallpapers. But such collections are usually expensive, so in order to save money you have to look for combinations yourself. Find the color of the main background, look vertically and horizontally which may suit you. This is a win-win option: such a couple will look good.

The most common technique when combining wallpaper is to find a pair: plain and with a pattern on the same background

What wallpaper is best for the bedroom?

In this section we will talk about the materials from which wallpaper is made. Technologies make it possible to use different materials, increasing the durability of the finish, the durability of paints and allowing the walls to be washed even with a brush, and more than once. It is unlikely that you will need to wash them in the bedroom, but the fact that the surfaces can be glossy, matte, even velvety is interesting. Using wallpaper of the same color, but with a different surface, you can achieve an interesting effect.

So, what kind of wallpapers are there:

  • Paper. The most eco-friendly wallpaper for the bedroom. They can be thin and smooth - single-layer, or they can be dense, with an embossed pattern. Single-layer ones are usually the cheapest, but gluing them is problematic: when wet, they stretch, tear, and even highlight all the irregularities on the wall. Multilayer - duplex, triplex - are more expensive, although they are also budget options. They are easier to work with and allow you to hide minor irregularities. The disadvantage of paper wallpaper is that it fades quickly and breaks easily. Another peculiarity of them is that they are rarely monochromatic: in this case they look too simple. Of the plain ones, there are mainly only white ones - they are glued to the ceiling.

    Paper wallpaper most often has some kind of pattern - different types and size

  • Vinyl wallpapers. A layer of polyvinyl chloride or other similar polymer is applied to a paper or non-woven base. There are different technologies for applying a vinyl layer that allow you to get different surfaces, but for bedroom decoration, silk-screen printing and heavy vinyl are usually interesting. Silk-screen printing looks very beautiful on flat walls: the muted shine is very similar to the shine of natural silk. The disadvantage of this type of wallpaper is that vinyl creates an airtight film, which is why the walls do not breathe. But which of our walls are breathing now? If only wooden and without insulation. The rest certainly do not breathe, and the normal atmosphere in the rooms is ensured by ventilation. So this is not an argument, however, decide for yourself.

  • Non-woven wallpaper. Non-woven fabric - non-woven material from a mixture of natural (cellulose) and chemical fibers (polyvinyl chloride). Used as a base on which a decorative coating is applied. So, there can be both vinyl and paper wallpapers on a non-woven basis. They are distinguished by more convenient gluing: dry on a surface lubricated with glue, and any surface, even not completely flat. Due to the elasticity and at the same time strength of the base, many surface imperfections are leveled out. They often have a larger roll width—one meter wide, which is also convenient—fewer joints, faster gluing. Their disadvantage is their high price: the production technology is more complex, and the materials themselves are more expensive.

  • Textile wallpaper. This type of finishing materials already belongs to the middle and high price category. A layer is applied to a base made of paper (cheaper options) or non-woven fabric (more expensive) natural material- jute fabric, linen, cotton, velor, felt and even silk. Basically, their cost is determined by the price of the top layer. The surface depends on the texture of the material; it may look like matting if it is jute wallpaper or coarse linen, or it may be fleecy, like velor or felt. Since they are made from fabric, there are rolls of large width, such that the entire wall is covered with a continuous sheet. They are also called seamless - the joints will only be in the corners. The disadvantage of these wallpapers is, firstly, the price, secondly, the surface is capable of accumulating dust, and thirdly, they do not withstand mechanical stress well (they are wiped off, torn). But all this is compensated by a very attractive appearance.

    Textile wallpaper - an elite finishing material

There is another type of wallpaper - photo wallpaper. These are photographs printed on a base in large format. Can be printed on any of the above types of wallpaper. There is a solid selection of ready-made images, and it is possible to order printing individually - in specialized workshops or advertising agencies.

Natural motifs in shades of green - according to the perception table, promote relaxation Morning in the forest - ideal for getting up for work Airy dandelion on a blue background - freshness is guaranteed Photo wallpaper - this is not necessarily a transfer of a photo, you can print a drawing or even a picture Japanese-style bedroom - naturally on the wall see bamboo Dawn on the wall - beautiful and inspiring

Just keep in mind that if photo wallpaper is pasted in the room, the remaining surfaces - walls, floor, ceiling - are made neutral and monochromatic. This wall will be the dominant one, everything else is just a background. If photo wallpaper is pasted on the wall above the bed, it makes sense to choose textiles in the same colors. You just need to hit the shades exactly. Then the whole room will look like a single whole.

Combined wallpaper for the bedroom

The latest trends in interior design allow you to use several colors, textures or patterns in one room. One of the simplest and yet most effective ways is. If you have no experience, the easiest way is to use one collection. But usually they are not in stock, you have to wait to order, which is not always possible. Then you will have to select companion wallpaper yourself from those that are available. To make them look harmonious, you need to know some rules:

  • Choose wallpaper of the same type and the same thickness, otherwise it will not be easy to match them.
  • Beginners should not use more than two in one room. different types wallpaper
  • Before purchasing a batch for the entire room, it is better to see samples on site. They won't always give you pieces of wallpaper, and they won't help. You can buy two rolls, if available, already unpacked, and, if possible, agree on a return or replacement. At home on the wall and see how good they look in your bedroom: the lighting plays very important role. What looks great in the store doesn't always look good on site.

There are two ways to choose a good match. The first is plain basic wallpaper and a pattern on exactly the same background. It can be floral or geometric - choose according to your taste. Such companion wallpapers always look great in a bedroom interior.

The second option is opposite colors. For example, on dark background a light drawing and its mirror color reflection - on a light one there are dark lines. But this is only for two-color combinations. This is also an option that always works.

This is the principle of selection, but you can also arrange the companion wallpaper in different ways.

Accent wall

This technique is used most often: there are practically no opportunities to “mess up”. Choose a wall that will attract the main attention. In the bedroom, this is usually the wall next to which the bed stands.

Beautiful and stylish bedroom, but too depressing... Warm Brown color in combination with emerald - balancing opposites For lovers- one wall is in favor And again a couple - brown with turquoise, but with a floral pattern Wallpaper under brick wall... Gray-greenish tones - calm and confidence The latest trends in design - priority on geometric patterns Almost classic ornament on the wallpaper - the rest of the surfaces are in beige color

Much less often the emphasis is placed on the wall opposite the bed. Then brighter or ornamented wallpaper for the bedroom is glued opposite. It’s just that not everyone likes to contemplate plain walls)))

A piece of the wall is highlighted in color - this is the dominant area

If there are any design flaws, this is how attention is diverted from them - they focus on the opposite wall, gluing wallpaper with a pattern on it, while the rest are covered with plain wallpaper.

Another way to shift the emphasis away from the bed is to make some area lighter. Here you won’t even notice that the wall is uneven, but with a protrusion...


It is more difficult to play with selecting a part of the wall: you can get a completely different effect than was intended. There are several proven ways to change the perception of a room.

If the room is low, but you want a larger bed. To avoid the feeling of a snuff box, they highlight the area behind the bed with a more saturated color, maybe a little wider, but they also glue the wallpaper with the same stripe to the ceiling. This method blurs the lines and makes the room seem taller. In the company of competent lighting, this effect is enhanced.

Vertical wide stripes on the sides of the bed give approximately the same effect, but in a smaller volume. The photo below shows textile wallpaper for the bedroom.

You can make the bottom of the wall striped, but you shouldn’t alternate them often - one or two on the surface. It is only important to choose the right place. For example, if the bedroom is long and narrow. Cover a short wall with more bright wallpaper and stepping back some distance from the corner, place another strip on a long surface. Visually, a short one will appear closer and wider.

Approximately the same result can be achieved if you cover only part of the wall with brighter wallpaper.

It is more difficult to beat the horizontal arrangement in the interior different wallpapers. A clear horizontal demarcation greatly lowers the ceiling. This type of decor is acceptable for steel buildings in which the flow is too high.

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Of all the rooms in the house, the bedroom occupies a special place, because it is here that we spend almost a third of our lives. Not only our mood, but also the quality of our rest depends on how well and competently the bedroom interior is designed, so when creating a design, you need to take care of all the little things. There is not much furniture in the bedroom, so wallpaper will play the most important role in its design.

Today, the market offers a huge variety of wallpapers that differ in color, texture, type of material, and other performance qualities. To answer the question, what wallpaper to choose for the bedroom, you need to know their features well, as well as imagine the main advantages and disadvantages of a particular type.

Which wallpaper to choose for the bedroom

Currently, you can purchase the following types of wallpaper: paper, vinyl, non-woven, textile, acrylic, silk-screen printing and glass wallpaper. There is also liquid wallpaper, which is essentially a type of textured paint, after application of which the surface acquires a characteristic relief.

The main criteria for choosing wallpaper for the bedroom:

  • color (discussed below);
  • environmental friendliness;
  • possibility of combination.

Before you go to the store and buy wallpaper, decide for yourself what style you want to embody in your bedroom and what type wallpaper will do best for you. Let's look at the main advantages and disadvantages of each type of wallpaper and how suitable they are for the bedroom.

Paper wallpaper

This is the most common and affordable type of wallpaper. They are inexpensive, easy to install and look very attractive. Paper wallpapers allow air to pass through well, providing a normal microclimate in the room, so they are excellent for the bedroom. In addition, they will improve the sound insulation of the room.

Paper wallpapers come in single-layer (simplex) and double-layer (duplex). Single-layer wallpapers are the cheapest, but due to their low density they last less. Duplex wallpaper consists of two layers of paper glued together, so they are stronger and more durable. Duplex may have relief surface obtained by pressing during the manufacturing process.

If you want to buy paper wallpaper for your bedroom, keep in mind that they are very easily soiled and have low strength. Any stains on such wallpaper can hardly be removed, and their service life does not exceed 4 years. As a rule, paper wallpaper has to be re-glued every 2-3 years, but the low cost fully compensates for the short service life.

Vinyl wallpaper for bedroom

Such wallpaper consists of a paper base on which a vinyl layer is applied, covered with embossing or a pattern. They are highly durable and easy to clean. The service life of high-quality vinyl wallpaper exceeds 10 years.

Due to the considerable thickness of the wallpaper, their installation requires some experience. After applying the glue, the paper gets wet and the vinyl base may stretch a little. During the drying process, the material shrinks again, so the seams between the strips diverge slightly.

Today at construction stores You can find a huge variety of different types of vinyl wallpaper, which differ not only in color, but also in texture. For example, there are samples with foamed polyvinyl coating, which perfectly hides all the flaws of the wall: small cracks, irregularities and bumps.
If you want to purchase vinyl wallpapers for the bedroom, then keep in mind that they do not allow air to pass through, as a result of which the room will need frequent ventilation.

Textile wallpaper

This is one of the most expensive and elite types of wallpaper for the bedroom. They consist of a paper layer to which a fabric made of natural or artificial threads is glued. Textile fabric is characterized by increased wear resistance, environmental friendliness, excellent thermal insulation and noise-absorbing properties. It can consist of viscose, cotton or linen.

Textile wallpaper has stunning aesthetic properties and can satisfy the tastes of the most sophisticated aesthetes. A wide variety of shades, rich textures and excellent reflective properties will create a truly exquisite interior and unmatched style.

The main disadvantages include the very high price and the need for constant care. Such wallpaper requires regular cleaning from dust, which should be carried out extremely carefully and carefully.

When using textile wallpaper in the bedroom, you will have to regularly clean it using special means. If this is not done, the dirt will be deeply embedded between the fibers, and the wallpaper will quickly lose its attractiveness. appearance.

Acrylic wallpaper

This is a cheaper analogue of vinyl wallpaper. On paper base a layer of foamed acrylic 1.5-2 mm thick is applied. An image is formed on the acrylic surface by foaming the material. Acrylic has excellent performance characteristics, it is easy to clean and absolutely harmless to health. Thanks to the porous structure, such wallpaper allows oxygen to pass through, providing a good microclimate in the bedroom.

A room with such wallpaper will maintain normal temperature and humidity. They have good vapor permeability, so excess moisture will not accumulate in the bedroom, causing disruption of the microclimate.

Non-woven wallpaper

Such wallpaper is quite thick, so it successfully hides all the unevenness of the wall. They consist of vinyl base and synthetic fabric - non-woven fabric.
Home distinctive feature non-woven fabric is the possibility of painting it. You can repaint the walls in the bedroom with latex, water-based or acrylic paint up to 10-12 times without any harm to the wallpaper. The cost of non-woven fabric is quite high, but it pays off due to its long service life.
Another important advantage is the large width of the roll, which can reach 1-1.5 meters. Thanks to this, pasting the walls is carried out much faster, while the seams between the strips are several times smaller.

Non-woven wallpaper contributes to a normal microclimate in the room, which is very important in the bedroom, since we spend a significant part of our time in this room. Such wallpaper is easy to clean and lasts a very long time without deteriorating its properties or appearance.

Silkscreen printing

This is a type of vinyl wallpaper that uses silk threads, which give the surface a characteristic shine. Screen printing has all the advantages of vinyl wallpaper, but it is very pleasant to the touch, does not fade or scratch. Such wallpaper can be either smooth or embossed.

The high strength of the wallpaper and excellent appearance are combined with low vapor permeability. There will be increased humidity in the bedroom, so you will have to ventilate the room more often.

Glass wallpaper

Fiberglass wallpaper is made from fiberglass and has excellent fire-fighting properties. They adhere well to any surface and are great for any room, including bedrooms.

Fiberglass fabric is not afraid of mechanical stress, is easy to clean and can serve for more than 30 years. Depending on the fiberglass structure, glass wallpaper can have a diamond or herringbone pattern. There are also original design solutions with complex geometric patterns.

Fiberglass wallpaper is of high quality and does not cause allergies. They consist of fibers that allow air to pass through perfectly, maintaining a normal microclimate. By gluing glass wallpaper, for example, Wellton Classika, in your bedroom, you will not only get a reliable and durable coating, but will also be able to create the most favorable conditions for a comfortable stay. (Read more about wallpaper for painting, its properties and the main manufacturers at

Liquid wallpaper

IN in this case the name “wallpaper” is quite arbitrary, since it only reflects the functional compatibility of this type of coating. Liquid wallpaper is a multicomponent composition that includes cellulose or cotton fibers, dye and glue. The dry mixture is diluted with water and applied to the wall, forming after drying a uniform porous coating of a certain color and texture.
Liquid wallpaper can be used for the bedroom if the wall surface is replete with various protrusions, sharp corners and other irregularities. This way, you will not only ensure uniform coverage, but also reduce labor costs when applying it.
Using liquid wallpaper any damage and contamination can be easily corrected by local application additional material without replacing the entire coating. In this regard, they are the most convenient and practical.

  • Since the bedroom is intended for relaxation, you should not experiment with contrasting color combinations and bright geometric patterns. Even if at first such a solution seems original to you, over time you will quickly get bored with it and want something calmer and more peaceful.
  • In order to “dilute” the interior, you can paste photo wallpaper with images of nature on one of the walls: a seascape, mountains or forest. Photo wallpaper is best placed in front of the bed. They will look best if there is a minimum of furniture in the bedroom.
  • When choosing wallpaper, visit several stores and familiarize yourself with the range of products on offer. Before making a purchase, consider the size, location of windows, condition of the walls, and other features of your bedroom. The right wallpaper will transform the room, making it more comfortable and attractive.

    Only at first glance it may seem that the choice finishing material for the bedroom - an extremely pleasant activity. The indoor microclimate is excellent - no high humidity and temperature changes, the surfaces of the tap are rarely exposed to contamination or mechanical stress, which means, from the point of view technological characteristics There will be practically no exceptions. But what to do with the variety of color and texture solutions? Which manufacturer to choose – domestic or foreign? Should I buy wide wallpapers or standard ones? And how to combine the palette with the colors of furniture, textile design and decorative elements? One thing is obvious - without a preliminary plan for choosing the quality, color and texture of wallpaper, you shouldn’t go to a store with an incredibly wide selection of options. We hope that the bedroom design projects we have selected, in the decoration of which a wide variety of wallpapers were used, will help you not only make such a plan, but also make the most effective and successful choice.

    Features of choosing wallpaper for the bedroom

    The main feature of selecting finishing for a sleeping area is practically complete absence restrictions. There are no factors harmful to the finishing in the bedroom; the walls themselves are rarely subject to load or any kind of mechanical impact, and the risk of contamination is minimized. And the attention of home guests to the private space is minimal, which means you can decorate the bedroom in accordance with your own vision of functionality, aesthetics, practicality and beauty. An important factor when choosing a finishing material from the point of view technical properties There will be a budget for repairs. After all, the range of prices for wallpaper, domestic and foreign manufacturers incredibly wide. And only the owners will be able to decide what they like - cheap but not durable paper wallpaper or practical vinyl, or maybe luxurious velor fabrics, which will cost half of the available funds for the repair or reconstruction of the bedroom interior.

    Paper wallpaper. The main advantages are low cost, environmental friendliness, ease of installation, ability to pass air and a wide range of colors and products with prints. Obvious disadvantages include fragility (even with very careful use - no more than 4-5 years), susceptibility to fading under the influence of sunlight and the inability to withstand wet cleaning and the use of cleaning products.

    Non-woven wallpaper or non-woven fabric. Non-woven fabric has a high density; it consists of cellulose fibers with the addition of polymer materials. Depending on the method of applying the pattern, there are two groups of non-woven wallpaper:

    wallpaper with direct application;

    polymer-coated canvases.

    When applied directly, the design is transferred directly to the fillet linen base. Such canvases are stronger than paper, but have a number of other disadvantages:

    • such material, like paper sheets, cannot be washed or cleaned using special means;
    • wallpaper fades in the sun.

    The advantages of non-woven wallpaper with direct printing include:

    • high strength;
    • ease of installation - wallpaper can be applied to a wall treated with glue without using it for the canvases themselves;
    • the ability to “breathe”;
    • environmental friendliness in relation to humans and the environment;
    • The density of the canvas allows you to hide minor imperfections in the processing of surfaces being finished.

    With polymer coating of non-woven wallpaper, the design is applied to the vinyl covering. This polymer coating can be smooth, foamed or embossed (a type of silk-screen printing). The surface of such paintings can imitate various options finishing - from brick or stone masonry to concrete and wooden surfaces.

    The advantages of non-woven wallpaper with vinyl coating include:

    • excellent strength (including tensile strength);
    • durability;
    • Possibility of wet cleaning;
    • resistance to burnout;
    • the ability to hide small cracks and gouges in the wall surface.

    Among small amount The following disadvantages can be identified:

    • inability to pass air;
    • Some polymer products can release toxic substances, so the choice of wallpaper must be made in accordance with GOST.

    Textile wallpaper. This finishing option is perfect for a bedroom. Wallpaper is made in the following way: fabric or threads are applied to a thick paper or non-woven base. The canvas can be:

    • cotton;
    • linen;
    • jute;
    • velor;
    • felt

    Of course, such material is significantly more expensive than paper products, but it also has distinctive advantages:

    • improved sound and heat insulation properties (which is important for a bedroom);
    • high level of environmental friendliness, ability to breathe (if the base is made of paper);
    • luxurious appearance, exclusive design.

    Unfortunately, this type of finish also has many disadvantages:

    • cleaning surfaces is problematic, wet cleaning is prohibited;
    • low resistance to mechanical damage (use in a house with small children and/or pets is undesirable);
    • installation of such canvases is more difficult than covering walls with paper or vinyl wallpaper;
    • high cost of paintings.

    Photo wallpaper. They are widely used in the creation of modern bedroom design projects. Great for decorating an accent wall. An image of a beautiful city landscape, plants or animals, nature or fictional scenes, macro photography or family photos enlarged to fill the entire wall - an interior with a similar accent will be unique and interesting.

    As a rule, photo wallpapers are made of fiberglass and have an adhesive layer. But in Lately It is becoming fashionable to use natural bases - bamboo, leather, cork.

    In addition to the above types of wallpaper, modern design projects Liquid wallpaper and fiberglass sheets are also used in bedrooms. Very popular texture wallpaper, with embossing, inclusions of quartz, colored glass particles, straw, shells and much more.

    Combining wallpaper to decorate a bedroom

    A combination of wallpapers, different in color, print, texture and even style, can help not only create original interior, but also to correct deficiencies in the geometry of the room, highlight certain functional areas, and create certain accents.

    We focus on the advantages and disguise the disadvantages. Using color, design or pattern, you can create a focus on a specific area of ​​the room, piece of furniture or surface. For example, you would like to divert attention from the design of the ceiling (irregularities or imperfections in the finishing) - a bright pattern on the wall, in the middle part of the room will become ideal option accent. Or vice versa, you would like to focus on the furnishings of the room ( beautiful design sleeping place, for example) - cover the walls with wallpaper in a neutral color scheme and practically make them invisible.

    We zone the room. Very often in the bedroom, in addition to the immediate sleeping and relaxation area, there are other functional segments - a dressing table, a boudoir, workplace, dressing room, reading corner. It is enough to use a combination of wallpapers that are different in color, texture or stylistic solution and the room will be effectively zoned.

    We increase the space. It's no secret that with the help of certain optical effects you can visually adjust the volume of a room. For example, horizontal stripes on wallpaper help to visually increase the width of the room, and vertical stripes help to visually increase the height of the ceiling.

    A favorite technique of designers around the world (mostly forced) is the use of a light palette to visually enlarge the space and blur the boundaries of the room. But this does not mean that in a small bedroom you will have to cover all the walls with white wallpaper and be content bright accents on bed textiles or window drapery. The palette of pastel shades, which will not interfere with the visual enlargement of the room and will add a certain zest to the design of the bedroom, is incredibly diverse. And you can create an accent with the help of a dim print on light wallpaper, using textured elements.

    Create an accent surface. The simplest and most effective way to create a color accent is to decorate one of the walls of the room in a bright tone (against the background of a light color palette) or using a pattern (pattern, ornament, photo printing). There are a lot on sale ready-made solutions by combination. Wallpaper is sold in specially created collections - as a rule, the pattern of the accent paintings contains the tone of the main finish.

    Focusing attention on a point. An equally popular design technique for focusing attention in in the right place– creating an emphasis not on the entire surface, but on some part of it. For example, a segment stands out above the head of the bed, around the fireplace, reading area, dressing table or piece of furniture to which you would like to draw attention (antique furniture, a piece of art or an expensive decorative element).

    Wallpaper quality decorative element. Often, very beautiful, expensive wallpaper (or simply canvases that differ significantly from the general background of the room) is used as wall decor. You can arrange plywood with wallpaper pasted on it into a beautiful frame and hang it on the wall, or decorate it with moldings of canvases locally located on the vertical surfaces of the bedroom.

    Current color palette - fashionable prints and textures

    It is obvious that the color scheme of the walls in the bedroom largely shapes not only the image of the room, but also our psychological state during our stay in it. That is why it is important to take the choice of print on wallpaper for the sleeping space seriously. The color palette and design options on the canvases will depend on the following factors:

    • size and shape of the room;
    • the number and parameters of window openings (the level of natural light is incredibly important);
    • the location of the room relative to the cardinal directions;
    • color schemes for the main furniture and textile design of the sleeping area and windows (the rule of combination plain wallpaper with printed curtains and vice versa, colorful finishes with neutral window drapery have not been canceled).

    Monochromatic wallpaper is an option for laconic interior or a room in which it is planned to highlight the furnishings of the room and, above all, the bed with its decoration. Most often, neutral colors are chosen for the bedroom. pastel shades, calming and motivating for rest, relaxation...

    But there are also radically opposite options for decorating bedrooms. A bright, colorful wallpaper tone is most often chosen to decorate an accent wall. If the surface behind the head of the bed becomes such a wall, then even bright tone will not interfere with a calm emotional state. After all, lying in bed, we cannot focus attention on the wall located behind the head of the bed.

    Floral print. To create a romantic look in a room, a floral print is ideal. And yet, the bedroom is most often a space for two. To balance the atmosphere and not go too far with the femininity of the interior, a floral pattern on wallpaper is most often used as an accent wall decoration. Depending on the quality of the wallpaper, a floral print can be used to create a classic, romantic, modern interior and in the style of Vintakh, shabby chic.

    Often, a floral or plant print echoes animalistic motifs in the design of bedroom walls. Images of animals, birds, fish and insects help create a relaxing, but not boring atmosphere in the room. Most often, a similar wallpaper pattern can be found in bedroom projects in classic, oriental and eclectic design styles.

    Ornaments with geometric elements. The range of use of geometric prints in bedroom decoration from the point of view of introducing a certain style is incredibly wide. The geometric pattern looks quite strict and laconic, but a lot depends on the chosen color schemes and their combinatorics. Geometric print can be used from classic to modern, from understated to eclectic.

    "The Imitation Game" Wallpaper imitating various surfaces are at the peak of popularity. It's easy to create an accent wall using wallpaper that imitates a concrete or wood surface, brick or stonework, peeling plaster or old paint. The originality of the image and ease of installation (compared to the original stone or wood finish) captivate both designers and their customers.

    Wallpaper for bedroom decoration in 2019

    It's nice to return to a cozy bedroom after a hard day. working day, and allow yourself to relax from everyday worries.

    It depends on how well the interior of the room is decorated. the general mood of the owner will depend.

    What wallpaper to choose for the bedroom - this issue should be approached with special responsibility and understanding that wallpaper is the general background of the room, and its appearance on the walls, one way or another, attracts the views of others.

    Types of wallpaper

    The main advantages of this model:

    1. Wear resistance. This construction material for walls will last for many years without having to be replaced if you treat the item with care.
    2. Product cleanliness.
    3. Soundproofing qualities. Protecting the premises from extraneous noise from neighboring rooms makes the material soundproofing.
    4. Thermal protection. Wallpaper retains heat from the walls and creates additional protection from the cold in winter.

    Lack of textile wallpaper lies in the high cost and complexity of the walls.

    Cleaning should be carried out with a wet cloth on an ongoing basis - this is one of the rules for proper care of such products.

    Textile wallpaper will make the interior of the room elegant and will be an excellent addition to luxurious furniture and figurines in the bedroom.


    Wallpaper made from acrylic differs increased strength and safety from an environmental point of view.

    The method for creating them is simple: paper material a layer of paint is applied, after which foaming is carried out and the design is revealed.


    Vinyl wallpaper is produced by applying a layer of vinyl material to a paper base. Often such products are covered with a pattern or embossing. The service life of such a product exceeds ten years, and when the material loses its former brightness, it can be covered with a layer of paint.

    Special chemical characteristics of wallpaper are manifested in the application of an adhesive layer on it. They may become stretched or stretched.

    After drying, they will regain their appearance, violating the distance between the joints. Therefore it should entrust the gluing work to professionals, if the owner is not yet experienced enough in this matter.

    Construction stores are overflowing with similar types of materials, varying in structure and color.

    A room with this type of covering must be constantly ventilated; it is for this reason that such wallpaper is not recommended for covering walls in a sleeping area.


    Non-woven wallpaper is excellent hide wall unevenness, but their installation is complicated by the size and density of the canvases.

    The high cost is fully compensated by the service life of the product. Such wallpaper can be painted, and do not worry about external damage to the surface.

    The width of the product can reach two meters. This product will improve the overall microclimate in the bedroom and give harmony.

    Glass wallpaper

    Glass wallpaper have high fire insulation, which is why they are common in the interiors of industrial enterprises.

    Such products will be an excellent addition to the bedroom interior, and are highly durable and durable.

    Service life can reach thirty years old when used correctly.

    Liquid wallpaper

    Liquid wallpaper consists of fibers, dye and special glue. The mixture of dry components is diluted in a separate container and applied to the walls in liquid form. Liquid wallpaper hide wall unevenness and are an excellent option for renovation in the bedroom.

    Silkscreen printing

    Silk-screen wallpaper contains silk threads, which give the product specific shine. Wallpaper is highly durable and has a long service life.

    The disadvantage of the product is increased vapor permeability, which forces constant ventilation of the room and is not suitable for a sleeping area.

    For more information about choosing wallpaper for the bedroom, watch the video:

    What color to choose for the bedroom?

    The mood and atmosphere for the residents depends on the correctly selected wallpaper color in the bedroom.

    Each color has its own characteristics for perception, and the color should be selected carefully.

    White tones

    The color white does not have a negative impact on health, but many people consider it too similar to the color of a hospital room.

    For better perception, you should choose diluted shades of white, such as ivory or marshmallow shade.

    Blue and blue colors

    Psychologists have come to the conclusion that blue color directly affects heart rate and level blood pressure, improving their condition and thereby extending the life of residents for many years.

    Therefore, blue and cyan are ideal colors for bedroom wallpaper.

    Green and yellow colors in the interior

    The predominance of green on the walls pacifies a person and makes his life measured and calm.

    Shades yellow flowers also have a beneficial effect on the state of mind, and will be appropriate with various types elements.

    Red color in the bedroom

    Red color in the bedroom affects the mental state and increases blood pressure.

    Therefore, representatives of the fair sex are wary of such colors and shades.

    It has been proven that under the influence of red and burgundy colors dreams become brighter, A sex life richer.

    Pink color - the dream come true of Barbie's house

    Many girls played with Barbie dolls as children and dreamed of their own doll house.

    Growing up, they make their fantasies come true and enjoy the color pink.

    Gray fashion

    Gray color has come into fashion quite recently, and it is actively used in bedrooms with modern design.

    But psychologists warn owners about the occurrence of lack of sleep under the influence of gray shades.

    Chronic lack of sleep leads to stress and fatigue.

    Therefore, it is better to avoid a bedroom with such shades.

    The color violet and its effect on the brain

    Influence purple flowers on the brain is manifested in the fact that they negatively affect the state of sleep.

    Sleep becomes shorter and more interrupted, which affects the mental state of the owner of the room.

    Black tones

    Black color has become firmly entrenched in modern design projects. His can be safely used and not be afraid for your health. This color is usually chosen by people with a strong-willed character and great ambitions.

    For a small bedroom

    In a bedroom with small dimensions, gray colors are appropriate, which visually expand the space. In addition, shades of gray can be combined with almost all furniture sets.

    Walls made in contrasting colors will look good and will not visually make the room smaller.

    Favorable colors for a bedroom with small square meters: beige, milky or pastel.

    Cool shades in the interior of such a bedroom will be appropriate and will increase the space. Black color is often used in modern design for bedrooms - he will make a room stylish and sophisticated.

    For a large room

    In rooms with a large space, walls in pastel colors or shades of ivory.

    A large bedroom with increased light encourages designers to create a variety of wallpaper patterns that shimmer with bright colors.

    If a large room poorly lit, the situation will be saved by peach, orange and gold shades.

    What colors should you exclude?

    Experts believe that rich colors negatively affect healthy sleep bedroom occupants.

    The right tones, on the contrary, have a positive impact on the relationship in the family and the careers of the people living in the bedroom. Shades of acidic flowers cause constant aggression and itchy skin.

    Shades of blue and turquoise flowers have a beneficial effect on strengthening the immune system and establish psychological relationships with a partner.

    Interior items that must be arranged correctly, including the “magnet for the whole family” - the TV, have an important impact on the overall psychological picture.

    Is it possible to glue vinyl wallpaper?

    There is an opinion that vinyl wallpapers contain polyvinyl chloride, an artificially created substance that can be harmful to human health. Availability in wallpaper harmful substances depends on where they were produced.

    If the wallpaper was imported from a small handicraft production, then the likelihood of purchasing low-quality products increases.

    Large wallpaper factories carefully monitor the quality of raw materials. Wallpaper is made only from safe materials.

    Lately, the likelihood of buying a low-quality product has been decreasing, but if you have any doubts, feel free to ask the seller to present certificates, confirming permission to produce vinyl wallpaper.