Painting the ceiling: surface preparation and finishing methods. Good repairs are easy! Paint the ceiling over oil paint

During the renovation of various buildings, before plastering walls and ceilings, they must be carefully prepared for this type of work.

This preparation depends on the level of the previous cladding and the top layer of coating. In this regard, the question often arises: is it possible to plaster walls and ceilings using paint?

To answer this, you need to find out several important points regarding the painted surface.

Examination of a painted surface

The water-based emulsion has a porous structure, which makes it easier to apply the plaster.

Before you start plastering a previously painted surface, you need to determine the composition of the old paint.

The following options are possible:

  1. Water-based paint. It is easy to work with because it has a porous structure. Plaster can be applied without preliminary preparation of the surface, but upon contact with the paint it begins to peel off.
  2. Oil paint. Previously, it was used to save on decorative finishing in old-style houses and public buildings. Forms a dense film on the wall surface. The leveling mixture does not stick.

Preparatory work

Before plastering, inspect the wall and repair all defects

The standard plan of action for a previously painted wall is as follows:

Methods for cleaning surfaces from paint

Remove oil paints thoroughly

To remove water-based paint, the most common procedure is simple - moisten it with a sponge, soft cloth or spray, leave for 15-20 minutes, then remove the paint layer with a spatula, wipe with a damp cloth and allow to dry completely.

Building surfaces, walls and ceilings previously painted with lime, glue or casein paint are completely cleaned of stains, washed with water and dried well. This is especially true if you plan to cover them with wallpaper later.

Oil paints and compounds must be removed carefully, since traces of drying oil greatly interfere with the application of plaster.

A construction hair dryer softens the paint, which is then easier to peel off

For removing oil paint there are three ways:

  1. Chemical method. Special compounds that soften the enamel layer are used. They are very toxic and should not be used in indoors. Then the softened layer is easily removed with a spatula.
  2. Thermal method. This method takes advantage of the fact that paintwork becomes soft when heated. Used to heat up paint construction hair dryer, and then also cleaned with a spatula.
  3. Mechanical method. To remove paint from all surfaces, use a metal brush mounted on grinder or simply scrape off the paint with a spatula. This is a very dusty and labor-intensive job, so often the paint is stripped only where it comes off, and the remaining areas of the walls are treated with a primer.

The advantage of the described technique is that it is universal. The plaster will be of high quality and long-lasting, regardless of what composition may have been used to paint the wall or ceiling before the renovation and what condition it was in.

The disadvantage, of course, is the labor intensity and large amount of work. To remove the decorative layer, you will have to put in a lot of effort, especially for an old surface painted with oil paint.

Applying plaster to paint

In almost all instructions for finishing building materials Before applying them to the surface, it is required to remove the old plaster.

If you ignore this advice, then a new decorative finishing will quickly disappear after repair. If the old layer of plaster does not stick well to the wall, it can be easily removed with a spatula. - read in another article

When surface coating well preserved and difficult to remove. In such situations, the most experienced professionals do not know what to do correctly. It is sometimes possible to deviate from the universal technique and apply a layer of plaster over the paint.

It is easier to lay plaster on rough walls

Most often this is done when finishing walls painted with water-based paint. When you don't want to clean a large area of ​​paint, you can also apply plaster to the paint.

  1. Check the condition of the surface. Remains of the old layer that peel off must be removed. Otherwise, after leveling, the new plaster will quickly disappear.
  2. Adhesion begins to increase. First, using fairly coarse sandpaper (no. 60 or no. 80), clean the surfaces that have been painted. They are trying to remove dirt from the wall along with the top layer of paint.
  3. If the kitchen is being plastered, simultaneously with cleaning, degrease the surfaces with solvents to get rid of greasy stains, preventing the plaster from adhering to the wall.
  4. After sanding is completed, dents are made into the surface using an old ax. This can be done with a chisel or chisel. The depth of the cuts should exceed the thickness of the future decorative layer. It is considered optimal to have about 100 notches per 1 m2.
  5. The walls are cleaned of dust and dried.
  6. After completing the preparatory work, the walls are primed and leveled - a layer of plaster is applied.
  7. Gives the walls a rough appearance. If the walls are rough, then the plaster will adhere smoothly and firmly to the paint. The easiest way to solve this problem is to apply .
  8. The mixture is applied to the treated wall with a roller or brush. Care is taken to ensure that the compound penetrates into the recesses without fail.
  9. After the primer layer has completely dried, it is installed on the wall plane. plaster mesh. To learn how to prepare walls, watch this video:

If you plan to apply a leveling layer of more than 10 mm, then you must use it.

Plastering process

It is convenient to level the plaster layer using a rule or trowels.

In the most difficult situations carried out using a special composition based on chalk, varnish and wood glue.

Table - Component ratio

Beacons are used for severe defects and differences

If the surface to be treated is too uneven, it is plastered as follows:

  1. If it is necessary to apply a thick layer of plaster, use a lighthouse profile. Beacons are installed vertically in one plane.
  2. Prepare a plaster solution. Depending on the condition of the room, its composition differs. If the building or room is dry, use a lime-gypsum solution. In other situations they plaster with cement.
  3. Perform plastering. The composition is applied using a scoop (or ladle), then leveled along the beacons using construction rules.
  4. Align the corners. This operation is performed after achieving the required coating thickness. To do this, use an angled spatula.
  5. Allow the layer of plaster to dry completely. If necessary, adjust it.
  6. After achieving the ideal appearance of the surface, further finishing is carried out. For more information about the process, watch this video:

In this way, you can plaster walls and ceilings without cleaning old paint. But this is acceptable if it is mechanically impossible to remove the old layer.

It is difficult to plaster a painted wall in compliance with all requirements, but it is quite possible. If you follow all the recommendations exactly and put a lot of effort into preparatory stage, then the result of the work will be ideal.

Thus, there is no clear answer to the question about the possibility of applying plaster to paint. All masters react to it in their own way and are proponents of different methods.

Both options are considered. Well, you will have to choose which action plan to follow on your own, taking into account the specific situation.

Today, the market is replete with a choice of materials for ceiling treatment. The most commonly used are water-borne paints. The range of such material is large. In some cases, oil paints are used to paint the ceiling. Before the ceiling is painted with oil paint, you need to arm yourself with construction tools.

You need to purchase several rollers for priming and painting the ceiling surface. Also spatulas for leveling the surface and sealing cracks. To grout the putty surface, you need a grout mesh or sandpaper. Drawer for paint, and rolling out a roller, colorant for paint, oil paint and masking tape. Deep penetration primer, finishing putty, as well as a mixer for mixing putty and stirring paint.

In order for the ceiling painted with oil paint to look beautiful, you must first carry out good preparation.

If the ceiling plane was previously painted with water-based emulsion, it should be cleaned of dirt and dust. Also prime thoroughly in order to reduce paint absorption and increase adhesion to the surface. Failure to carry out priming will result in uneven painting.

After cleaning the ceiling, you need to level the surface with putty and allow time for complete drying. The putty surface should be sanded using sandpaper. This must be done over the entire plane for the best result. Dust that formed during grouting must be removed. Prime the ceiling using a roller or sprayer. This procedure will help the paint subsequently lie smoothly and evenly on the plane. And paint absorption will be significantly reduced.

Ceilings in rooms such as the bathroom and kitchen are usually painted with oil compositions. Matte paints look more beautiful than glossy ones, so it is better to use matte paint. The material can be made matte by diluting it with kerosene or turpentine.

Today, modern manufacturing allows us to achieve good quality painting, while the paints do not have a sharp and unpleasant odor. And the ceiling is painted with oil paint, which differs from others in its wear resistance and durability.

When the ceiling is completely prepared for painting, you need to make sure that all surfaces that were not planned to be painted are protected. This can be done using a special film. The painting itself is best done with a brush or roller with a foam attachment.

When painting, it is important to apply the strokes correctly so that the ceiling turns out beautiful. Mainly also take into account how the light falls from the window. The first strokes are applied perpendicular to the direction of the sun's rays, and the last strokes are applied parallel to the rays of light. This is necessary so that streaks from layering paint are not visible. It can only spoil appearance ceiling. Coloring is carried out in several stages. It is correct to apply the paint in long and thin strips to create as few joints as possible. If oil compositions are applied to the surface with a roller, then it would be correct to dip the roller into a cuvette with paint up to half the pile, and then shade it well on the site. Only after the paint has been evenly distributed on the roller should it be applied to the ceiling. Only in this case, the ceiling painted with oil paint will look attractive. The resulting layer must be thin, because a thick layer subsequently cracks and becomes unsightly in appearance. A thick layer dries more difficult and unevenly. It is best to apply the second layer with a spray gun and only after the first layer has completely dried, so that the paint does not roll off and spoil the work already done.

It is important to be careful not to keep the spray gun in one place for a long time. This can cause paint to build up in one spot and paint to start dripping from the ceiling.

When working with oil paint, you need to ventilate the room well, because toxic fumes can negatively affect human health.

After completing the painting work, the tool must be put in order. It should be washed with a solvent and then placed in water. This will prevent the tool from drying out, and then you can use it again.

One of the most popular finishing options today is painting with water-based paint. But sometimes such finishing is complicated by the presence of old paint. This article will tell you what needs to be done in order to paint a ceiling with an old layer of finishing.

Today, painting the ceiling with water-based paint is considered the most preferred and popular option. The times when various chalk and lime mortars were used for finishing are a thing of the past. Therefore, at the moment, coloring compositions are characterized by significant diversity. The range of water-based emulsions, as one of the most popular types, is also quite large today. As a result, the painting process ceiling surface if you have an old layer, you should start by selecting suitable material finishing.

Today, water-based paint is represented by the following compositions:

  • Acrylic. These are the most common compositions today. They are characterized by high performance characteristics, as well as gradation for various types of premises. Therefore, among them every person will find best option. The cost of acrylic compositions will be slightly higher than the average among offerings in the paint and varnish market segment.
  • Latex. These compositions fit perfectly on a variety of different surfaces. At the same time, the resulting finish is perfectly washable. The only drawback of such compositions is the cost, which will be several times higher than that of other products.
  • Silicate. These products are based on liquid glass. An excellent base for silicate compositions is a stone or concrete surface. Moreover, they are most often used for finishing production premises, but silicone compounds are used extremely rarely for the home. The peculiarity of such paints is that they are elastic, moisture resistant, and can also mask cracks up to 2 mm. But their cost is higher than the average market price.
  • Polyvinyl acetate. This finish cannot be washed, as the material has low moisture resistance. Therefore, it can only be applied to the ceiling in dry rooms.

As you can see, the range of paint and varnish products is quite extensive and can satisfy any requirements. Therefore, before purchasing finishing material It is necessary not only to know the parameters of the room where the repairs will be carried out, but also to study in detail the capabilities of the available coloring compositions. But many experts recommend giving preference to a coating that, once applied to the ceiling, can be washed. Such compositions will allow you to keep the surface clean, and not have to do repairs every time for the purpose of updating.


If you decide to refresh your ceiling with a new paint composition, then for the success of the painting work you should carry out high-quality preparation. Even if the surface is finished with water-based paint, the old finish, whatever it may be, must be cleaned off. This is due to the following reasons:

  • the layer of paint has already lost its former attractiveness;
  • cracks have appeared on the ceiling, due to which a collapse is possible after applying a new layer of finishing to the surface;
  • Mold may well develop under the old layer of finishing, which will lead to the fragility of the repair.

Removing the old layer of water-based paint from the ceiling surface is carried out as follows:

  • We wet the old coating generously with water. You can use a hand sprayer or roller for this.
  • Next, leave the surface for some time for better soaking.
  • After 20 minutes, repeat the wetting procedure. In this case, windows and doors must be open.
  • After about 30 minutes, bubbles will appear on the ceiling. Take an iron spatula and scrape off the old coating.

After removing any finishing residue, rinse the surface thoroughly. clean water. To do this you need to use a foam sponge. If there are defects in the starting surface (cracks, potholes, etc.), they should be covered with putty. When it dries, use sandpaper or sandpaper to level the surface.

For putty, many experts advise choosing universal polymer compounds. They are, of course, more expensive than cement or gypsum, but it will be much easier for beginners to work with them.

Please note that if there are strong differences in the surface, it is not recommended to fix this kind of defect with your own hands. To do this, it is better to call an experienced plasterer or install suspended ceiling structures.

If the differences are no more than 3 mm, then there are two alignment options:

  • Applying plaster to in the right places. For these purposes it is necessary to constantly use a level.
  • Usage ceiling tiles. It can be painted very easily and quickly with water-based paint. At the same time, you can choose various decorative patterns using such slabs.

After all the manipulations described above, in order for the painting to be successful, the prepared surface must be primed. The priming process itself is not complicated. But if it is not carried out, in the future final finishing may become stained, which will ruin its aesthetic appearance.

For priming, you should use professional solutions that have deep penetration. In this case, for greater effect, apply the primer in several layers. It will be enough to prime twice.

Some people, in order not to spend money on buying a primer, prepare it themselves. For these purposes, purchased water-based paint is suitable, which is simply diluted with water. By the way, any composition fits perfectly on itself, even in diluted form.

It is also worth noting that after removing the unusable finish, mold may be exposed. To combat it, special antiseptics should be used. They not only destroy existing mold, but also prevent its reappearance in the future.

Instead of expensive antiseptics, you can use self-prepared solutions (for example, a five percent solution copper sulfate). The treatment should be done after removing the old finish and before applying putty or primer.

By correctly and consistently performing the above-described manipulations, you will be properly prepared for painting.

Coloring technique

The staining technique includes two important stages:

  • choosing a tool for painting work;
  • painting a previously prepared surface.

Let's look at each stage in more detail.

Painting ceilings always begins with choosing a tool. Painting can be carried out with the following tools:

  • Tassels. In order to effectively paint any surface, you need to use brushes. different sizes. It is worth noting that brushes are not very effective for large areas of work. However, they do not allow you to apply the coloring composition in an even and thin layer. They can be used to qualitatively paint various decorative convex finishing elements, as well as the junction of walls and ceilings.
  • Roller. It is considered the most effective tool, but only when correct selection. The dimensions of the selected roller directly depend on the area to be painted. The larger the area, the thicker and longer the roller should be. In this case, you need to pay attention to the material from which the roller skin is made. Different skins are suitable for different paints. For work with water-based compositions You should choose velor skins and those that have a long pile. Also, for working with the ceiling, you need to choose products with a long handle. It will allow you to effectively carry out Painting works without using stairs.
  • Professional spray gun. This tool is much more expensive than a roller and brush. Moreover, not everyone can cope with it.

Experts recommend using a roller for painting, since it can be used to quickly and efficiently apply an even coating to fairly large areas. But in this situation, brushes will still be needed to paint the corners. Please note that the paint tray should be selected depending on the size of the roller purchased.

Do not forget that you need to apply the water-based emulsion only when the base is completely dry after priming.

Painting the ceiling with water-based paint is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  • Open the can of paint and mix it well, touching the lower layers. This must be done in order to obtain a uniform color of the composition.
  • Next, pour the paint into the tray.
  • First you should paint the corners and all places that are inaccessible to a roller. To do this we use a brush.
  • After this, dip the roller into the poured composition.
  • On the raised area of ​​the tray, squeeze the roller so that paint does not drip from it. As a result, the composition will be evenly distributed over the surface of the roller.
  • The first layer should be applied parallel to the direction of the natural light available in the room. One area should be covered with a roller several times to avoid dark spots and sagging. Painting is done with an overlap on the previous strip. Moreover, the entry should be half the size of the roller. It is best to make W-shaped movements.

It happens that when painting a ceiling, the old paintwork is removed, but sometimes this step is skipped. If you do everything correctly, then even in this situation the result will be surprisingly good. After reading the article, you will learn how to paint over old paint.

Process Features

Painting the ceiling is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. As a rule, before this process, workers remove the old layer of finish. The fact is that a thick layer of old paint can show through and spoil the appearance of the surface. If cracks appear on the ceiling, then the matter is completely hopeless - no matter how you paint them, they will still be visible. If repairs have not been carried out for a long time, then under a layer of old paint you may even find mold, which will negate all your attempts to update the surface.

If there are no such serious problems, then you can safely apply a new layer of water-based emulsion or acrylic to the old paint. Take a close look at your ceiling. If you are satisfied with its appearance, and pieces of paint do not fall off, you can leave everything as it is.

Professionals also advise you to pay attention to the following: if you have previously painted the ceiling with water-based paint, then you are in luck. She better than whitewash. Even if this type of paint begins to flake off and fall off in pieces, it may not be completely removed. You can easily limit yourself to superficial cleaning by removing loose pieces and cleaning the area around them. After this short work, you can safely apply a new coat of paint.

Paint selection

If you decide to paint the ceiling over the old layer of material, then you will have to face a question related to the choice suitable option. For such work they are used different colors. Each type has its own advantages and a number of disadvantages.


Perhaps this type of paint is the most popular. It is good because it is highly resistant to all kinds of dirt and dries quickly. So you can safely use this material, for example, in the kitchen, where working with food is not always neat.

This paint holds up well and high humidity. If there is any contamination on the painted surface, it can be easily removed with a damp cloth or napkin without fear of the paint cracking.

Acrylic paint can be easily applied to a variety of surfaces. It fits well on metal, wood, plastic, and even on already plastered substrates.

Painting with acrylic is also good because it perfectly hides minor surface imperfections. Textured paint can mask small cracks or places where pieces of the coating have already fallen off.

It is also pleasantly pleasing that such a coating dries quickly and retains its color for a long time. Even if you paint the ceiling in a room where it will be constantly exposed to Sun rays, the paint will not fade and burn out immediately. However, there is one caveat: when choosing this type of paint, remember that the color of the coating applied to the ceiling will be slightly different from the one you see on the package, because the material immediately darkens. This cannot be called such a big drawback, because there are a lot of colors, and you can always find exactly the shade that will suit you in the end.

With all these positive aspects, it is worth noting that the paint is not that expensive. You can purchase a kilogram of paint for about a thousand rubles. And it will be consumed quite slowly - to paint the ceiling in a medium-sized room you will need less packaging of material. On square meter About 100 g of paint is consumed.


There are several other types of paints that are suitable for ceilings. One of the most expensive options is latex. This paint is ideal for painting the ceiling over the old layer. The fact is that it perfectly masks defects and microcracks on any surface. You can easily wash or brush a ceiling painted with this material.


Cracks (up to two millimeters) can also be masked by silicate paint. However, it is more expensive than most analogues.

In addition, it is also important to remember that silicate paints, as a rule, are not used in residential areas.

Water emulsion

Ceilings are also often painted with water-based paint. However, it should be used in dry rooms - for example, in living rooms or bedrooms. This type of coating does not tolerate high humidity and quickly becomes covered with cracks and dark spots (in the bathroom or even in the kitchen). The cost of water-dispersion paint is low, which is what makes it popular. In addition, it can be either matte or glossy, which is convenient for those who decorate their premises in a certain style and does not want to disturb the harmony in the room.

You can choose any of these main types of paint for repainting the ceiling. It can be dense and structured, oil-based, very light - it all depends on what your ceiling is and what your financial capabilities are.


The next step is choosing the appropriate tools. Most often, either a roller or wide brushes are used to paint the ceiling.


Brushes of different sizes can be used both for painting the base and for joints and finishing elements. They are not very effective when painting the main part of the ceiling.

If you decide to paint such a large surface with brushes, then choose the widest ones. It is more convenient to paint the joints with walls, stucco molding and other decorative details with brushes.


It is much more convenient to paint the ceiling with a roller. Foam tools are used to paint the ceiling. The second most popular option is a roller with a fabric base. The length of this tool for painting the ceiling can vary from five to thirty centimeters.

Spray gun

It is most effective to use a spray gun. However, not everyone prefers this option. The fact is that the spray gun is not only more expensive than all other devices, but they are also more difficult to use. If you are not a professional, then you will need to get used to the spray gun first.

How to dilute and calculate the quantity?

Having decided on the type of paint and tools, you can move on to the preparatory work. First you will need to dilute the required amount of material.

Paint consumption depends on how large your room is., the ceiling area is very important. As a rule, all the necessary information that will help you calculate the paint is on the packaging. Please review this information.

By selecting water-based paint, you will see on the packaging that you should not dilute it. If the product you purchased has already thickened, you can slightly dilute it with water. Otherwise, just mix the paint, roll it onto the tray and start painting.

The preparation of other ceiling paints is not much different. You will also need to add a little water to the acrylic mixture. It is best to use the product immediately after you have mixed it. It should not be allowed to harden.

Subtleties of application

Painting the ceiling without first removing the old layer of paint is a little different from the usual repair work. You will save a little time, because you will not have to completely remove the old layer and putty or prime the ceiling again. It will be enough to work on areas with cracks and remove falling pieces paint and varnish material. If the paint is peeling, it will need to be corrected, otherwise the surface of the ceiling will appear uneven and untidy.

When you have dealt with the most noticeable shortcomings, you will need to move on to the main work. The diluted paint should be poured into the tray - there should not be too much of it so that the remainder does not dry out or be thrown away.

Painting the ceiling begins with the most inaccessible places. Go over them with a narrow brush so that there are no gaps. After this, you can paint the entire surface. It is most convenient to work with a roller. This way you can quickly paint the ceiling over the old layer and paint over cracks and stains.

It is recommended to paint the ceiling in this way in several stages. The first layer may not be applied very carefully, but the second one will need to be worked on very well. You should start working with the second layer only after the first has completely dried.

Repair always starts from the ceiling. This is due to the fact that paint can easily ruin new wallpaper or modern covering floor. Today we have moved away from the classic operation of finishing the ceiling - whitewashing it. By painting the ceiling with acrylic paints, you can emphasize the advantages of the interior, and also use any color scheme. As a rule, it acts as a modern design sophistication ceiling plinth(read: " ").

How to paint a ceiling with acrylic paint: advantages

Today, acrylic-based ceiling paints are causing a stir. Thanks to its advantages, acrylic has managed to gain a leading position in the construction market of paints.

Let's talk about these advantages:

Modern acrylic paint includes a large variety of compositions that differ in consistency and composition. For example, there are paints only for dry rooms. A separate category includes compositions for bathrooms (moisture-resistant). Therefore, before using a substance, you need to read what room it is intended for.

According to the level of whiteness, acrylic paints are divided into: white, super white and milky white. To paint the ceiling, it is best to use white paint. But often manufacturers indicate “white” on packaging containers with milky-white paint. There are cases when they write “white” in superwhite. It is important to take this into account before painting the ceiling with acrylic paint.

When purchasing, ask the seller to slightly open the lid of the paint can. Take a plain white sheet of paper with you. Hold it near the paint and compare the color of the composition in the jar with this leaf. If the whiteness matches, you can safely use a similar substance to paint the ceiling. If the seller does not meet you halfway, explain to him that you need maximum whiteness. As a rule, under warranty you can always return a can of paint.

Once dry, it acquires a glossy or matte surface. When choosing paint, remember that matte is a very important indicator for the ceiling. This puts this property on par with the importance of whiteness. With a maximum matte surface, defects will be almost invisible. As a rule, the defects are unevenness or uneven application of acrylic.

If you need to create a colored ceiling, use glossy paints. This composition is only suitable for flat ceiling surfaces that have a large square footage. It is also used for non-residential premises. We seem to have figured out how to paint a ceiling with acrylic paint. I would like to note domestic and imported manufacturers of such products. So, consumer confidence in the market building mixtures and the paints deserved: Dulux, Tikkurila, Siro mat+, Innetak, Himmaton, Himos, Svyatozar and Supermatt.

How to paint a ceiling with water-dispersion paint - prepare the surface

How to paint a ceiling with latex paint - mix the paint

How to paint a ceiling with oil paint - choose a tool

The best option There will be a choice of roller or brush. Each instrument has its own characteristics. For example, brushes are used in small areas. It is better to paint large ceilings using a roller. Let's look at how to paint a ceiling with oil paint using a roller and brush.

Working with a brush

Working with a roller

How to paint a ceiling with water dispersion paint

The evenness of the surface depends on the pressure applied to the brush. With little pressure, the paint will lie in narrow stripes, and the layers will be thick and through (read: ""). Strong pressure will cause drips, but the layers will be thin.

When starting the process of painting the ceiling, use the so-called “testing ground”, for example, in the country. Use gentle pressure, which should be gradually increased.

How to paint a ceiling correctly, detailed video:

Usually they start from the corners using a special brush. With it you can paint and not miss all the hard-to-reach areas. It is recommended to adhere to the principle: one movement - one layer. Otherwise, the ceiling will be covered with areas of different colors. The movement should be carried out in a pre-selected direction.

The next layer is applied perpendicular to the first. Next, you need to smooth out the paint and joints - a roller or brush without paint is passed over the surface. Before painting the ceiling for the second time, examine the painted surface from all angles. All existing unpainted areas must be eliminated.

Do not cover unpainted areas with thick paint - this is unacceptable. The second layer must be liquid to blur the first one. Places painted twice are treated with a dry roller.

After applying the first coat, wait until it dries. In accordance with the instructions, the waiting period before applying paint is determined. Each new layer should be applied after the previous one has dried.

When applying a second layer on a wet surface, you may encounter blurring of the first. You should repeat the painting again, applying it towards the light. It is important to monitor the joints - they should not remain. The ceiling is usually covered with several layers of acrylic paint. Foreign-made paint is usually applied in two stages, while domestic paint is applied in three.

Having applied acrylic paint on the ceiling, wait a while. The optimal time is 2 hours. After this, you need to make sure that the entire surface is covered with paint. In addition, the ceiling should have an even color, without any overflow or darkening. There are cases, despite the proper workmanship, stains form. Do not under any circumstances paint over the “holes” - you will only make things worse. It is better to use fine sandpaper. Using it on a block, sand the ceiling thoroughly.

It is important to use the entire surface, otherwise the spotting will not go away. This method always helps if you applied paint in one or two layers. When applying a significant number of layers - the best solution there will be a rework. This work will include sanding, puttying and painting the ceiling.