Impregnation for stairs made of wood. How to paint a staircase in a wooden house The choice of means for covering stairs made of wood

Wooden stairs can be great element home interior, as well as bright decoration exterior. The main thing is to choose high-quality and ideal in color design paint and varnish materials.

What and how to paint wooden stairs do it yourself, is it necessary to carry out the staining procedure, are there any special technologies?

You can find answers to all these questions in this article.

Painting a wooden staircase

The whole structure of a wooden staircase, especially its steps and, is different low level of wear resistance and, accordingly, needs a good protection.

The staircase, regardless of whether it is located inside the house or outside, is subjected to serious loads every day, therefore scratches and scuffs (in the absence of proper protection) appear on its surface very fast.

Painting wooden stairs, as well as special compounds - efficient a protective measure that can help prolong its service life. Special materials for painting wooden structures, provide an opportunity minimize intensity of influence of various unfavorable factors:

  • Mechanical influences;
  • Abrupt temperature change;
  • Increased humidity level;
  • direct rays of sunlight and etc.

In addition, paints and varnishes for wood are endowed with disinfection properties - they contain substances that resist the appearance of wood pests.

The paint also contains fire retardants. impregnation, providing a reduction in the risk of fire of wooden structures.

Thus, painting a wooden staircase is carried out not only for aesthetic purposes, but also to extend operational design life, improving its functional characteristics.

What paint to choose?

materials, suitable for use:

  • Dye- allows you to get any required shade;
  • Impregnation(toning varnish) - emphasizes natural shade and structure of the tree;
  • Clear nail polish– attaches to a wooden structure reliable protection and pleasant external view.

Paints can form glossy or matte coating, which differ both externally and in terms of practicality.

Advice! The surface obtained by painting with a glossy paint is more slippery and unsafe, so it is recommended to choose a paint of a matte or semi-gloss type.

The composition of impregnations (tinting varnishes) includes special pigments, dissolved in synthetic substances, alcohol or water, which are capable of permeate deep into the wood, give it the desired color and emphasize naturalness.

Impregnation also produces thin film on a wooden surface, characterized by a glossy sheen. The use of impregnation requires mandatory application fixing coating - colorless varnish.

Lucky best suited for stairs that are located outside premises. At the same time, the basis of the material should contain oil-resin or oil composition. Especially popular is the varnish used for painting ships built from natural tree.

It bears the appropriate name - "yacht". The material has proven itself as a reliable coating for wooden structures.

Advice! Choose semi-matte or matte varnishes that can hide surface imperfections while retaining their original shine even in areas that are most subject to wear.

How to paint a wooden staircase in the house?

For painting inside the house, you can use one of three paintwork materials (paint, varnish, impregnation) - it all depends on the desired decorative result and basic coloring purposes, or combine several types of coatings.

For example, you can use impregnation, on top of which apply a layer of transparent varnish. Or to fix clear varnish paint. Often happens confusion between plain paint, enamel and enamel paint.

Enamel does not apply to paints and varnishes, it has a different purpose. Difference between simple paint and enamel lies in the reliability of the coating, the smell of the material and other features (enamel provides more efficient surface protection and has a persistent odor).

Enamels are recommended to be used only if the staircase is located inside dry protected from precipitation premises. Otherwise, the stairs will soon suffer from redundant moisture.

How to paint a wooden staircase on the street?

If you prefer paint, then it's better to choose paint based alkyd, oil, or alkyd-urethane substances.

Natural drying oil, which is part of such paints, is known more high level resistance to various damages, both mechanical and atmospheric.

Surface preparation for painting

Before staining necessary surface treatment wooden stairs:

Before sanding, wait until the putty layer is completely dry (depending on specific material grades).

After the grinding procedure, it is also necessary bide your time some time (no more 2-3 days). This is necessary so that the natural fibers of the wood become even and re-sanding could get rid of them.

Need in applying the primer due to the fact that with its help clutch between the surface of the stairs and the paint will be much better, and the existing limitations will become invisible. Primer is applied only under the paint- if varnish is chosen as a coating, then in it No need.

How to paint the stairs with your own hands?

Recommended paint the stairs disassembled form, but it is also possible to perform the procedure on the spot if the staircase is already installed. Start painting with small elements ( ends, railing).

So that the stairs can be used during the painting process, paint not the entire staircase, but each second step. Once dry, paint the remaining steps.

Paint material is applied from the top step towards the bottom. Any paint can be applied handy toolroller, brushed etc. A wide brush is best for painting pine stairs.

Last strokes are done along wood structure. Applying paint is first stage works. When the coating is completely dry, you can proceed to second stage - applying finishing varnish and, optionally, to around the stairs.

See video instruction for painting a wooden staircase to the second floor:

Wooden stairs have become a familiar element of any country house or cottage. Wooden stairs are very comfortable to use, beautiful and able to add extraordinary comfort to the entire interior and even make the atmosphere in the cottage warmer. But wood is a rather capricious material: it equally badly perceives both heat and cold, as well as quick transitions from one to another, it does not like the effects of water and in general humid air, its surface wears out from constant interaction with shoes.

To protect the stairs country house from all this, and therefore, to extend its service, one cannot do without such an operation as painting a wooden staircase. In general, painting a wooden staircase does not cause any particular difficulties, however, as in any business, there are some nuances here.

The list of such features is quite wide: starting with which product is best suited specifically for the stairs in your cottage, and ending with the question of how to apply the selected product and how to do it correctly, that is, how to prepare the stairs for painting, how to apply the product and how to make the staircase of a country house give you pleasure with its unsurpassedly beautiful view for as long as possible.

This is the first question that a person who decides to do such a thing as painting a wooden staircase with his own hands puts in front of him. And this is perhaps the most difficult stage of the entire operation, since today there are many means by which you can paint a wooden staircase. From the choice of a specific tool, the appearance of the stairs can change unrecognizably, or it can remain almost the same as before painting.

The first thing you need to decide when choosing a tool is what you want to achieve in the end: do you dream of “fitting” the staircase into color scheme interior or keep the external charm natural wood with its graceful divorces and exquisitely noble shade.

All products intended for painting stairs can be divided into several groups:

  • paints;
  • varnishes;
  • enamels;
  • stains.

Consider the features of the funds from each group in more detail.

Stair paints

Paints are used if you want to give it a certain color or shade when performing such work as painting a wooden staircase, to bring it into line with the general color of the interior surrounding the staircase. As a rule, we are talking about oil paints.

But themselves oil paints for painting wooden stairs are divided into several varieties, each of which has its own characteristics:

  • alkyd paints give the stairs a rich color, they are very easy to apply;
  • urethane-alkyd paints are a great option for stairs that have been previously painted, as they can be applied without wasting time rinsing or scraping off the previous paint layer;
  • pigmented paints - will help hide any defects in the surface of the wood.

In addition, paints can be thickly grated, they must first be prepared for use by dissolving the powder in drying oil, or already completely ready.

The choice of drying oil is of great importance. On the container with drying oil they write whether it is natural or artificial. Natural drying oil has excellent resistance to any environmental influences. But artificial drying oil is not so hardy. Therefore, if you decide to paint a street staircase, you need to buy natural drying oil to dilute the paint. For stairs inside the house, a cheaper artificial one is also suitable.

Lacquers for stairs

Painting the stairs with wooden varnish is used if there is a desire to leave the texture of the wood visible. Varnishes can be either completely colorless, practically not changing the shade of wood, or colored: most often they make the natural color of wood brighter, slightly darkened, but at the same time the natural pattern becomes clearer. There are also many varieties of varnishes for painting wooden stairs:

  • oil varnishes- they are used exclusively for "internal" stairs, since they do not tolerate outdoor conditions well;
  • alcohol varnishes- quite expensive, perfectly enduring any mechanical stress, but at the same time afraid of moisture, so they are rarely used for stairs;
  • alkyd varnishes- very resistant to any influences, including water, almost completely colorless, can be used both on "home" and "outdoor" stairs;
  • polyurethane varnishes— an ideal coating for any wooden stairs, the high price of such varnishes fully pays off with their outstanding wear resistance and real durability of the coating.
When choosing a varnish, please note that they can be matte and glossy. And although glossy varnishes give the wooden surface a more “shiny” look, it is best to use matte varnishes for stairs, as they can “hide” any defects in the wood. And glossy on the contrary - emphasize all the "weak" places.

Enamels and stains for stairs

Painting a wooden staircase can also be done with enamels or stains. Enamel is a kind of mixture of varnish and paint. As a result, it simultaneously gives the surface of a wooden staircase a certain color when painting, and covers it with a shiny film, which, in addition to everything else, also has a protective function. But enamel also has one drawback, due to which it is very rare to see such a coating on stairs - it does not tolerate interaction with water.

If you still decide to cover the stairs with enamel, then give up glossy enamel in favor of matte. The fact is that the steps covered with glossy enamel will become very slippery, and this is completely unacceptable for stairs.

Mordants- these are rather not even dyes, but impregnations for a wooden staircase. Although the wood on which the stain is applied will still change its color: it will become slightly darker, and its pattern will be more pronounced. The advantage of the stain is that it not only reliably protects the tree from moisture, decay, the effects of various pests and other adverse factors, but also gives it new properties - for example, fire safety.

Often, the stairs are treated with a stain before varnish is applied to it. In this case, it is necessary to carefully choose the varnish itself: it should “lay down” well on the stain and adhere perfectly to its surface. The choice of the type of varnish depends on the choice of the type of stain, so when buying, you should use the recommendation of a specialist.

How to paint stairs?

Although painting a wooden staircase is not at all difficult, it is still necessary to observe certain sequence and extreme care. The stages of work here depend on what kind of wood staircase paint you have chosen, that is, whether you want to paint the staircase “tightly” or varnish it, while maintaining the external charm of wood.

If you want to continue to admire the beauty of the wood pattern, then painting the stairs will consist of the following steps:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the surface of the stairs from dust and dirt, sand those places where it is required - the surface of the steps must be perfectly smooth.
When painting stairs, attention should be paid not only to the cleanliness of the steps, but also to the fact that it is clean in the whole room where the stairs are located. After all, dust or dirt from the floor or furniture surface can get on the steps at the most inopportune moment when you apply a coloring agent to them, and it will be difficult to remove them without removing the already applied layer.
  1. If your staircase is made of coniferous wood, then an additional step will be the deresining of some areas - those where the resin has accumulated the most. Otherwise, any coating (except for transparent varnish) will stain the surface of the stairs due to uneven absorption of the product. To do this, you can use a solvent, and to remove the resinous areas on the pine, the masters recommend using a 25% solution of technical acetone.
If you are deresining the wood of the stairs, then the next stage of work cannot be carried out immediately. Before proceeding with further painting, you will have to wait until the wood dries completely.
  1. The next step should be the application of stain - this impregnation will become additional protection wood and make it more beautiful.
  2. Wait until the stain dries, then varnish the stairs. To do this, you can use a special sprayer or a wide brush. Lacquer (like paint) is applied to the surface of the stairs in 3 layers (each new layer cannot be applied before the layer applied before dries):
    • first layer- the coloring agent is applied longitudinally along the wood fibers;
    • second layer- applied perpendicular to the location of the wood fibers;
    • third layer- again, the brush or spray moves along the wood fibers.

If you decide to cover the stairs with opaque paint, then after cleaning it, you must follow the following sequence:

  1. first, the surface of the stairs is puttied;
  2. after the putty dries, the stairs must be sanded, and experienced craftsmen advise doing this twice, allowing the stairs to “settle” for several days between sanding, so that previously unnoticed surface defects appear;
  3. then a primer is applied to the surface of the stairs;
  4. and finally, you can apply a paint layer.
As you can see, for a complete and high-quality painting of stairs, more than one day is required. At the same time, stairs are often located in such a way that it is completely impossible to stop using them even for one day. Therefore, the masters advise to paint the stairs through the step. Of course, going up and down such a ladder is not very convenient, but in any case, you can continue to use it even during the painting period.

Being natural material, wood is in great demand for the construction of buildings, partitions, for the production of furniture and as additional interior elements. However, the tree is very susceptible to some atmospheric phenomena, and it is also afraid of rodents and insects. That is why the correct processing of wood is very important, and if you want the duration of the operation of a wood product to be maximum, then you should know not only the names of suitable solutions, but also the processing technology with certain mixtures. Today I want to talk about how the stairs are painted with my own hands, how to paint a wooden staircase to the second floor, and what is the peculiarity of painting a pine staircase.

The need for painting

Stair painting

Many do not understand why paint wooden surfaces if they have such a beautiful texture that can change due to chemical materials. However, the application of impregnations and dyes is necessary for:

  • In order to protect your flight of stairs from various pests
  • To prevent its rapid wear
  • From negative impact sun rays
  • Moisture, mold manifestations, or vice versa, excessive drying of the material

One of the main advantages that are not related to protective functions is the appearance of the stairs after painting. Since with its help you can fit this element into any interior solution.

Important! As you can see, the need to paint a wooden staircase with your own hands on your face. An unfinished transition will not be able to serve you for a long time and with high quality, and the ability to replace some parts or the entire structure is an expensive pleasure.

If you use the right tools for processing a pine staircase, then you will not only not spoil the appearance of the structure, but also emphasize its advantages. Materials can be:

  1. wood stain
  2. Enamel
  3. Dye
  4. Varnish

Benefits of pine stairs

Painting a pine staircase

When I built on my own suburban area house, then the construction of the second floor was fundamental for me. In order to save a little, I decided to use a pine massif as a material for erecting stairs. Therefore, let's talk a little about the properties inherent in a wooden staircase:

  • Being budget material, pine is perfect for economical construction
  • Despite the fact that pine is not as durable as oak or larch, it has a favorable appearance, as well as good wear resistance.
  • If we compare spruce and pine, then the second material is much better, as it has fewer knots, as well as a denser texture.
  • Unique pattern and light pine color is an added plus

Important! The growth time of the tree directly plays a role in the density of the pine tree. And since this process it is impossible to control, then when purchasing the material and after processing, you may notice that the funds are absorbed unevenly.

During the arrangement of the stairs with their own hands, its step is most often made of edged massive boards. However, glued boards can also be used for steps, which are more durable and wear resistant.

How to paint stairs

Painted pine staircase

If you are thinking with what to process a pine staircase, then here small list and short description possible materials:

  1. Impregnation with antiseptic and fire protection properties - can be made on a water, acrylic, as well as alcohol or wax basis
  2. Stain for toning - the texture of the wood remains the same, while becoming more expressive. It can be produced on the above bases and additionally on chemical
  3. Polish is a transparent mixture that does not give the material a new shade and retains the existing color and texture. Very often, polish is applied over paint or varnish, thereby giving an even more favorable look to the stairs.
  4. Lacquer - is a transparent protective layer that should be applied over the stain
  5. Enamel is a pigmented lacquer that can create matte or glossy layers.
  6. Paint is a very popular material that carries not only protective, but also decorative properties. You can choose the paint for any interior and design of the room

Painting a wooden staircase can be done independently, but before that you should take a look at the table. When we figured out how to paint the stairs, it is worth knowing the advantages and disadvantages of the types of paint:

Type of paintwork pros Minuses
oily It is moisture resistant and has a rich color. When stained, it forms a dense and protective film. They are not breathable and take a long time to dry. Exfoliation may start over time
Enamel It has the property of quick drying, is moisture resistant and evenly applied Can only be used indoors, also produces a single matte finish
Acrylic, Acrylic Glides on smoothly, water soluble and dries quickly. Is "breathable" Matte finish
Alkyd Ability to create smooth surfaces, dries quickly, moisture resistant There is a pungent smell, solvents are present in the content. Is a non-durable coating

The stairs can be painted using any of the above materials, which type to use is your choice. I hope with the help of the table you will be able to choose the most paint.

DIY painting

Do-it-yourself painting of pine stairs

Before you paint the stairs, you should study the technology of work. At the same time, I want to give some tips on how to paint a pine staircase in order to get a coating with a maximum service life.

So, how to paint a wooden staircase made from solid pine:

  • The first step is to deal with the problem of pine - it's resin. To do this, use acetone or turpentine. These materials remove all resin manifestations, and the processing tool is an ordinary rag
  • At the next stage, preparatory work is carried out, which consists in filling the damaged areas. For this process, it is better to choose acrylic putty for wood. Since the material shrinks upon drying, the mixture should be applied in 2-3 layers, while the surface should be polished between layers. Since we will paint our stairs in the future, the color of the putty can be any. But if you have to apply varnish, then you need to choose a putty to match the color of the stairs
  • Grinding is a mandatory and important event. This process will help you use grinder, however, be prepared for the fact that hard-to-reach places will still have to be processed manually. Sandpaper is used in different grits, but you should not jump from finer to coarser grit. Zeroing during processing is used only at the stage of grinding between layers
  • Painting a flight of stairs should be done with a brush. Due to their viscosity, alkyd enamel and varnish cannot be applied with a spray gun, and the use of a roller is not permissible due to the complex surface. The material is applied in several layers, and if you decide to use polyurethane varnish, then get ready for the fact that the number of layers can increase to 6-7. After you have applied the first coat, let it dry well and sand it down with zero sandpaper. This is important when using pine enamel or lacquer, as raising the pile prevents a quality finish, and we don’t need it at all.
  • Remember that before starting any Finishing work associated with coating with various coatings and impregnations should be very carefully removed in the room where the pine staircase is located. The fact is that dust can harm appearance coatings, settling on it at the most unnecessary moment. The paint material must be of high quality, so think about choosing the type of paint in advance

Self-painting pine stairs

Cleaning of the premises is carried out after work with grinding the surface, as this process is very dusty. Before painting, several layers of primer should be applied and if in this case the villi begin to rise and swell, then it is necessary to re-grind and apply the primer. When applying paint that is more liquid than varnishes, you can use a pneumatic spray - but do not forget to use a respirator when doing this. When several layers are applied, the second should be applied perpendicular to the first, and the third perpendicular to the second. Do not forget that subsequent layers can be applied only after the previous one has dried, so you will not have smudges and the coating will be of the highest quality without color transitions. When you paint an already installed ladder, always start at the top and go down - this way you won't catch on the already painted surface.

Never be afraid to do something with your own hands, because without trying you will never know about your abilities, and if you succeed, then you can really save not only on purchasing a structure from available material, but also on the carrying out of the painting work itself.

In the process of use, stairs are constantly subjected to various tests. Changes in temperature, exposure to sunlight, humidity, all this affects the life of the product. An excellent option that does not require special skills and knowledge is painting the stairs. It will save your product from problems. The procedure for painting the stairs can be done even with your own hands.

Only, at first glance, it seems that the procedure for painting stairs is simple. In fact, this is a complex process that requires compliance with its technologies and rules. But to achieve the desired result, you need to spare neither time nor effort.

Do-it-yourself painting stairs, now, is popular, as the cost of work for painters is very high.

In order for the staircase to look like new after repair, the owner needs to choose the right tools and materials. It is also necessary to carry out the restoration of the stairs in the house consistently and correctly.

The sequence of actions you need to know:

  • Choose the right paint or varnish;
  • Prepare tools and materials for work in a timely manner;
  • Before painting, it is necessary to clean the surface (grind or putty);
  • We cover the stairs with a primer;
  • First we paint the railing, then the steps;
  • At the end, cover with varnish or polish.

The choice of material also depends on the location of the stairs. If the staircase is outside, then it is necessary to choose paints and varnishes based on natural ingredients (linseed oil). If the surface will be subjected to frequent washing, then we use alkyd paints. Stairs located inside the house are painted with oil paints.

How to paint a staircase in a house: types of paint and varnish coatings

Before we paint the stairs, we find out what material it consists of. Mostly it will be wood or metal. Concrete, glass, stone and other building materials could also be used in the construction of stairs.

How to paint the stairs in the house? This event is best approached creatively. The choice of material will depend on the style of design of the stairs you choose.

To finish a wooden staircase, the choice must be made in favor of materials that emphasize and preserve the naturalness of the wood. There are a variety of them.

For painting wooden stairs can be used:

  • Oil or alkyd paints;
  • Enamels, giving attractiveness to the product;
  • Lacquers that emphasize the structure of wood.

The ladder may be metal. You can paint such a staircase with various compositions. These are alkyd-based enamels, nitro-based paints, as well as oil paints. To paint the stairs, you can unleash your imagination, and use, at the same time, various coatings.

How to varnish a staircase: the secrets of the material

If you want to bring out the natural beauty of wood, you will need varnish. Varnishes are solutions that, when applied, form a film on the surface of the product. And it, in turn, protects the stairs from negative influences.

Many experts know how to varnish a staircase. This can be done in two types of varnish: transparent or opaque.

An opaque coating is applied not in one, but in several layers. Therefore, the staircase acquires a dark shade. This is done to eliminate all the shortcomings of wood. A transparent finish, on the contrary, is applied in order to emphasize the beauty of the natural wood.

There are several types of paints and varnishes that can be used to paint stairs:

  • Alkyd;
  • Formaldehyde;
  • Alcoholic;
  • Nitrocellulose.

A polish can be applied over the varnish to enhance the shine of the wood. However, all varnishes are highly toxic, and when using them, it is required to use goggles, gloves, and respirators.

What should be the paint for the stairs inside the house

One of the important elements of the interior decoration of the house is the stairs to the second floor. Timely care and painting contributes to the life of the product.

The paint for the stairs inside the house must be of high quality and safe. Colors can be varied, depending on the design of the room. It is better to paint the stairs in such colors that will distinguish it from the walls.

Shades can be very diverse. These can be tones that fully match the tone of the tree, and bright saturated tones that highlight the staircase from the entire interior. Once you have decided on the color, you can proceed to the choice of its type. You should choose light paints that allow the wood to breathe, as well as quick-drying, without an unpleasant, pungent odor. Oil paints have these qualities.

Varieties of oil paints:

  • Alkyd paints. They have a rich color and are easy to apply;
  • Pigmented paints. Help to hide wood defects;
  • Urethane-alkyd. Such paints can be applied without prior cleaning of the surface.

Also, for painting indoor stairs, use enamel paints. Enamel dries very quickly, has no toxic impurities, and has excellent protective properties.

Do-it-yourself staircase painting (video)

There is not a small variety of colors with which you can beautifully paint the stairs in the house or in the country. They differ in type, color and structure. What color you should paint the stairs to you depends on the style of the interior of the house itself. Painting stairs can be done by resorting to the services of various construction companies, but to save money, you can do it yourself.

The wooden staircase in the house looks amazing. Wood is not just one of the most environmentally friendly materials, it has a special energy and can bring comfort and magical warmth to any room. At the same time, unfortunately, it is not capable, like, for example, metal or glass, of maintaining its unchanged appearance for a very long time and more often requires restoration. And if the wooden staircase is on the street, the impact of external factors can be merciless.

Protecting and maintaining this noble structure is the task of any good owner. Painting a wooden staircase with your own hands is quite real, given all the nuances and requirements for wood processing. Our article will help you with this.

How to paint stairs?

So, let's deal first with the materials that are used to create a protective coating.

Wood putty.

Used on initial stage. It is necessary to sand and putty the wooden elements of the stairs. This is necessary to get rid of defects, as well as to create a layer of coating that is resistant to moisture penetration.

  • Acrylic putty- fire and moisture resistant, dries quickly, but not too durable. May crack if applied too thick.
  • Epoxy putty resistant to water and various chemical compounds, without smell. Not suitable for further wood staining.
  • Polymer putty- dries quickly, environmentally friendly, odorless, well levels, expensive material.
  • Oil putty- takes a long time to dry, but creates a durable coating.

The color of the putty is determined by the color of the wood. There are a variety of brands on the market offering a wide range of materials for wood. different varieties("Tikkurila", "Lakra", "Eurotex", also domestic "Rainbow", "Extra", etc.).


It has an antimicrobial, antifungal effect, protects against harmful insects. Types of antiseptics:

  • Oil . Has water repellent properties. Gives wood a darker shade. Of the minuses: combustible, has a peculiar stable smell. Not recommended for interior applications.
  • water soluble. It is easy to wash off, when using this composition, you need to allow the surface to dry well.
  • Organic. Strengthens wood, penetrating deep into the wood. Toxic, gives the tree a greenish tint. It is not recommended to use for internal stairs, as well as structures containing metal.
  • Flame retardants are combined antiseptics.

There are various brands on the market: Tikkurila, Aquatex, Neomid, Senezh, Pirilax, etc. When using the compositions, it is important to follow the instructions, strictly observing the indicated proportions.

Fire protection impregnation. Necessary requirement for wooden structures. It is carried out at the stage of manufacturing stairs. Then the procedure should be repeated every five years.


With its help, you can easily give the tree the desired shade. Unlike paint, it penetrates deep into the structure of the tree.

  • Water stains are the most popular, but they raise the pile on the tree, so it is recommended to moisten the surface with water before use, let it dry, and then sand it.
  • Alcohol dries quickly, this must be taken into account when applying so that there are no streaks or stains on the tree.
  • Oil paints are very easy to use, do not raise the pile, have the widest range of color shades.
  • wax, acrylic- products latest developments. Do not violate the structure of the tree, create a protective layer, water-repellent. More expensive, their price in comparison, for example, with water stains, is 5 times higher.
Primer on wood.

Strengthens the surface by gluing wood fibers, counteracts the absorption of moisture, disinfects, helps to reduce the consumption of paint or varnish. by the most the best option there will be a universal primer, however, for expensive wood species, you can opt for a specialized one. Fresh wood must be processed at least twice, after having previously cycled and polished.

At the final stage of creating a coating, paint or varnish is used. They will be discussed below.

Paint selection criteria

Painting stairs is a way not only to create a protective coating on a wooden surface, but also to implement various design solutions to create unique objects.

The main selection criterion will be the location of the stairs - indoors or outdoors. Based on this, attention should be paid to wear resistance, durability, resistance to temperature changes, external factors, toxicity, elasticity, fire resistance, drying time and coating consumption. Types of paints differ in the nature of the composition, which determines their main characteristics. Allocate:

  • Acrylic based paints. More suitable for internal works, moisture resistant, protect against fungus and mold, do not have a strong odor, are durable, have a voluminous texture, are easy to use. Helps create deep, rich colors. Matte or semi-gloss options should be chosen so that the steps are not slippery.
  • Acrylic paints. For outdoor structures. They have good protective properties.
  • Paints based on latex. Non-toxic, easy to apply, eco-friendly, breathable. Such coatings are durable and pleasant to the touch.
  • Paint on water based(water emulsion). Their fire resistance properties are higher than those of others. Temperature resistant, wear resistant. Suitable for external and internal structures.
  • Staining paints. They are colorless, emphasize and make more expressive the natural structure of wood, are used to create finishing coatings for stairs both inside and outside the room.
  • Alkyd. They dry quickly, perfectly hide imperfections, have good water-repellent properties, often have a pungent odor, and are less durable. Recommended for interior structures.
  • Polyurethane. Wear-resistant, durable, heat-resistant, dry quickly.
  • Oil paints. Cheap, require at least two coats, have a toxic persistent odor that disappears after a few days, are economical in consumption, create a dense, non-breathable coating on the wood, which can crack over time. Currently, they are used quite rarely due to the advent of more modern formulations.

Lacquer selection criteria

The design can be ennobled and protected with varnish. Depending on the composition and properties, the following varieties are distinguished:

  • Nitrocellulose. Creates a durable coating, dries quickly, resistant to seasonal influences external environment. They can cover street structures.
  • Alcohol based. Quick drying compounds, excellent for polishing. They have negative moisture and frost resistance, and therefore it is not recommended to use them for processing stairs on the street.
  • Oil. They dry for a long time, have low moisture resistance. Used for interior work.
  • Polyurethane. Strong, wear-resistant, recommended for work with external staircases.
  • Acrylic. Universal and most widely used. Suitable for both internal and external stairs. They provide the surface with high strength and resistance to mechanical damage.

Enamel selection criteria

Beautiful wooden stairs are also obtained after painting with enamel, which is a mixture of colorless varnish and coloring pigment. The requirements for them are the same as for the above coatings. Enamels from European manufacturers have such properties as high environmental friendliness, resistance to yellowing, strength, and the ability to protect the structure from aggressive environmental influences. We recommend applying them with an aerosol.

How to paint a wooden staircase?

Now let's look at how to properly paint a wooden staircase. Main steps:

Preparatory work:
  • puttying;
  • skinning;
  • sweep.

It is important to achieve a perfectly smooth, uniform surface. Grinding is carried out with fine sandpaper or a scraping machine in two stages with a break of a couple of days in order to remove the villi of the tree that have risen after the first time. For final cleaning use a vacuum cleaner.

Applying a finishing coat. When processing stairs with varnish or paint, a few basic rules should be observed:

  1. Start painting the stairs from top to bottom (the exception is the stairs to the basement, where painting starts from the bottom steps).
  2. It is necessary to paint the stairs 2-3 times. Each new layer is applied only after the previous one has completely dried. Layers are applied in different directions: first we move the brush from side to side, on the next layer - back and forth.
  3. Use a brush or roller to work. Lacquer stain, like some paints, is recommended to be applied with an airbrush to ensure a more even distribution.
  4. Remember to protect your hands and respiratory system, especially if using toxic formulations.

How to paint a pine staircase?

We will write a little more about painting stairs from this type of wood, since in the process of working with resinous wood it is necessary to perform deresining. This can be done using the following composition. For 1 l hot water 200 ml of acetone, 50 g is taken baking soda, 10 ml of alcohol, 40 g of soap flakes, 50 g of potash.

The solution is applied with a brush, then the wooden surface is washed hot water then you need to let it dry. Paint for pine stairs is also applied in 3 layers, varnish needs 6-7 layers.

What color to paint the stairs in the house, you choose. Modern manufacturers coatings offer the consumer the widest range of color shades. AT classic version the color of the stairs is usually darker than the overall tone of the room. AT modern interiors sometimes the most courageous get the embodiment design solutions, but do not forget that the noble, natural color of wood will always remain out of competition - this is not an aging classic.