Ways to increase humidity in an apartment. How to increase the humidity in a room: ways to humidify the air, tips and recommendations How to humidify the air in an apartment using improvised means

IN last years all available “folk” methods of humidifying a room have been replaced by special humidifiers. They are effective and productive, but not everyone has the opportunity to purchase such a climate control device for their home. In such a situation, many people wonder how to humidify the air in an apartment without a humidifier? A detailed analysis of this problem will allow you to find simple and effective ways to increase the humidity in the room to the required levels.

A home fountain will decorate the interior and solve the problem of dry air

Consequences of dry indoor air

The human body is quite sensitive to temperature and humidity conditions in the room. Therefore, it is important to maintain an optimal microclimate in the apartment.

What can increased dry air lead to?

  1. Respiratory problems: dry cough, drowsiness, distracted attention, increased fatigue.
  2. Functional disorders of the cardiovascular system.
  3. Deterioration of the condition of the skin: rashes, irritation.
  4. Weakening of hair: its fragility increases and healthy color disappears.
  5. Development or worsening allergic reactions.
  6. Decreased immunity, low body resistance to colds.
  7. Depletion of the mucous membrane of the eyes

Dry air is especially dangerous for newborn babies and children of preschool and primary school age.

What factors can “dry” the air in a room:

  • High temperature of coolants supplied to the heating system. This is especially true in combination with moderate outside temperatures. Therefore, special attention should be paid to moisturizers during warming periods.
  • Frequency of room ventilation.
  • Regularity of wet cleaning in the apartment.
  • Number of devices turned on (computers, televisions, microwaves, washing machines and other household appliances).

The issue with low humidity parameters is especially acute in winter period. This problem is typical for apartments and houses with a centralized heating system. The use of heating devices leads to a decrease in the number of negative oxygen ions, which determines the acute problem of low air humidity. Without a humidifier in winter, it is imperative to take a number of measures to saturate the air with moisture, since its dryness will cause significant harm to health.

Dry, thin and weakened hair is a consequence of lack of moisture in the air

Signs of dry indoor air

You can determine the humidity levels in a room without any problems using a special measuring instrument- hygrometer. The optimal humidity in the rooms of a residential apartment should be in the range from 40 to 60%.

How can you determine humidity if you don't have a hygrometer? In the absence of a special measuring device, there is a method for determining the level of humidity in a room using the Assmann psychrometric table. To do this, you will need a psychrometer - a device for measuring temperature and humidity. It consists of two alcohol thermometers: wet and dry. The Assmann table allows you to find out humidity due to the difference in readings of two thermometers.

Assmann table

By what manifestations can you determine an insufficient level of humidity if you do not have a hygrometer at hand:

  • Frequent headaches when indoors.
  • Unreasonable appearance of dry cough.
  • Dry skin.
  • Profuse lacrimation, accompanied by inflammatory processes (conjunctivitis), cutting pain. Low air humidity has a particularly significant impact on people who wear contact lenses.
  • An unexpected increase in the incidence of viral infections.
  • Feeling of a cool microclimate in the room at “normal” room temperature(20-21 degrees). Dry air does not retain heat and increases the cooling of the body.
  • The appearance of snoring during sleep. Dry air is optimal for the concentration of dust, bacteria and animal hair. This composition can cause snoring.
  • Feeling of constant “dusty” air.
  • Drying of furniture, musical instruments.
  • Heavy accumulation static electricity on clothes.
  • Increased wear and tear of fur products.
  • Changes in the “mood” of domestic plants and animals.

You can use folk method and determine the dryness of the air using a glass of water. To do this, it is placed in the refrigerator. After the liquid has cooled as much as possible, the glass is removed from the refrigerator and placed indoors away from heating appliances. If the fogged walls of the container dry out within 5 minutes, the air in the room has insufficient humidity.

Feeling cold and coughing are signs of dry air

Options for maintaining optimal humidity

How to humidify the air at home without a humidifier? Let's consider the most effective and popular options:

  1. Installation of an aquarium.
  2. Arrangement of a decorative fountain.
  3. Content certain types plants.
  4. A basin or other container with water.
  5. Spraying with water from a spray bottle.

It is worth understanding that in addition to the benefits of air humidification, each method has its own disadvantages.

An aquarium, a fountain, plants - all this requires constant care and attention. When arranging one of the options, you will have to spend a certain amount of time.

Aquarium and decorative fountain

An effective way to naturally maintain humidity levels in a room. Ambient humidification airspace occurs due to the presence of a water filtration system. As it passes through the filter, some of the water evaporates. Moreover, don't a large number of liquid constantly evaporates from the very water surface of the aquarium.

The effectiveness of humidification from an aquarium depends on two interdependent factors: the area of ​​​​the room and the size of the aquarium itself. The larger the container, the large quantity

water will evaporate.

  • Another productive way to combat dry air without a humidifier is to install a decorative fountain indoors. The fountain will solve several problems at once:
  • Decorate or complement the interior.
  • Creates a fresh effect.
  • Will increase the humidity in the room.
  • Wet cleaning. Spraying curtains and tulles clean water

from a spray bottle.

The principle of operation of the fountain is based on creating a closed water circulation cycle. As it moves through the structure, some of the water evaporates. Today there are a large number various options

decorative fountains. Without any problems, you can choose the optimal fountain based on size and design. If you wish, you can quickly construct such a device with your own hands.

The aquarium can be integrated into the interior of the room in an original way

Plants The method is suitable for anyone who is used to growing flowers in an apartment. Watering, wet wiping of leaves, spraying with a spray bottle - all these usual plant care procedures will increase the water content in the air. In addition, plants actively absorb carbon dioxide

and form oxygen, saturating the surrounding space with it.

The following plants have a positive effect on indoor humidity:

  • Hypoestes and Saintpaulia.
  • Phythonia.
  • Orchid.
  • Schefflera and monstera.
  • Cyperus.
  • Hibiscus.
  • Nephrolepis.
  • Ficus.

Dracaena effectively restores indoor humidity

Quick and easy ways

The easiest way to humidify the air is to install a basin of water in the room. It's best to take a small one plastic container, fill it with water and place it under the heating radiator. Small size will allow you to conveniently fit the container, and curtains or tulle will hide its presence. Under the influence of temperature, constant evaporation of water will occur, which will positively affect the humidity level. The amount of evaporation depends on the size of the surface of the container; the larger it is, the more water evaporates.

More the hard way involves the use of a bandage or towel. Place a container of water under the battery. A bandage is hung on the heating radiator, one end of which is lowered into the water. The bandage will constantly absorb water, and under the influence of temperature, moisture will constantly evaporate from it. The effectiveness of the method depends on the size of the fabric; the larger it is, the greater the area of ​​wetting and the intensity of evaporation.

The frequency of wet cleaning has a big role on the level of humidity in the apartment. Wiping dust from furniture and other objects with a damp cloth, washing floors - all this is a source of replenishing the air with moisture.

During cleaning, you can additionally spray the curtains with clean water from a spray bottle.

Auxiliary measures to improve humidity indicators:

  • Regular ventilation. Windows in rooms should be opened at least three times for 5-10 minutes. In each room, ventilation should be alternated so as not to create a draft that is hazardous to health. To prevent drafts, you can close the doors to each room. Ventilation is effective in summer, spring and autumn. In winter, this method of humidification has low efficiency in frosty weather, since the air, in conditions of very low temperatures outside, does not contain a sufficient amount of moisture. The existing water content in frosty air quickly evaporates when it enters a room.
  • Availability of open carafes of water on the table or on the windowsill in the room.
  • Buying fresh flowers and placing them in vases with water.

Drying washed clothes is a separate way to humidify the air. Its use is not recommended in rooms with normal or high levels of moisture, as it creates a favorable environment for the development of fungi, mold and bacteria due to the formation of condensation. But in a “dry” room, hanging wet laundry will increase the moisture content in the air. Today there are a large number of models of home clothes dryers, so increasing the humidity in this way will not be difficult.

It is strictly forbidden to hang wet laundry directly on electric heating devices.

Flowers in a vase - decoration and an excellent air humidifier

Hydration for newborn babies

Families with newborn babies should pay special attention to the microclimate in the premises of the house. In the first months and years of life, a child is especially vulnerable to external factors and is sensitive to various unfavorable manifestations. The best way to control indoor humidity is to purchase a humidifier. With its help, it is quite easy to maintain the desired humidity parameters. The humidifier increases the concentration of liquid in the air to the desired levels quickly and without extra costs

. But not all parents can afford to use a special climate control device. In such cases, it is worth using simple recommendations.

  • How to humidify the air in a room without a humidifier and create favorable conditions for the baby? There are the following recommendations for creating a favorable humidity regime in a children's room without using a humidifier:
  • Regular ventilation of the room when the baby is not in the room.
  • Frequent wet cleaning.
  • You can place a jug or vase with water in the room.

Installation of an aquarium or decorative, home fountain. In apartments with children, you should use humidification methods with caution by drying bedding and placing various plants. Bedding after washing with powder can release various odors and chemical compounds into the air. They can negatively affect the child’s well-being.

Houseplants worth choosing carefully. They should not cause irritation or allergic reactions. person. His skin becomes dull and his hair becomes brittle. Not everyone has the opportunity to purchase expensive devices that maintain a comfortable microclimate inside the house. How to increase the humidity in a room without a humidifier? It is especially important to solve this problem in an apartment with small children. Their respiratory system is not yet fully formed. They react more sharply to insufficient moisture content in the air.

Why is it necessary to humidify living spaces?

At low negative temperatures the humidity of air masses decreases. Once in the room, they dry out and heat up. This is facilitated by the presence of pipes and radiators of the heating system. Lack of humidity can lead to unpleasant consequences:

  • the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx becomes dry. A favorable environment is created for the development of viral and bacterial diseases;
  • allergic reactions may occur, the risk of bronchial asthma increases;
  • sleep is disturbed;
  • eyes become dry. They experience pain and discomfort;
  • the skin becomes dehydrated and elastin is destroyed. The face and body ages prematurely;
  • the structure of the hair changes. They lose their shine;
  • the blood thickens. Its circulation slows down;
  • gastric juice becomes more viscous.

Ways to increase moisture content in the air

For a person to be comfortable in the room, the percentage of humidity should be in the range of 40-70%. To measure this parameter, a special measuring device is used - a hygrometer. If this device is not available, you can determine the moisture content in the air using a regular container filled with water. The vessel should be kept in the refrigerator for several hours. After this, it is installed in the center of the room. After 5 minutes, condensation forms on its walls:

  • slow dripping of droplets indicates the presence of a normal state of air;
  • if the outer surface of the vessel is dry, there is an insufficient amount of moisture in the air masses;
  • the appearance of a puddle around the container indicates increased humidity.

Ventilation of living space

There is more humidity in outdoor air masses than in indoor air. With regular ventilation of the apartment, its microclimate will gradually return to normal. This procedure is recommended especially often in autumn and winter time. During this period, additionally operating heating devices help dry the air.

You can get rid of excessive dryness in the room with daily wet cleaning. This simple procedure will not only maintain the moisture content at the required level, but will also make it possible to remove fine dust that provokes allergic reactions. Floors should be washed without using bleach and detergents containing chemicals. To reduce dust accumulation in the room, it is necessary to remove carpets from the room.

Using an electric stove

When deciding how to increase the humidity in a room, you can use a conventional electric heater. An open pan is placed on the surface of the heating plate. Water is first poured into it. It is brought to a boil. Hot water vapor quickly moisturizes air masses. To get a healing effect add medicinal plants or essential oils. Instead of an electric stove, you can use an open kettle. The desired effect is usually achieved very quickly. This method cannot be used often. The surface of furniture and wallpaper may be damaged.

A wet towel is often used to increase moisture content. It is hung on a hot radiator. After it dries, the towel is moistened again and returned to its original place. To build an improvised humidifying device, use a wet cloth and a fan. It is placed on the grill of the ventilation device. The fan should operate at low power. The same effect is obtained when drying wet laundry inside the apartment.

Using homemade humidifiers

When answering the question of how to increase the humidity in a room, you should consider different kinds humidifying devices:

  • used for the manufacture of a humidifier plastic bottle. Its capacity should not exceed 1 liter. The vessel is sealed with a stopper. A small “window” is cut along the container. The vessel is filled with water and hung on the heating radiator;
  • Water is poured into a glass jar. A medical bandage or cotton cloth is first placed in it. The jar is placed under the heating radiator. One end of the fabric is wound around the battery, and the other remains in a vessel with water. Moisture constantly saturates the fabric. A hot radiator pipe speeds up evaporation;
  • Small vessels filled with water are placed near heating devices. In order not to spoil the interior of the room, you can use beautiful vases or multi-colored balls containing hydrogel. In an aquatic environment, they increase in size and accelerate the evaporation process. New liquid is constantly added to the vessels;
  • When deciding how to increase the humidity in a room, they resort to spray bottles. They are inserted into a bottle filled with water. The devices periodically spray liquid. To create a pleasant aroma in the room, you should add a small amount of essential oil;
  • The moisture content in the apartment can be increased using an aquarium. It helps normalize the microclimate. It is better to use open models;
  • an indoor fountain or a small artificial waterfall can easily be found in a specialty store. The sound of rushing water has a beneficial effect on the emotional state and humidifies the air well.

Self-assembly of an ultrasonic humidifier

When studying the question of how to increase the humidity in a room, you should pay attention to a homemade ultrasonic device, which is easy to build with your own hands. To make it you will need:

  • plastic bucket;
  • lid;
  • a small piece of foam;
  • 2 tubes with a diameter of 5 cm and a length of 15 cm;
  • cooler from an unnecessary computer;
  • small glass;
  • ultrasonic wave emitter.

It is necessary to drill 2 holes in the lid for plastic tubes. One tube is glued to the cooler. The air stream is directed into the device. A hole is drilled in the foam. A plastic cup is installed in it. It will be used as a float. The emitter used is placed at its bottom. Holes are drilled in the cup to allow water to enter. Liquid is poured into a bucket and a float is lowered into it. The lid closes and the pipes are attached to it. After connecting the power supply, the device starts working.

A favorable indoor microclimate will help maintain good health. The service life of the building structure will increase. Interior items and furniture will deteriorate less. You can obtain the required level of humidity in the room using the simple methods described in this article.

Dry air in the house is a small problem at first glance. But it is precisely this that is fraught with a huge number of associated troubles that require immediate solutions. Climate control devices are not always able to cope with this task. How to humidify the air in a room without a humidifier, and why they are not always effective - today’s article will be devoted to these issues.

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    They work actively in winter centralized systems heating, heaters, batteries. Eventually, fresh air There is very little left in the apartment, the skin dries out, and it becomes difficult to breathe. A lack of moisture in oxygen can provoke a string of allergic reactions and serious diseases; this “enemy” should not be underestimated.

    A number of symptoms indicate a lack of humidity in the room, dry air:

    • causeless attacks of headache;
    • dry skin of lips, fingers;
    • low labor productivity;
    • sleep problems;
    • the eyes become dry, inflammatory processes are activated;
    • the plants in the room quickly turn yellow;
    • dryness in the nasopharynx.

    The listed problems indicate that it is necessary to increase the air humidity in the house. Wooden furniture often cracks. In case of musical instruments the consequences may simply become irreversible. More details in the video below.

    Why is dry air in an apartment dangerous?

    Determining the humidity level

    The humidity standard for residential premises is from 40 to 60-70%, and this range is considered optimal not only for people, but also for technical equipment. When answering the question about the air in the room, experts give these exact values. There are several ways to determine the real value in a particular room.

    For those who for some reason do not want to purchase a hygrometer, we suggest watching a video that describes a method for determining humidity using a simple thermometer.

    Relative humidity. The oldest and simplest way to measure humidity is with a thermometer.

    Air conditioner: should I buy or not?


    If, according to the data obtained, a moisture deficiency has formed in the room, the easiest way to eliminate it is to buy. IN in this case This is a small device that sprays water particles into the surrounding space, due to which the humidity in the room increases. Such a device copes well with the tasks assigned to it, even a child can use it, but there are also disadvantages:

    • The device operates from the mains, therefore, it increases the amount of energy consumed. In the case of constant operation, the “gain” can be quite noticeable;
    • price;
    • during operation most models climate control equipment create noise.

    However, there are more affordable and simple methods how to humidify the air in an apartment with minimal discomfort, and they are completely free.

    The main ways to increase the humidity level in a room

    Decorative fountain

    In winter, it is effective to humidify the air with the help of decorative waterfalls or fountains. They easily eliminate the need for any humidifying devices and emphasize the design of the room. For a home owner, this is a wonderful opportunity to fill the surrounding space with freshness.

    Control is carried out automatically. Decorative fountains operate according to simple principle– water moves in a closed “circle”. All that is required is to pour the liquid into a special container after a few days. Depending on the model, its volume can vary widely. When answering the question of how to humidify the air at home, professionals are increasingly recommending the option of decorative hydro solutions.

    Drying wet laundry

    An increase in moisture in the air is also recorded in cases where wet laundry is hung in it. For people who have small children, the problem of moisture deficiency due to this effect is often leveled out by itself. However, wet laundry hanging in a room is a radical way to get rid of dry air, since there is a possibility of mold and condensation forming.

    Advice! How to increase the humidity in a room with minimal risks? – Wet the towel and wring it out lightly, and then hang it on the radiator. In winter, this is one of the most effective ways saturation of air masses with moisture due to its evaporation during the heating process.

    Optimal humidity in the apartment can be ensured with another simple “ folk recipe" It is simple and accessible, like everything ingenious. Pour water into a small container and dip the bandage into it. After which it is hung on the battery so that one of the ends is on a hot metal surface, and the other remains in the water. Air humidification is achieved due to the constant evaporation of moisture into the room.

    Humidification options in the apartment

    More plants and greenery!

    Green vegetation is capable of not only synthesizing oxygen, but also saturating it with moisture. At the same time, the air is ionized, purified from dust, bacteria, dangerous and invisible particles. So, how to humidify the air in an apartment without a humidifier and saturate it with oxygen? – It is necessary to plant the “right” plants at home, ideally those species that grow in a tropical climate, since they produce the maximum amount of moisture.

    Plants for humidification in the interior of the house

    Moisturizing greens:

    • hypoesthes;
    • phytonia;
    • fern;
    • orchid.

    note! The listed plant species release into space the same amount of “precipitation” as they absorb it. They require regular and intensive watering.

    • dracaena;
    • ficus;
    • fern (dom.);
    • Cyperus;
    • indoor linden;
    • hibiscus.

    You can’t even imagine how much these “neighbors” can transform the environment in your home, not to mention the purification and production of oxygen.

    The aquarium is our everything

    Caring parents often do not ask themselves how to increase the humidity in the apartment, since they purchase an aquarium for their children in advance. The humid room will be the one in which the source of water is located and the area of ​​​​its evaporation is maximum. As a result, the larger the aquarium installed in the nursery, the more effectively it will be able to saturate dry air with beneficial moisture.

    note! If you add fish in addition to the glass tank green plants, then oxygen synthesis will accelerate.

    For rooms where it is not possible to install an aquarium, the best solutions would be glass decorative plates or other types of vessels filled with water. There should be as many of them as possible so that the area of ​​liquid evaporation is sufficient to maintain the humidity regime. You can throw some beautiful stones into a plate and decorate them with decorative lighting. The atmosphere will become much more comfortable.

    Regular ventilation of the room

    Advice! Combine with each other different ways to improve their efficiency.

    At the same time, you can carry out wet cleaning by spraying water on the plants. If you turn on the fan and point it in the direction of spraying the liquid, you can treat the entire room in a few minutes, regardless of its size. The optimal air humidity in a living room will be “maintained” for several hours. But if there is no desire to regularly engage in the described “water procedures”, it is better to opt for the option of purchasing a specialized household device.


    Now you know not only how to humidify the air in a room, but also why it is needed in principle. It is not at all necessary to purchase expensive climate solutions; folk remedies, besides, no one forbids doing it with your hands, fortunately there is nothing complicated about it. Don’t forget about plants, some of their species are faithful helpers in the fight against dryness, both in the tropics and in your apartment.

Relative humidity, the one reported in weather forecasts, is the percentage of humidity in the atmosphere at a certain temperature.

Indoors, people feel most comfortable and breathe easily when there is humidity: summer time 60-75%, in winter about 55-70%.

Note! If an apartment or house is filled with solid wood furniture, it has wood trim, parquet or other interior items from this natural material, it is enough to maintain a humidity of 50-60%.

You should not try to reduce the room humidity below these levels. Even in the Sahara Desert the relative humidity is 25%.

How to measure humidity in a house?

The easiest and most effective way to do this is to use a home hygrometer. The device is small and easy to operate and will show the exact moisture content in your home atmosphere, and you can buy it at almost any hardware store.

If you have a home weather station or air conditioner that measures the amount of evaporation in the air, this will also give you an accurate and quick reading.

Today, air humidity can be determined even through smartphone applications. Just download and install the program, and it will allow you to easily control the state of your home microclimate.

How to increase humidity in an apartment?

If measurements show an unacceptably low level, and household members feel and notice signs of a lack of water vapor in the air, it is worthwhile to improve the atmosphere.

If the room humidity is insufficient:

  • leaves of domestic plants dry out at the edges and fall off for no apparent reason;
  • sore throats in people and animals;
  • the mucous membranes of the mouth and nose are dry, discomfort is felt;
  • the skin dries and peels;
  • cough and runny nose appears.

There are many ways to increase the vapor content in the air. We will now look at some of them.

Quick ways

If dry air is an irregular phenomenon in your apartment, it is enough to use several fast-acting but short-term methods.

Wet sheets

This grandmother’s method is still actively used if it is necessary to increase the content of water vapor in the air quickly and for a short time. To do this, sheets, towels or any other bulky textiles are wetted, wrung out and hung around the house. During heating season It is preferable to hang fabrics on radiators, in the summer - in aisles and places where the fabric will not interfere with you.

A regular spray bottle will do the job just as well. Just spray clean water in all rooms in the air and on the curtains through the most frequent nozzle, which forms a cloud of fine spray.

Battery-powered water containers

Dryness often occurs in winter due to the fact that hot heating radiators simply displace moisture. In this case, you can place bowls of water on the radiators or porous containers between the sections in the radiator itself. The water will gradually evaporate, saturating the air.

We increase humidity for a long time

If the dryness of the microclimate is a constant phenomenon for you, and you have to deal with it all year round, methods that can allow you to forget about this problem will come in handy.

The aquarium will humidify the air

A great option to improve the atmosphere in your home is to install an aquarium. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to have fish. Decorative frogs, snails, turtles, and jellyfish look great in illuminated water. You can completely abandon living creatures by decorating the tank with smooth stones and a few aquarium plants.

Indoor flowers against dry air

Surprisingly, it is those who first suffer from dryness who are able to correct the situation. Plants with large soft leaves, for example, monstera. As a rule, they come from tropical rainforests and are accustomed to absorbing a lot of moisture and releasing a lot. The main thing is to take good care of the flowers (water them regularly, wipe the leaves from dust, spray), and then they will repay you with a healthy atmosphere in the house.

Indoor fountain to protect your health

An indoor fountain does an excellent job as a humidifier. The water in it constantly overflows, due to which it evaporates faster than, say, from an aquarium. In addition, it is very beautiful and creates a cozy atmosphere. The main thing is to use only clean water and change it often, and wash the fountain itself to avoid the formation of microorganisms.

According to international standards, the optimal air humidity in residential premises should be kept at 45-50% and not exceed 65%. However, with the start of centralized heating in apartment buildings the figure often drops to 25-30%. It is officially impossible to complain about too dry air - the level is not regulated by federal standards of care utilities. AiF.ru found five simple ways, which will help increase the humidity in the room.

Trays with water. Most often, owners simply install containers with liquid throughout the house: the water evaporates evenly and the air becomes more humid. The main disadvantage of this method is that it is impractical; moisture evaporates quickly, and the containers are constantly in the way.

Humidification of batteries. The most common way. The easiest way is to place containers with water in close proximity to radiators or hang wet terry towels on the radiators. The main disadvantage of the method is its relatively short duration of action. The wet towel will become dry in a few hours, and the procedure will have to be repeated. You can extend the operation of the structure using a bucket of water: one end of the towel is immersed in water, and the other is secured to the radiator. A rational alternative to hanging radiators is drying clothes directly in living rooms, wet clothes can dry faster and the air becomes more humid.

Applied landscaping. Flower growers are confident that common ones are best suited for humidifying the air in an apartment. unpretentious plants cyperus and chlorophytum. According to official estimates, a large bush is capable of releasing 500 milliliters of moisture into the atmosphere per day. The secret lies in proper care: according to standards, the soil in a flower pot should be moist all the time, the water from it will, accordingly, evaporate. By analogy, inconspicuous cyperus and chlorophytum can be replaced with other moisture-loving indoor flowers. Creation comfortable humidity due to plants alone, it can become quite labor-intensive: for a ten-meter room you will need 3-4 bushes. An alternative to flowers is an aquarium with fish. The least problematic way is to install an indoor fountain.

Limited ventilation. On frosty days, it is better to open the windows for no more than 10 minutes - in winter the air outside is quite dry. On rainy days, when the humidity outside is higher than indoors, you can ventilate longer. To save humid air some owners prefer to cover the ventilation compartments. This solution will indeed increase the level of humidity in the room, but at the same time the room will most likely become quite stuffy.

Humidifier. There are two types of devices on the market - with hot and cold humidification. In the first case, the water poured into the apparatus is brought to a boil, and steam enters the room. Secondly, we are talking about distribution cold water. For most residents of large cities, a steam unit will most likely be too powerful, and too high air humidity will lead to mold on the walls. The cost of a simple model in all variations ranges from 1.5 to 5 thousand rubles.