Types of sewer pipes: from cast iron to ceramics. Types of sewer pipes and connections - choose the best option Sewer pipes: photo

Good job the sewer system depends not only on internal communications, but also on the external pipeline, which is operated in difficult conditions. Therefore, external sewer pipes must be resistant to wear, durable and able to withstand any temperature extremes. Market today building materials offers products for sewerage from the most different material... The consumer can only study their characteristics and choose the option suitable for his home.

Sewer pipe characteristics

When building a comfortable private house, the owner has to choose materials not only for the construction of walls and a roof, but also for a full-fledged sewer system. Every step needs to be thought through and choose high-quality materials so that the sewage system works properly, and it does not have to be repaired soon.

External sewer pipes must have the following characteristics:

Good and long-term operation of the sewer system depends not only on the quality of the pipes, but also on the correct installation using high-quality additional elements... Therefore, if it will be difficult to mount the selected pipeline option or there are no suitable additional elements for it, then you should think about choosing a different type of pipes.

Cast iron pipes

Cast iron products are known to everyone and have been used for a long time. They can be installed both outside and inside the building. The advantages of cast iron include:

The installation of cast iron requirements does not require the use of special materials and tools. A simple cement mortar is suitable as a sealant.

In spite of a large number of advantages, cast iron products have three disadvantages:

  1. High price.
  2. Rough inner surface, due to which build-ups are formed over time, the diameter of the passage narrows, the rate of passage of drains decreases and blockages form in the sewer system.
  3. The large weight of the pipes makes their installation and installation a laborious process.

But if the owner of the house installs an external cast iron sewer, it will serve him for about eighty years.

Ceramic pipeline

Ceramic sewer pipes have been produced and operated for more than a dozen years. This is explained by a large number of advantages ceramic products. These include:

  1. Simple installation.
  2. Resistant to external temperatures and transported liquid.
  3. The inner surface has almost no roughness, due to which there are practically no build-ups, and the pipes are not clogged.
  4. Resistance to chemicals, which allows any liquid to be drained into the ceramic sewer.

Ceramic products should be chosen carefully, as they are fragile and may have cracks and chips. Therefore, every pipe should be inspected. Also, due to the fragility of the products, they must be carefully transported and mounted so as not to damage the parts.

Another disadvantage of ceramic pipes is the need to make a large number of joints during installation, since their length is small.

Ceramic pipes with socket and thread are on sale. Their diameter can be from one hundred to six hundred millimeters.

Asbestos cement pipes

For outdoor sewerage pipes made of asbestos fiber and Portland cement can be used. Such products are lightweight, so their installation will not be difficult.

Advantages of asbestos-cement products:

  1. Resistant to overgrowth of internal space.
  2. Resistance to chemical and other aggressive substances. Any liquid can be drained into the sewer from such material.
  3. Long service life. The asbestos-cement sewerage system will serve from fifty to one hundred years.
  4. Ease of installation. You do not need to purchase special tools for trimming and joining products.

Just like ceramics, asbestos cement is fragile, so it should be transported and installed with care. And when choosing pipes, they must be carefully inspected for the absence of chips and cracks. Particular attention should be paid to the ends of the products.

Polypropylene products are very popular because they are suitable for creating sewers with various schemes, sizes and capacities. The advantages of polypropylene pipes include:

When purchasing polypropylene pipes for the manufacture of sewage systems, it is recommended to choose corrugated products that are more durable than simple ones. They consist of two layers:

  • inner smooth layer allows drains to pass unhindered;
  • the outer corrugated layer makes the parts more durable.

The pipeline can be laid to a depth of fifteen meters. Products are connected using "cold welding" or special rubber cuffs. Polypropylene has one drawback: it is sensitive to ultraviolet radiation.

PVC pipes

Polyvinyl chloride is distinguished by high operational and physical and technical characteristics. The modern construction market for PVC products offers three types:

  • Heavy pipes with large wall thickness. They can be laid to a depth of eight meters and used for laying industrial sewer networks.
  • Medium-hard elements are installed at a depth of two to six meters under roads with medium-intensity traffic.
  • Lightweight products are used for pipelines that are installed at a shallow depth. They cannot be laid under the carriageway.

PVC products have many advantages:

Installation of PVC products does not require special skills and equipment.

Sewer system made of polypropylene

Polypropylene is pretty soft material, therefore not suitable for laying at great depths. They use polypropylene products for the external sewerage of private houses and the installation of storm drains.

Advantages of polypropylene pipes:

Any kind plastic pipes has good wear resistance, is easily cut with a hacksaw for metal and does not lose its performance for a long time. In any hardware store for them, you can purchase fittings and other elements that will be needed for the device of an external sewage system.

DIY sewerage installation

The installation of an external pipeline first of all requires the preparation of a project, which includes the calculation of the size of the system, the choice of materials, and the calculation of connections. After that, they prepare necessary tools and materials are purchased.

Stages of work:

If all the calculations and installation of the sewage system was done correctly, then pump out wastewater will be needed no more than twice a year.

The choice of external sewer pipes should be taking into account the capabilities of the owner of the house and the individual characteristics of the site. Heavy cast iron products in private homes are rarely used today. Many experts claim that ideal option to create a sewage system in country house are PVC pipes.

We do not see them, but we actively use them every day. It is about internal sewer pipes ah, which connect all objects to the vertical in-house riser. The durability and reliability of the entire drainage system depends on the quality of the pipes, the correctly selected material, diameter and angle of inclination. To determine which sewer pipes to choose for the internal sewage system in an apartment and a private house, for a start it is better to draw up a system wiring project, evaluate the geometry of the room, the height of the plumbing installation and other features.

# 1. Internal sewer pipe material

Internal sewerage wiring can be performed using the following pipes:

  • cast iron. Previously, they were installed everywhere, today they are practically not used;
  • polyvinyl chloride (PVC);
  • polypropylene. Looking ahead, we note that this is the most the best option;
  • polyethylene. Infrequently used;
  • steel and copper. Expensive pipes that have not found application, but are sometimes still used due to their appearance.

Despite the fact that polypropylene and PVC pipes are most widespread, when choosing, do not rush to immediately discard the rest of the options, since in some cases cast iron and even copper pipes can be useful.

No. 2. Cast iron pipes for domestic sewerage

Several decades ago, there was no particular alternative to cast iron pipes, so they are massively found in homes. old building... Today, cast iron is being replaced by plastic, but it is still in use. These pipes are made from gray cast iron by centrifugal casting. To protect the material from corrosion and make the inner surface smooth, the pipes are coated on the outside and inside with a bitumen compound. The diameter of cast iron pipes ranges from 5-15 cm, the wall thickness is 10-12 mm.

Advantages of cast iron pipes:

Surely cast iron pipes I would have remained in the leaders, if not significant disadvantages:

  • the walls overgrow with deposits over time. It's all to blame for the roughness of the material, which cannot be completely eliminated even with a bituminous coating. The overgrowth process leads to a narrowing of the pipe lumen and a decrease in its throughput. Anyone who has seen what a pipe looks like after many years of operation will never forget this terrible sight;
  • large weight of pipes, which complicates transportation;
  • complex installation, which is explained not only by the large weight, but also by the peculiarities of the connection of pipe sections. In order for the sewer system to be airtight, it is necessary to correctly connect the elements. Usually the caulking or caulking method is used;
  • susceptibility to corrosion processes;
  • high price.

To build a new sewer system, cast iron pipes are not used today, but they may be needed when reconstruction is already taking place. existing systems... At the moment, the use of cast-iron pipes is also justified in the arrangement and in-house risers.

When choosing, it does not interfere with carefully examining the products and tapping each of them. Thus, it is easy to detect cracks and other defects that form when the manufacturing process is disrupted. A defective pipe does not have a long service life. To connect cast iron pipes, various types of fittings, plugs and sockets are produced.

No. 3. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) sewer pipes

For the arrangement of the internal sewage system, they are considered almost the most suitable option... In the production process, some other substances are added to polyvinyl chloride, which include stabilizers and polymers. Elements of the required shape are formed from the heated mass.

PVC pipes can be of two types:

  • plasticized PVC pipes have good elasticity and low strength;
  • pipes made of unplasticized PVC (PVC-U) are made more rigid and resistant to aggressive effects.

Of course, it is better to use unplasticized PVC, but in practice, both types of pipes are used. The diameter of the products ranges from 2 to 20 cm.

Main advantages:


  • limited operating temperature range. With constant exposure negative temperatures pipes become brittle and lose their tightness, and under constant exposure to temperatures above + 60 ... + 70 0 С, the material is able to deform and also loses its integrity;
  • insufficient fire resistance;
  • the inner walls of PVC pipes are smoother than cast iron, but over time, plaque will still appear on them. In addition, the inner diameter changes over the years. As a result of exposure to high temperatures circular section transforms into an elliptical, and this deteriorates the throughput and contributes to the occurrence of leaks;
  • some corrosive substances contained in the effluent can nevertheless lead to the gradual destruction of the pipes.

For the arrangement of internal sewage from PVC pipes, appropriate connecting elements... Among them knee designed to turn the pipeline at an angle of 20 to 87 degrees, tee for arrangement of branches, crosspiece to connect four pipes, and reduction for connecting pipe sections of different diameters.

No. 4. Polypropylene sewer pipes

Also calculate the distance from the riser to each drain point: if it is more than allowed, then you will have to provide ventilation outlets and connectors.

Don't forget to also purchase siphons... It is desirable that they are of the same material as the pipes, then there will be a minimum of problems with the connection. After creating the project, the location of the pipes is considered the places where the pipe changes direction and forks, as well as the places where several bends are connected. Based on this, one can understand how much reducer connectors(for the joint of pipes with different diameters), bends(aka knees, an element for creating a bend), tees and crosses will need.

No. 8. The slope of the internal sewer pipe

The sewer pipeline can be divided into two sections, vertical and horizontal. Vertical is a riser to which all horizontal pipes are supplied, however, they can be called horizontal with a stretch. Sewer pipes must be laid at a slight incline towards the riser. This is necessary in order to:

  • drains quickly went into the general sewer under the influence of gravity;
  • there was no siltation of pipes, which occurs when drains stagnate in areas without the necessary slope;
  • did not arise unpleasant odors and breakthroughs as a result of siltation.

The larger the diameter of the sewer pipe, the lower the slope is required:

If these values ​​are observed, the optimal flow rate of wastewater is ensured, 0.7-1 m / s.

You should resist the temptation to make the slope more than required. The larger the angle, the faster the drains will leave the apartment. This seems to be good, but this speed brings with it a lot of problems:

  • particles of sewage, solid food residues and other debris under the influence of a high flow rate remain in the pipe;
  • there is silting of pipes and their complete clogging. The service life of such a system is several times less than that built according to all the rules.

The slope should not exceed 15 cm per 1 meter. It is formed by means of fasteners on which the pipe will be held, or by creating a groove in the wall.

In conclusion, we note that a breakthrough of sewer pipes is one of the most unpleasant accidents that can happen in an apartment. That is why it is not worth saving on the purchase of pipes and their installation.

At each section of the sewerage system, different material sewer pipes and different types are required, depending on the operating conditions. To select all the elements correctly, you should familiarize yourself with the characteristics, requirements and types of these products. Pipes and connections are an integral and important part.

To select quality products with excellent characteristics and an acceptable price, you need to know the requirements for sewer pipes. They should be:

  1. Durable and durable, because by installing an internal or laying external sewerage during the construction of a cottage or summer cottage, every home owner hopes that he will not have to repair and liquidate it soon unpleasant consequences breakout.
  2. Resistant to temperature extremes, ultraviolet radiation, mechanical stress and the ingress of aggressive reagents.
  3. Convenient and easy to install, lightweight and reliable connections.
  4. Be distinguished by high throughput and a smooth inner surface so that domestic drains with contaminants different sizes did not cause regular connections.

Sewer pipes are multifunctional and have different types

When deciding which products to choose, it is necessary not only to adhere to the most important requirements, but also to assess the specific conditions in which the pipeline will operate, and to determine the cost, because the financial component during construction is important.

The types of sewer pipes and connections differ depending on the installation location. The internal system is designed to collect household waste water from all sanitary appliances in the house and transport them within the building. External sewerage supplies wastewater to general or local sewage treatment plant... The most important indicator of the classification is the material of the sewer pipelines, they are made of cast iron, concrete, asbestos cement, ceramics or polymers.

Internal sewerage

Before choosing sewer pipes, the types of which should correspond to the interior of the premises of bathrooms, kitchens, baths or home pools, the number of plumbing fixtures, the likelihood of their simultaneous use, the maximum consumption and the degree of improvement of the building should be clarified. Products can be made of polyvinyl chloride, their advantages include a small specific gravity, ease of installation and an attractive price that allows you to significantly reduce costs. But PVC pipes can deform under the influence of high temperatures, they are unstable to a number of chemically active substances, are flammable and emit toxic substances.

The low-pressure polyethylene pipe is distinguished by almost perfect smoothness of the inner surface of the walls, long service life, high strength and rigidity, the ability to function in a wide temperature range and ease of installation. But when laying such a pipeline, it is advisable to install special protective boxes, since such material is not resistant to direct sunlight.

Flexible and resistant to mechanical stress, polypropylene pipelines are so reliable at elevated water temperatures that the selected material can be used not only for sewer, but also for heating system... The use of modern polymer materials guarantees that the service life of the system is at least 25 years.

Outdoor sewerage

How to choose external sewer pipes depends on the terrain, the allocated budget and the availability of engineering networks on adjoining territory... Even relatively recently, cast iron was the most popular material for and risers inside buildings. The material has excellent physical and chemical properties, thanks to which it does not lose its relevance when arranging external networks today.

Cast iron pipes do not rust, they can last for about 70 years, without deforming from the loads created by the weight of the soil and passing vehicles. The disadvantages of this type of pipelines include heavy weight, fragility and high cost. In addition, dirt builds up on the rough inner surface of the pipes, and the pipe diameter gradually narrows, which can lead to blockages.

Ceramic products are very durable, they are resistant to chemical reagents in the composition of the effluent, but they are quite fragile and laborious to install, because such pipes with a diameter of up to 600 mm have a length of only 1.5 meters.

Asbestos-cement sewer pipes are inexpensive and light enough. They are quite resistant to the effects of aggressive media, have a smooth inner surface, but are fragile enough, besides, carcinogenic properties are inherent in asbestos cement.

Despite their environmental friendliness, concrete pipes for external sewerage in private houses are rarely used, because due to their heavy weight, special equipment is needed for their delivery and installation.

Currently, these types of sewer pipes are used less and less; more and more often, owners of private houses choose modern products made of polypropylene, fiberglass or polyethylene. Durability of such pipes, sufficient to withstand the weight of the soil, is given by double walls, special stiffeners that give the pipe a corrugation appearance, and ring reinforcements. Such pipes are quite lightweight, they are much easier to transport and install.

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Types of sewer pipes and connections and connections: from toilet to chemical plant

Dear reader, what types of sewer pipes and connections do you know? The only thing that will probably pop into your mind is a gray PVC pipe with an O-ring; those who have had a chance to live in the houses of the old foundation will remember the cast-iron risers with sockets sealed up ... judging by their appearance - rust and dirt.

In this article, I will try to acquaint you with the types of sewage and the methods of its installation in more detail.

Gray cast iron

Traditional material had no alternatives in the construction of domestic sewerage systems only four to five decades ago. Risers, planks (horizontal sewerage branches), combs (intra-apartment wiring), outlets to the well and the entire external network, with the exception of collectors, were cast-iron.

Nowadays, the cast-iron sewerage system is practically supplanted by the ubiquitous plastic; during the overhaul of buildings, it is massively changed to PVC and polypropylene.

Why did the cast iron fail?


  • Both pipes and fittings are very heavy. The brittleness of the metal has to be compensated for by the significant wall thickness. In order not to be unfounded, I will give the mass of a running meter of pipes of the most common sizes:

Sometimes plumbers speak words that are not accepted in decent society. The transportation of cast iron pipes to the upper floors is on the list of leaders in terms of the number of unflattering epithets.

  • Cast iron becomes brittle over time. The reasons are corrosion and limited resistance to aggressive effluents. After 30 - 40 years of operation, the risers and beds gradually begin to crumble. The sockets that are experiencing significant loads are the first to be delivered;

  • The price of pipes is far from the budget. For example, a two-meter pipe with a diameter of 100 mm costs about 1,500 rubles. For comparison, a PVC product of the same dimensions will cost 4-5 times cheaper;
  • Finally, the main thing: both installation and dismantling cast iron sewerage- the process is long and difficult. About him - in a separate subsection.


The funnel of a cast-iron sewage system is usually sealed by embossing followed by embedding cement mortar... As a sealing material, a cable is used - a material resembling a coarsely twisted hemp rope with bitumen impregnation. The minting is done like this:

It is useful to know a few more things about joining cast iron pipes.

  • Homemade embossing can be made by flattening a thin steel tube at one end and bending it into a Z shape;
  • Instead of chasing, you can use a wide screwdriver;
  • If possible, it is better to replace the bobbin with a more durable graphite gland;
  • The mortar for filling the socket is prepared in the proportion of 1 part of cement to 1 part of sand. Pure cement can also be used;
  • In order to disassemble the socket joint, you must first destroy its termination. For this purpose, I usually use a sturdy wide screwdriver and hammer;
  • Sometimes builders use molten sulfur to seal the sockets. To disassemble such a socket, it will have to be heated with a hairdryer or blowtorch. For this work, a respirator is required: the fumes are so corrosive that they are quite capable of causing respiratory paralysis.

Ductile iron


What is ductile iron?

High strength nodular cast graphite is a magnesium-modified gray cast iron.

As you know, cast iron differs from steel in its high carbon content (mainly in the form of graphite plates). In the process of modification, these plates turn into miniature balls, which dramatically changes physical properties material: it acquires the ductility and toughness characteristic of steel, while maintaining high resistance to corrosion.

As a result, pipes made of ductile iron:

  • Are not afraid of blows;
  • Do not crack under deforming loads;
  • They have a service life of 80 years or more.

The only manufacturer of ductile iron pipes in Russia is the Svobodny Sokol Lipetsk plant. Its pipes are provided with external zinc coating and bitumen mastic; inside, the protection is provided by a cement-sand coating. The products are used for external sewerage networks, as well as for water, heat supply and the needs of the oil industry.


All products of the Svobodny Sokol plant are socket pipes with rubber O-rings. Installation does not require chasing or any Additional materials: just insert the pipe into the socket - and you can move on to the next connection.

Do not rush to rejoice: the instructions for assembling the connection are simple, but its implementation is not very good. The fact is that with a sewer diameter of more than 250 - 300 mm, the effort required for docking can reach tens, or even hundreds of kilograms. Obviously, it is unrealistic to assemble such a bell with your own hands.

In practice, when assembling pipelines, the following are used:

  • Clamps and levers, allowing to increase the mechanical force many times over;
  • Loading equipment. Simply put, an excavator bucket presses the pipe into the bell through the wood gasket.


The vast majority of currently produced and sold sewer pipes and fittings are made of plastics. The most popular are polyvinyl chloride, polypropylene and polyethylene.

General features

Why are plastics so attractive?

  • They are all dielectrics. You can forget about electrochemical corrosion;
  • All of these plastics are resistant to aggressive media and biologically active effluents. Solutions of acids and alkalis, household detergents and fecal waters do not affect their service life;
  • By the way, about him: the service life is estimated to be vague "50+ years". In practice, I have never seen a plastic sewer pipe showing signs of aging. I have a strong suspicion that plastic sewer in my house will outlive all family members;
  • The cost of pipes and fittings I have already mentioned above: against the background of cast iron products, it is ridiculous;

  • The inner surface of the pipes remains smooth throughout the entire period of operation, does not overgrow with deposits and does not contribute to an increase in the hydraulic resistance of the pipeline. Hence - less blockages;
  • Most socket pipes are extremely easy to install. However, about him - a little later.

The main disadvantage of plastic is its acoustic characteristics: the owners of the riser from these pipes can schedule visits by all neighbors. The problem, however, is easily solved by building a box or any roll insulation.


Not all plastics are equally useful in different conditions: each of them has its own characteristics.

  • HDPE sewer pipe(made of low-pressure polyethylene) and LDPE (high-pressure polyethylene, which has a slightly lower mechanical strength) is elastic and has minimal heat resistance. Already at a temperature of 60C, polyethylene begins to deform. That is why polyethylene sewerage is not very popular;

All other material properties are commendable.
The polyethylene sewage system perfectly tolerates the freezing of drains: it only stretches a little and after the ice melts it returns to its previous size.
In addition, this plastic dampens noise much better than PVC and polypropylene - both due to the greater wall thickness and due to its own elasticity.

  • Sewer pipes PP(polypropylene), on the contrary, withstand prolonged heating up to 80C and short-term - up to 95. Polypropylene has greater rigidity compared to other plastics with minimal weight: its specific density is only 0.91 g / cm3;
  • According to its properties, PVC is approximately in the middle: moderately durable, moderately heat-resistant. The reason for its popularity lies precisely in the fact that it provides an optimal balance between consumer properties and price.

In addition to the type of plastic, pipes for various purposes are color-coded.

  1. The gray pipe is for internal sewerage. Typical wall thickness - 2.7 mm;
  2. Sewerage white- these are, as a rule, silent pipes. They are distinguished by an increased wall thickness (3.4 mm) and a multi-layer structure with a high-density middle layer. White pipe reduces noise level by 30 - 50% relative to gray;

  1. The red sewer pipe is designed for outdoor installation. It is distinguished by increased ring stiffness, which allows it to transfer soil pressure.

A separate item is worth mentioning corrugated pipes for outdoor sewerage. Polyethylene and polypropylene are used for their production; the corrugation again provides increased ring stiffness with a minimum weight. It is curious that these products have a two-layer structure: the inner shell is made smooth, without corrugation, which ensures minimal hydraulic resistance and absence.


Socket pipes with rubber seals are assembled by hand, without any additional fixtures and materials. The procedure is as follows:

For cutting PVC or polypropylene pipe and chamfering, I use a grinder with any abrasive wheel. Burrs are removed with a sharp knife. If the pipe does not fit into the socket, it is enough to lather its inner surface or the end of the pipe from the outside.

Plastic pipes can only be cut with a hacksaw. When abrasive cutting, the polyethylene melts.

The corrugated outer pipes are connected using the same rubber seals: the ring is inserted into the second (with a diameter of up to 200 mm inclusive) or the first cavity between the corrugation ribs. Silicone grease is applied to the pipe for ease of assembly and tightness. The connection is carried out in the same ways as in the case of ductile iron pipes.

When installing pressure sewerage, along with rubber seals, adhesive joints are used. PVC adhesive is a solution of this polymer in tetrahydrofuran, dichloroethane, cyclohexanone or dimethylformamide. It is volatile and extremely toxic, so all work must be carried out with open windows.

Glued pressure pipes are mounted as follows:

  1. The glue is applied to the inner surface of the socket;
  2. The pipe is inserted into it and rotated a quarter of a turn;
  3. The connection is fixed for 2 - 3 minutes.

Asbestos cement


Asbestos-cement pipes are used exclusively for the installation of outdoor sewerage. Asbestos fiber in them performs the function of reinforcement, making the material less brittle. However, asbestos cement still does not tolerate impacts and displacement of soil layers.

Material advantages:

  • Resistance to domestic and moderately aggressive industrial wastewater;
  • Long service life (at least 50 years);
  • Cheapness. Despite the consumption of materials (a pipe measuring 100 mm x 3.95 m weighs 26.5 kg), the material is even cheaper than PVC: the wholesale price of this very four-meter pipe is only 280 rubles;
  • Possibility of laying the pipeline with slight bends (up to 3 angular degrees per connection).

The main disadvantage is fragility. In my memory, pipe fractures occurred even under the sidewalk and lawns, not to mention the traffic zone of vehicles with their significant loads.


Modern asbestos-cement pipes are produced both with sockets and smooth ones, under a coupling.

Sockets and couplings are equipped with rubber O-rings. Installation is no different from the assembly of a ductile iron pipeline.

Several decades earlier, other methods of sealing the bell joints of a gravity sewer were practiced:

  • With a cable gland with cement or mastic;

  • Cement-sand mortar with the addition of liquid glass. Soda or potassium liquid glass made the solution waterproof and accelerated its setting up to 15 - 20 minutes.


Ceramic sewer pipes are made from raw and chamotte clay by extrusion, drying and subsequent firing at temperatures up to 1250 degrees. Nominal diameter - from 150 to 1400 mm (diameter over 600 mm is offered by manufacturers at the request of the consumer and is not available on free sale).


The material has all the properties characteristic of ceramics:

  • High ring stiffness;
  • Resistance to high temperatures and their drops in a significant range;
  • The ability to transport aggressive wastewater without damage to itself, including concentrated solutions of alkalis and acids.

Prices ... the word "horse" can not be called literary, but it exhaustively characterizes the situation. Here is a fragment of the price list for Steinzeug Keramo products.

The peculiarities of the material and the pricing policy of manufacturers limit the use of ceramics to specific areas - the transportation of high-temperature and aggressive waste streams. Pipes are widely used in metallurgy and chemical industry.


Some time ago, when installing ceramic pipes, seals from a cable ("resin strand") were used with embedding with asphalt mastic or (in case of special requirements for temperature regime) oily mint clay - soap.

At present, ceramics are mounted mainly by socket and socket joints with an elastic seal; the technology is already familiar to us - the pipe is pressed into the socket using a lever with clamps or loading equipment.

There are two types of butt joints. F joints involve the use of rubber seals inside the bells. Joints C are sealed with a seal on the sleeve; it can be rubber or polyurethane.

Reinforced concrete


The large mass of reinforced concrete pipes limits their use to well connections (including storm sewer) and the construction of collectors. The service life is estimated at 30-50 years; the main problem is reinforcement corrosion. Loading equipment is used for installation.


Rubber seals are used to seal the socket joints; to protect them, the sockets are sealed cement-sand mortar.

The procedure for installing reinforced concrete sewers large diameter is exhaustively described in one of the manuals to SNiP 3.07.03-85:

  • The pipes are connected using a truck or crawler crane located as close as possible to the edge of the trench;

  • Before installation, an O-ring is inserted into the groove of the socket. The socket must be pre-cleaned of debris, free of cracks and other visible defects;
  • The socket and the O-ring are pre-lubricated with graphite-glycerine grease or soapy water;
  • After assembly, the socket is sealed with a cement-sand mortar. So that the lock does not collapse during the installation of the next pipe, the sockets are sealed with a delay (after 3-4 pipes from the installation site).

For home, for family

So many types of pipes ... no wonder you get confused. And which is the best for home sewerage?

I would advise you not to reinvent the wheel and take advantage of the experience of thousands of home and apartment owners:

  • Orange PVC pipe used for outdoor installation (outlet to a well or septic tank, connection of wells, etc.);

  • Gray - also made of PVC - is used for internal networks... Anything else entails only an increase in costs without any tangible benefit.


I hope that my miniature overview of the materials and solutions used in the installation of sewage systems was quite informative. As always, you can explore additional resources by watching the video in this article. Please feel free to add your comments to it.

Good luck, comrades!

July 22, 2016

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Sewerage is the most important set of communications that provides collection and disposal of household and other wastewater. Right choice the type of sewer pipes ensures long-term and trouble-free operation of the system. The material of the article gives an overview of the types of pipes, their characteristics, methods of installation and connections.

Sewer pipes made of cast iron

Cast iron pipes were used massively in construction during the Soviet era. They are still used now, but they are increasingly being pushed out of the construction industry by other types of pipes. This is due to the following reasons:

  1. Large weight of products;
  2. Impact brittleness of cast iron;
  3. Complicated sealing of joints;
  4. Roughness of the inner surface.

Cast iron pipes are very heavy. One running meter of a pipe with a diameter of 100 mm weighs almost 21 kg. This weight is due to the thickness of the walls of the product.

The increased wall thickness is necessary to give the pipe strength. Gray cast iron is brittle and has very low impact resistance.

The installation of cast iron pipes is complicated by their heavy weight and fragility; several people are needed to carry out the work. The pipes are connected using sockets. A bobbin (twisted fabric) is coined into the joint and filled with sand-cement mortar.

Previously, pouring was often done with fused sulfur, but at the same time, precautions had to be taken - sulfur vapors are poisonous.

Dismantling a cast iron system also has its own difficulties. First you need to clean the seal, then remove the pipe from the socket. During these operations, the sockets often burst.

The increased roughness of the inner surface makes cast iron sewers prone to overgrowth and blockages.

But along with all these disadvantages, cast iron pipes also have significant advantages:

  1. Low susceptibility to corrosion;
  2. Long service life;
  3. Thermal resistance;
  4. Neutrality to aggressive environments;
  5. High degree of noise absorption;
  6. Versatility of application (external and internal networks).

Nowadays, cast iron pipes are produced from modified cast iron (VChShG). The change in structure is done with magnesium. This increases the impact strength, the degree of noise absorption, and reduces the overall roughness. For external protection, galvanized and varnished are used, the connection is made in sockets with a rubber O-ring. The main disadvantage of pipes of this type is the high price, it exceeds the cost of polymer analogs by 4 - 5 times.

Ceramic pipes for sewerage

Ceramic pipes are produced by firing clay blanks, then the product is varnished. Pipes made of this material can withstand very high temperatures, are neutral to the effects of concentrated acids and alkalis. The diameter of the products varies from 150 to 1500 mm, the effect of corrosion is completely absent. Ceramic pipes have a smooth inner surface and are not prone to deposits.

Most often, ceramic pipelines are used for external networks, in industries with high-temperature and aggressive drains. The elements are connected through sockets or couplings with rubber seals. Previously, the classical methods of embossing with bobbles and sealing with cement mortar, mastic, and liquid glass were used.

Ceramic pipes have the following disadvantages:

  1. Large mass;
  2. Fragility;
  3. Very high cost.

Due to the large mass of pipes during installation, it is necessary to involve construction equipment and observe precautions due to the fragility and massiveness of the products.

Asbestos-cement sewage pipes

Pipes made of a mixture of asbestos and cement are used for the construction of external sewerage networks. The asbestos component performs the function of reinforcement, but at the same time, fragility is still unnecessarily high.

Pipes made of this material last up to 50 years, easily tolerate medium temperatures and solutions of aggressive substances. The main advantage of asbestos pipelines is their low cost (often lower than the price of polymer products).

Joints are connected and sealed in 2 ways:

  1. Sockets or couplings with rubber o-rings;
  2. Embossing sockets with a bob, sealing the joint with cement, liquid glass.

Reinforced concrete sewer pipes

Reinforced concrete pipes are used for the construction of external sewerage networks, wells, collectors of large diameters. For construction works the use of construction equipment is mandatory. This is due to the high weight of the individual elements.

Reinforced concrete pipes have the following advantages:

  1. High strength;
  2. Neutrality to aggressive environments;
  3. Thermal resistance;
  4. Long service life - up to 40 years.

The pipes are assembled using rubber-sealed bells and sealed with sand-cement mortar. At the same time, special equipment or a system of clamps with levers is used to connect the pipes.

The main disadvantage of this type of pipe is the corrosion of the steel reinforcing frame.

Polymer (plastic) sewer pipes

The absolute leader in the construction of complexes and sewerage networks is polymer plastic pipes. They are made from the following materials:

  1. Polypropylene;
  2. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC);
  3. Polyethylene;
  4. Fiberglass.

Polymer products have a number of common advantages:

  1. Low cost;
  2. Smooth inner surface that resists the formation of deposits and blockages;
  3. Light weight;
  4. Ease of assembly and installation;
  5. Neutrality to solutions of aggressive substances.

According to the purpose, plastic sewer pipes are divided into 2 types - for internal and external networks.

For internal sewerage wiring, gray polypropylene pipes are most popular.

They have the highest temperature characteristics among polymers:

  1. Working temperature - up to 80 0 С;
  2. Withstand a temperature of 95 ° C for a short time.

The service life of this type of pipes is from 50 years. There is no doubt that with proper operation, this period will be much more important. Pipes made of polypropylene, which have an orange color, are distinguished by a greater wall thickness and increased strength, are used for the construction of an external sewerage network.

For the same area of ​​construction, corrugated polypropylene pipes having high ring stiffness.

We also produce PP pipes for silent sewerage (white). They do not require noise insulation measures, which are practically mandatory for all polymer drainage pipelines.

The second most popular pipes are high and low pressure polyethylene pipes (LDPE and HDPE). They can withstand the temperature of the working environment up to 60 0 С.

For external communications, two-layer corrugated polyethylene pipes with high strength are produced.

PVC piping and fittings have an operating temperature limit of 40 ° C. This limitation significantly reduces the frequency of use of this material.

The connection of all plastic pipes is made using sockets with rubber rings, installation does not require significant effort and skill. To facilitate docking, a silicone gel lubricant or just water is used.

In addition, PVC pipes are glued together. The joint surfaces are pre-treated with a special compound. The pipe is inserted into the socket and turned a quarter of a turn to evenly distribute the adhesive. This method of joining is used in pressure sewers.

Large diameter polyethylene pipes (over 100 mm) can be welded using special equipment.

Fiberglass pipes are distinguished by high quality indicators, but they have a significant cost and are not yet particularly popular with the consumer.