Time to plant tulips in autumn. When to plant tulips before winter in autumn. What care do tulips need after planting?

Planting tulips in the fall is a rather responsible event that requires knowledge of exactly when and how to plant the bulbs, so that with the onset of spring the flowerbed will be decorated with beautiful buds. An incorrectly chosen time and violation of the rules for planting tulips can lead to the bulbs simply deteriorating, rendering all the work and efforts in vain.

Why is it common to plant tulips in autumn along with spring?

  • it is in the fall that it is formed root system, the sprout develops and is saturated with nutrients;
  • In winter, all processes are suspended, and the plant is nourished by those reserves that it has managed to accumulate over the course of time. autumn period;
  • in spring the bulbs begin to come to life. Thanks to the already formed sprouts, they sprout quite early. In addition, at this time the daughter bulbs begin to grow.

By April-May, full-fledged and beautiful flowers appear

Early shoots will allow you to admire the beauty of tulips for a long time, since their active flowering will occur long before the peak of solar activity, which will protect the leaves and petals from quickly withering.

The best time to plant tulips is in September

Landing dates

If you plant them too early, they will sprout and freeze during the first frost. If you delay planting, the bulbs may simply not take root before frost and will also die. Optimal conditions are temperatures of 8–10 ºC during the day and not lower than 3 ºC at night.

Tulips begin to be planted in the second half of September

Disembarkation times depending on the region: table

How to prepare beds for planting

Choosing the right place for planting tulips is one of the main preparatory moments.

If planted incorrectly, tulip bulbs may freeze or rot.

These plants prefer warm, level terrain with plenty of light and loose, fertilized soil. It is important that it allows moisture to pass through well, and groundwater lay at a depth of at least 75 cm. If this figure is lower, then to prevent rotting of the bulbs it is necessary to provide artificial drainage, which is done using a layer of sand. At the same time, sandy soils are contraindicated for tulips because they dry out too quickly, causing the plants to constantly lack moisture.

Soil preparation consists of:

  • In digging, which is carried out two to three months before the planned planting. At this stage, you can increase the water permeability of the soil by adding sand and humus to it. Afterwards, the ground must be leveled, since tulips do not like the presence of holes;
  • Loosening to a depth of 25–30 cm. Do not forget to remove all weeds from the ground and leave it completely alone for a day to allow the soil to settle;
  • In applying fertilizers. They can be either purchased complex fertilizers for bulbous plants or a self-prepared mixture (per 1 m²) consisting of humus (4 kg), ash (200 g), nitroammophosphate (50 g), bird droppings (200 g), superphosphate (70 g). In the absence of humus, it can be replaced with fresh manure, but in this case, planting will need to be postponed for another year so that the soil “settles” and the risk of introducing a fungus harmful to the bulbs is completely eliminated. Also good remedy Wood ash (200 g per 1 m²) or a mixture of dolomite flour and chalk (500 g per 1 m²) is considered.

How to prepare planting material

Bulbs are stored before planting as follows:

  • V wooden box The bulbs are placed in one layer with sawdust to absorb moisture (it is advisable to wrap each of them with a piece of newspaper);
  • the box is moved to a room where it is dry, good ventilation and the air temperature does not exceed 25 ºC;
  • As autumn approaches, the temperature gradually drops, first to 20 ºC, and then to 15 ºC.

Processing tulip bulbs includes several stages:

  1. Peeling. To do this, all the bulbs are laid out, carefully inspected and the dry film is very carefully removed from them. This is necessary in order to detect unnoticeable damage, diseases or areas of rotting on specimens that will be unsuitable for planting. In addition, it will be much easier for the bulbs, freed from the husk, to absorb all the useful substances from the ground.
  2. Sorting. Cleaned, healthy bulbs are sorted according to their diameter so that they can be grouped by size when planted.
  3. Disinfection. To eliminate fungi and bacteria, the bulbs are placed in a bright pink solution of potassium permanganate and left for about 30–40 minutes. After which you need to immediately plant them in the ground.

The main feature of growing tulips is digging up their bulbs for storage.

How to plant tulips - step by step instructions

Once the place for planting tulips has been chosen, the soil has been prepared, and the bulbs have been processed, you can safely proceed directly to the process itself.

In open ground

Planting tulips in open ground

The entire planting process is divided into several stages:

In boxes/containers

Gardeners often plant bulbs in plastic boxes (baskets, containers) in order to:

  • sort and easily find the necessary varieties (the bulbs cannot get mixed up in the container);
  • do not damage the bulbs and their children when digging;
  • protect from rodents;
  • provide plants with loose soil;
  • maintain a well-groomed appearance of the flower garden by removing the wilted plants along with the basket and giving them the opportunity to ripen in a hidden corner of the garden.

You can create a beautiful arrangement in your garden with these simple and bright flowers.

To plant bulbs in a container you need:

  1. Pick up plastic container(basket, container, box) of the required size.
  2. Fill its bottom with fertile soil suitable for tulips.
  3. Place the prepared bulbs over the entire surface (at a distance of 3 to 10 cm, depending on the size and variety).
  4. Dig a hole in the flowerbed that matches the size of the container and lower it there.
  5. Cover with soil, the layer thickness of which should be equal to twice the height of the bulbs.

Video: 3 ways to plant tulips

What care to provide after disembarkation

After autumn planting, caring for tulips is minimal:

  • Plants need to be watered only in dry autumn;
  • in mid-October, you can apply fertilizer to improve the development of the root system (15 g of ammonium nitrate per 1 m² of soil);
  • after a stable subzero temperature has been established, the planted bulbs must be covered with a layer of mulch (straw, chopped bark, sawdust or peat), about 3–5 cm thick;
  • during winter frosts, the area is covered with spruce branches, and in winters with little snow, a small snowdrift is formed over it;
  • in the spring, spruce branches are removed and the soil is fed with nitrogen fertilizer (50 g per 1 m²).

Compliance with all the rules for planting tulips in the fall will allow you to get healthy plants. And since these flowers are considered unpretentious, even beginners can care for them. A little effort, a little attention - and with the first warmth of spring, incredibly beautiful buds will begin to appear in the flowerbed.

Planting tulips in autumn video

Planting tulips in autumn video

Short description: The tulip is a beautiful and delicate flower that is a decoration for any garden plot. Best time For planting a tulip this is the second half of September. Before planting flowers, it is necessary to properly prepare the soil; preliminary work is best done two weeks in advance. To provide tulips with a bright, long-lasting glow, it is necessary to provide them with a sunny area with loose, fertile soil. Also pay special attention to the flower bulb itself. A large bulb is guaranteed to grow in the spring beautiful flower, but don’t even expect tulips from the little one next year.

Source: YouTube

Added: 2014-07-25

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Rules for autumn planting tulip bulbs

It’s hard to imagine a summer cottage without the bright spring flowering of spring bulbs. How to preserve everyone’s favorite tulips in the summer and when to plant the bulbs in the fall?

Tulips - rules for planting in autumn

Spring days are fleeting. With the arrival of stable warmth, the recently pleasing bright colors plants wither. Their aboveground part completely dies, and the bulbs patiently wait for both the summer heat and the winter cold to pass. Only the spring sun will awaken the tulips again.

In nature, bulbs remain in the soil year-round. Tulips in flower beds are regularly dug up to sort, preserve and replant. When to plant tulips: autumn or spring? And how to do it right?

When to plant tulips in autumn

After planting, the tulip bulbs need to acclimatize and take root. This takes from 21 to 28 days. Spring planting flowers in middle lane can significantly delay the appearance of buds. In the fall, if the tulips are planted on time, the plants have enough time to settle in a new place and go to winter.

In order to please your flower beds with an abundance of flowers in May, it is important to choose the right time for planting tulips in the ground:

  1. Early planting threatens the formation of leaves in the fall and freezing when it gets colder and snow falls.
  2. If you miss the right moment, the bulbs will not overwinter well, they will greet spring weakened and will not set buds.

It is much easier to focus on soil temperature. If the soil in the flower bed cools to 7–8 ºC, the vegetation freezes and the bulbs cannot take root. For example, in the Moscow region and throughout the middle zone, tulips are planted when the air temperature in the Moscow region is above +3 ºC. According to long-term observations, such conditions persist until last week September or until mid-October. However, it is not worth delaying due to the risk of frost and early snow.

In the Urals, the deadlines are shifted by 10–20 days. The further north you go, the earlier the bulbs should get into the ground. In Siberia, planting tulips in autumn is postponed to August and the first week of September. In a number of areas, bulbs are not planted before winter due to severe frosts, which cause irreparable damage to the plantings.

How to plant tulips in autumn

Tulips, like most spring bulbous crops:

  • sun-loving;
  • do not like stagnant water and cold wind;
  • prefer light, loose soil with a slightly alkaline reaction.

Before planting tulips in the fall, a suitable area is prepared for them. Add sand to dense, heavy soil. Calcareous acidic soil or mixed with dolomite flour. Flower beds for bulbous plants are dug up to the full extent, adding for each meter of area:

  • 10–15 kg of well-rotted humus or bottom peat;
  • 100–160 grams of sifted ash.

These fertilizers can be replaced with an equal amount of complex mineral mixtures, except for fertilizers containing chlorine.

When planting tulip bulbs in the fall, do not use fresh manure, droppings, or unrotted compost. Such organic matter can provoke rotting of the bulbs, the introduction of pests and the development of fungal infections.

The planting depth of the bulb is equal to three of its diameters. On dense soil, it is better to plant flowers a couple of centimeters higher. On sandy soils the holes are made a little deeper. Only healthy planting material should get into the soil, so the bulbs are first inspected, sorted and treated with a solution of potassium permanganate.

In the fall, when tulips are transplanted or planted in a new place, it is useful to make a sand cushion at the bottom of the furrow or hole, and dip the bulbs themselves in wood ash. It will serve as protection against pests and rot, as well as an effective fertilizer.

Tulips are planted in groups or rows at intervals of 8 to 10 cm, taking into account the appearance of new bulbs and sufficient nutrition of adult plants. Then the holes are filled with soil, it is compacted and watered abundantly.

In the future, before the onset of winter, the bulbous crop does not need constant attention. If autumn, when tulip bulbs are planted, is dry, the ridges are watered again. With the onset of persistent cold weather, the area is thickly mulched. In winter, when there is a risk of freezing, the flower garden is additionally covered with snow.

How to store tulips before planting in the fall

The beauty of flowering and the long life of the bulbs largely depend on how the tulips are stored before planting in the fall.

To ensure that the bulbs remain juicy, dense and healthy, the digging field is dried and cleaned of soil residues, leaves and roots. Then they are sorted and laid out in clean, ventilated boxes made of wood or plastic, sprinkled with sawdust or lined with wrapping paper. The optimal temperature for storing tulips is 22–25 ºC. Closer to landing, the air should be 5–7 ºC cooler.

Planting tulips in autumn - video

The correct one makes it possible to get strong and fully flowering plants in the spring. The main thing is not to violate required deadlines planting, properly prepare the soil in the beds in advance and plant the bulbs to a certain depth. Autumn planting of tulips does not present any difficulties, but if planted incorrectly planting material Flower bulbs placed in the ground may freeze or rot, plants may sprout late or not bloom, and young bulbs will be of poor quality.
So that even an inexperienced summer resident or florist can enjoy the abundant flowering of these beautiful flowers, this article will present various useful tips regarding planting tulip bulbs in the ground in the fall.

Planting tulips in the ground in autumn
First of all, when planting tulips, you should remember that their development is greatly influenced by the density of placement of planting material. So per square meter. up to 60 full bulbs are planted. At the same time, the height and width of the future flower are also taken into account. So large tulips are planted sparsely, and small ones more densely.54
Has a huge impact on the production of beautifully flowering tulips. right choice timing of planting planting material. For this plant, it is very important to go through a cooling period, which promotes the formation in the bulb of various substances necessary for the active growth of the plant in the spring. Premature planting of tulips in the ground in the fall leads to their rapid rooting and very active growth at the very beginning of spring, which can result in the death of plants during severe spring frosts. The timing of planting these flowers directly depends on the climate zone:
northwestern regions - beginning - end of September;
middle zone - mid-September - early October;
southern regions - the beginning of the second ten days of October to the end of November.
If a summer resident cannot determine exactly which zone his plot belongs to, there is one trick that helps determine the most suitable time for planting tulips in the fall. So the most optimal period for planting bulbs in the ground is when the soil at a depth of 10 cm cools to 6 - 9 degrees. At the same time, the planting material will have time to fully take root in the soil, and in the spring it will quickly begin to grow with the onset of warm weather.
Some summer residents practice planting bulbs in the ground “under the snow” at the end of November or beginning of December. At the same time, flower beds with tulips in the country are insulated with dry leaves and grass, spruce branches or sawdust. Such experiments sometimes end in the death of the planting material because it does not have time to take root.
Successful cultivation of this type of flower depends significantly on the correct selection of planting material. We sort the dug up and dried bulbs by size (sorting), determined by their diameter. The best results are obtained by cultivating extra (from 4 cm), 1 (from 3.6 cm) and 2 (from 3 cm) bulbs. Smaller ones often do not even sprout at the end of winter. It is important to choose the strongest bulbs. Good planting material for tulips has brown outer scales and no symptoms of disease.
To propagate this type of flower, we also use daughter bulbs, which in the first 2 years are planted in the ground in special beds with loose soil, well fertilized with fertile compost. Only in the 3rd year do we transplant the already well-grown planting material to a permanent place.
Stages of autumn planting tulips in the ground
The main stages of autumn planting of this plant, guaranteeing its normal development and flowering in the spring, include:
1. Choosing a site in the country
The most ideal for growing tulips, unlike flowers and vegetables that love shade, are well-lit, flat areas, protected from strong and cold winds. As a last resort, you can plant tulips in partial shade. Despite the fact that this plant is moisture-loving, it absolutely does not tolerate stagnant water, so it is unacceptable to plant it in depressions with waterlogged soil. This will prevent the bulbs from freezing and the appearance of various rots.
2. Pre-planting soil preparation
For cultivation of this flower loose fertile ones are ideal, sandy loam soils with a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction. We begin to prepare the soil for these flowers 2 - 3 months before planting them in the ground. To apply fertilizers, we dig deep into the soil. At the same time, we add basic fertilizer containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. We also use organic fertilizers in the form of compost (2 buckets/sq. m.). The application of manure has an adverse effect on the development of tulips, as it can cause the appearance of fungal diseases. A good result in growing tulips is achieved by adding dolomite flour and chalk (500 g/sq. m.), as well as wood ash (200 g/sq. m.) to the soil.

Planting tulips in the fall at the most appropriate time, taking into account all the nuances

To ensure that young plants fully develop, we add superphosphate to the soil a month before planting the bulbs in flower beds. Its consumption per square meter can be 15 - 20 g.
planting tulips in the ground in autumn
3. Pre-planting preparation of bulbs
Before planting tulips in the ground in the fall, soak the bulbs in a solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate). To prepare it, dilute 3 grams of potassium permanganate in 10 liters of water. Soak the flower bulbs in the solution for one and a half to two hours. You can also treat them with special antifungal drugs, in which it is soaked for the time specified in the instructions. The drug "Maxim" perfectly protects planting material. After this, we dry the bulbs and use them for growing in garden beds.
4. Loosening the soil and applying fertilizers before planting
Immediately before planting the bulbs, we deeply loosen the soil and add urea or ammonium nitrate to it at the rate of 25 g/sq. m. You can also add crushed wood ash to the holes.
5. How to plant tulip bulbs
The depth of their embedding in the ground directly depends on the size of the planting material. In this case, we are guided by the rule: the larger the flower, the deeper it must be buried. You can also use this calculation as a guide: the depth of the hole should be 3 times the height of the tulip bulb. The depth of the hole should be at least 10 - 15 cm. As a rule, an interval of 10 cm is left between the bulbs. If the bulbs are small, this distance can be reduced. We plant the largest ones in the center, and small ones around it. This is done so that in the future these specimens of tulips do not shade smaller plants that have grown from small ones. At our dacha we practice growing tulips in shallow (in depth) polypropylene boxes (fruit boxes). When the bulbs need to be dug up for drying, this will be easy to do, and not a single specimen, even the smallest one, will be lost.
When planting several varieties, it is necessary to group them correctly so that in the future it will be easier to care for them and there will be no confusion when digging up the bulbs. To maximize the decorative effect of a flower bed with tulips, it is necessary to plant varieties with different flowering periods, or plants that grow and bloom later (for example, decorative cabbage). This way, these beautiful flowers will be able to delight with their charm throughout April and May.
planting tulips in the ground in autumn
6. Mulching the soil
After planting tulips in the fall, we mulch the soil with peat or chopped straw. The layer of mulch on the ground should be 3 - 5 cm.
7. Mice protection
Some summer residents, having planted tulip bulbs in the fall, discover in the spring that their plantings are significantly damaged by rodents. Sometimes mice completely destroy everything. Exist various ways protecting flowers from pests. Below are the most effective of them:
Let's do mixed plantings bulbous plants using hazel grouse and daffodils. At the same time, tulips are well preserved, since these plants contain toxic substances that repel rodents.
Just before planting the bulbs in the ground, put them in a plastic bag and spray a kerosene solution into it from a spray bottle. It forms a thin film on the bulbs, harmless to flowers and unpleasant to rodents.
When planting, generously sprinkle it with ground red pepper, which will repel mice.
Lubricate the bulbs with a thin layer of Vishnevsky ointment.
After planting, we scatter special poisonous briquettes or granules against rodents on the soil surface.
As a rule, beds with planted tulips do not need additional shelter for the winter. Despite this, in those regions where winters are snowless and quite harsh, you can insulate tulip plantings with fallen leaves or spruce branches. Such a shelter will also help retain moisture in the soil, which will promote rapid germination of flowers in the spring and lush flowering of plants.

If, with the onset of spring, you want to admire the splendor of the blooming of such truly luxurious flowers as tulips, autumn is the time to buy their bulbs and plant them in the garden or at the dacha. The optimal period for planting them begins in mid-September and lasts throughout October. And do not rush to despair if you do not have time to plant tulips before the end of the designated period, because, in principle, this flower is allowed to be planted until the onset of persistent cold weather, however, in this case they will bloom a little later in the spring.

Video: Planting tulips in October. Website "Garden World"

What to look for when purchasing tulip bulbs?

Bulbs should be selected according to size. Do you want your front garden to be decorated? large flowers, choose larger bulbs. At the same time, take the time to examine each bulb, paying close attention to its surface, which ideally should be clean and dense. Of course, in tulips it is quite possible to have cracks and the absence of individual scales on the bulbous surface, but the neck of the bulb must be different in density. A small, strong tip of the stem should be visible from it.

If the stem has already begun to grow - it is stretched out and somewhat uneven - such an onion should not be taken. The bottom should also be dense, without signs of rottenness and roots.

How to plant tulips correctly

Despite the fact that the time for planting these flowers falls in late autumn, the ground for planting them must begin to be prepared in August. About a month before you plan to plant the bulbs, you need to dig up the area, making sure to add compost or humus and some kind of mineral or complex fertilizer to the soil - for example, nitroammophoska (40g per 1 square meter of area).

Even at the stage of planning a place for planting tulips, try to give these sunny flowers a bright place, with well-fertilized and fairly loose soil.

Before you start directly planting flowers in the ground, their bulbs need to be kept in manganese water. It is prepared at the rate of one and a half grams of manganese powder per five-liter container. The bulbs should lie in pink disinfecting water for a couple of hours (comfortably warm).

Having prepared the tulips for the planting process, you should start making holes. The main thing here is maintaining the planting depth. Please note that the tulip must be planted at a distance equal to the height of the bulb used, multiplied by 3. For this reason, they should be sorted before planting so as not to check the depth of the hole for each bulb. Remember, if the planting depth is insufficient, the likelihood of a problem such as variegation increases. The distance between the bulbs when planting should be about 15 centimeters, and between rows of flowers - about 35 cm. (if the bulbs are large, you can increase the distance a little more).

When to plant tulips

When planting bulbs, the soil must be moistened, which means that in dry weather, immediately before planting, you need to water the furrows a little.

Video: How to plant tulips correctly. Website sadovymir.ru

Why should you plant tulips before frost hits? Because plants need to take root properly before frost sets in.

To cover or not to cover flowers for the winter? Despite the fact that the tulip overwinters well in the soil, it is still better to cover the planting. To do this, before freezing, the soil with the bulbs placed in it is covered with humus, a peat mixture, or a heap of dry leaves or straw.

Planting tulip bulbs in autumn

The cover is removed in the spring. After which the plants are fed with nitrogen fertilizers. The first feeding can be done before the snow has completely melted, the second feeding can be done when the grown flowers are covered with juicy, colorful buds, and the third feeding should be done ten days after the second.

When and how to plant tulips - video

Video: Planting tulips, how and when to plant bulbs

By the way, it is better to plant tulips in a new place every year, returning them to their original location every five years. However, if it is not possible to do this, you should simply constantly ensure that pests and pathogens do not appear in the soil. Great idea plant tulips in the ground where garlic, calendula or nasturtium previously grew, healing the soil with their own phytoncides.

Tulip bulbs will produce beautiful flowers for several years if you care for them properly. Knowledge of when and how to properly dig up bulbs and when to plant tulips will be useful to every gardener.

About fifteen thousand varieties of tulips have already been registered. Growing even one percent of this dizzying figure in the garden seems challenging task! However, these are so fascinating and pleasing to the eye plants that can be found in almost every yard in the spring. After flowering they get lost among the lush summer flowers and soon disappear, only to unfurl colorful petals in the sun again next spring. Among the fifteen groups into which tulip varieties are divided, there are plants that bloom in early spring - already in March, as well as those that bloom late, even in mid-May. It is worth remembering this when choosing the plants that you would like to take care of and stock up on species that bloom one after another in order to enjoy the beauty of tulips for as long as possible. When purchasing bulbs, choose those that have not yet sprouted, are firm, undamaged and free of signs of fungal diseases. They should also not have sprouting shoots or roots.

Landing location

Tulips love fertile, prepared soil. Dig up a layer of soil to 30 centimeters. During this operation, remove weeds, especially the roots of perennial weeds and stones. Sprouting sprouts may be damaged or even killed when faced with such an obstacle. Two weeks before planting flowers, fertilize the soil with mineral fertilizers. Correct soil reaction, with a pH close to 7.0. Permeable soil is needed so that excess moisture does not cause the bulbs to rot. If the soil in the garden is heavy and clayey, then in the place where the tulips are planted, a 2-3 cm layer of gravel or sand is poured under the roots, which will drain water from the surface and protect the tubers from rotting. A suitable location for tulips is full sun, although partial shade is also tolerated.

If precipitation is insignificant in the spring, abundant watering is required every 7-10 days for flowers to germinate. Feeding with multicomponent fertilizers for bulbous plants is also necessary. After flowering, feeding stops.

Since typical tulip varieties produce one flower per inflorescence, short, small-flowered, early-blooming plants make good backgrounds. Such species are forget-me-nots, miniature pansies or alyssums.

Digging and storing bulbs

To ensure that tulips bloom again next year, you must not miss the deadline when the bulbs are dug up. After the flower dies, the stems and bulbs require a dry environment or they will rot. When the flower petals have fallen, remove the ovary, and 6-8 weeks later, dig up the bulbs. Then remove the soil from the tulip bulbs, dead roots and dry for 2 weeks in a dry, ventilated place. Dug up tulips overwinter in a warm room, at a temperature of 18° C.

Tulip bulbs are left in one place for several years because the plant is frost-resistant. However, it is better to dig up tulips in the summer, when the above-ground parts are dry, and then plant them in a new place next season. In this way, the risk of disease is limited and access to nutrients is ensured. Fusarium is a dangerous disease that affects bulbs that remain in the soil during the season and are attacked during warm and rainy summers. Dry dug up, cleaned, healthy tulip bulbs in a ventilated, shady place (not in the sun!). Tulips are stored until autumn, and then planted in September and October. This deadline is observed because late autumn soil is cold and wet. Bulbs planted at this time will take root before winter and send out shoots that will not be visible because they will wait underground for spring. The soil

For growing tulips, sandy loam or loamy soils with a neutral reaction. In nature, these plants grow in the steppe, so they require fertile and not dry soil. In heavy and dense soil, the bulbs become infected with fungal diseases.

Preparing the site

The quality of the sandy substrate is improved through the use of fragmented compost, which will provide nutrients for plants and improve the moisture holding capacity of the soil. Heavy soil is weakened by adding degassed peat, quartz sand or perlite. In addition, it is worth adding a multi-component mineral fertilizer with nitrogen content in the soil. Fertilizers are mixed with the soil after weeds are removed. Procedures aimed at improving the soil structure are done 3 weeks before the planned date of planting tulips.

Landing dates

The recommended time for planting tulips is early autumn, when the temperature is about 9° C. In Russia, such conditions occur from mid-September to mid-October. It is worth choosing bulbs with a diameter of 3-4.5 cm - smaller ones will bloom only in the second season after purchase. If you cannot plant the bulbs immediately after purchasing them, you can store them in a dry room, the temperature of which is 10-15 ° C.

The bulbs are planted to a depth of 10-15 cm and at the same distance. The smaller the bulbs, the more often they are planted. One simple rule about correct depth planting: depth two to three times the height of the bulb. On light soils they are planted higher than on heavy soils. The roots of the bulb are directed downwards. Sometimes it happens that the bulbs produce young shoots in the fall above the soil layer. Therefore, tulips need to be reliably protected with a layer of bark, leaves or twigs coniferous trees, the layer will not damage young shoots. The planting site is marked, for example, with sticks, so as not to crush the tulips during care work.

If tulips are grown for further cutting flowers, then in order for the plants to produce flowers next year, leave 1-2 leaves on the plant, which will feed the bulb, allowing it to gain strength and accumulate required quantity assimilates for the flower to bloom next season.

For planting, a special device called a planter is sometimes used. The planter will allow you to dig holes for each hole separately. Suitable for planting tulips on lawns when you do not want to excessively disturb the structure of the turf. Varieties of tulips planted among the grass should grow lushly so as not to drown in the grass and bloom early, so that the shoots can turn yellow before the first mowing of the grass. Choose untrodden areas so as not to damage growing shoots in the spring. Using a planter, cut a hole in the ground in which to plant the bulb, covering it with a piece of cut grass, pressing it down a little.

Landing technique

Tulips are planted in thoroughly weeded, loosened soil. First, the bulbs are treated with a fungicide solution. After planting, water, and if the autumn is dry, you should water the bulbs several more times, otherwise they may not take root. After the first frost, you can cover the tulips with straw or branches of coniferous trees.

Note: Tulips should not be planted in the ground after other onion plants to avoid diseases and pests.

Planting tulips in pots

Bulbous plants, including tulips, are grown in pots on balconies and window sills. You need containers of sufficient depth and with drainage holes. At the bottom there is a drainage layer made of expanded clay or shards clay pots. The bulbs are planted at the same depth, but denser than in open ground. For the winter, pots are placed on a layer of foam or wrapped in bubble wrap to protect them from frost. You can also plant pots in the ground, cover them with branches of coniferous trees and dig them up in the spring.

Diseases and pests

The threat to tulips is voles. These small rodents move through tunnels made underground and eat the bulbs. To protect plants from the destructive activity of voles, the bulbs are planted in wire or plastic mesh baskets. There is one additional advantage of this planting method: it makes it much easier to find the bulbs after the flowers dry out and are dug up in the summer.