Interior for a small bathroom. Bathroom design: the best photo examples. Bathroom floor finishing

Creating an interior design for a small bathroom is a very exciting activity. There are even more options than you might think, let's look at the 50 best photos of bathroom renovation ideas.

Interior design of a bathroom combined with a toilet

How can a home be cozy and stylish without a sparkling and inviting bathroom? Most likely not. Boring old tiles and rusting pipes do not make you want to enjoy taking a bath, but you want to quickly wash yourself and run away. It is even more scary to be in this room if the bath is combined with a toilet. Therefore, it is very important for a good housewife to select the design of a small bathroom so that it is pleasant to be in and can be proudly shown to guests.

In the spacious bathroom you can roam around and apply various design ideas and modern technologies. But those who have a very small bathroom also want to decorate it stylishly and make the most of every corner.

A small combined bathroom is a problem for many owners of Soviet bathrooms. So what to do? I want to live beautifully! So, we’ll think about how to add chic and shine to such a bathroom.

It is impossible to move the toilet and bathtub to other places. This will require approval from the BTI, and permission will not be given there. Let's leave everything as is, and we will work with the walls, floor and ceiling, and also consider various models plumbers.

Advice! What materials can be used to cover the walls and floor of a bathroom? The standard answer is ! But, fortunately, not only! Nowadays there are many materials for creating magnificent, exquisite design bathroom

Popular interior materials:

  • decorative plaster;
  • mirrors;
  • mosaic;
  • marble;
  • ceramic tile.

In our opinion, for a small space, the use of mirrors or decorative plaster will be very successful. Mirrors will increase the space, that's understandable. They can be placed around the entire perimeter of the room. This way, you get the effect of volumetric space. Mirrors can be combined with any other material, because it is not practical to completely decorate the walls with them: this will require careful daily care, otherwise splashes, smudges and stains will literally destroy all the splendor. An alternative to conventional mirrors can be frosted or corrugated glass.

Decorative plaster is different in that it is much faster to apply than laying tiles, thanks to it you can create any color transitions, and apply various designs using stencils. Wouldn't this add sophistication to the most standard and prosaic bathroom? I think this option will capture our imagination!

Mosaic and marble are the most expensive materials. If you get serious about it, this is it. Laying out mosaics in itself is a serious matter and has always been considered an art. Blue, soft pink or lilac in combination with white will create the desired effect of spaciousness and will simply be pleasing to the eye.

If you like mosaic, but “in moderation,” then you can limit yourself to mosaic tiles. It also looks stylish, but will be much cheaper.
Another way to stand out is to line your miniature bathroom with marble. It is better to decide for yourself whether this is advisable. In any case, a marble bathroom will look extraordinary, moreover, this material is very reliable and will serve “faithfully” for many years.

How to enlarge a small bathroom with the right ceiling

When thinking about the interior of the bathroom, we can completely forget. It seems like no one is looking at him. But once you make a mistake, it will immediately catch your eye. What should not be allowed in the ceiling design of a small bathroom?

  • If the height is low, you cannot choose dark colors.
  • Refuse the temptation to create multi-level ceilings.

If suddenly the ceiling height is “good” (this happens in old houses), then you can beautifully play with the contrast of colors. For example, we make a light “bottom” and a dark “top”. But when the ceiling is ordinary, upon entering such a room it will seem as if it is about to crush us. This discomfort, and should be avoided.

Fashionable and, of course, beautiful multi-level ceilings in a small bathroom will look bulky.

We want to achieve at least some space, at least visual.

What will help us with this?

  • Use light colors or transparent materials.
  • Bright lighting.

With this in mind, you need to choose correct options finishing the ceiling in the bathroom. The material must withstand constant exposure to moisture, temperature changes and be durable. It’s unlikely that anyone will want to do renovations every year and think about the next design project. Therefore, you need to focus on proven and popular methods for decorating the ceiling:

  • slatted aluminum ceiling;
  • mirror ceiling.

We have chosen those that will best decorate the interior of a mini-bathroom and make it delightful and cozy. And with a stretch ceiling it’s as easy as shelling pears, because any design and pattern can be brought to life. With its help, instead of a ceiling, we can have a blue sky with clouds or a clearing with flowers. Built-in spotlights will diffuse the light and add mystery and romance to the interior.

A slatted aluminum ceiling is all the rage and a godsend for those who want to create something similar on standard square meters. Of course, these beautiful “things” will fit perfectly into our tiny room. Long glossy panels are simply designed to create the illusion of high ceilings and large areas.

A mirrored ceiling, like the walls, will visually enlarge the bathroom, and, in addition, they look very stylish. But! The main thing here is to maintain balance and not overdo it with mirrors. Otherwise, the zest of the interior will disappear, or rather, there will be too much “raisin”, and this is no longer interesting. Leave either mirrored walls or ceiling.

If you have sorted out the decoration a little, then you can think about the furniture.

Choosing furniture

We love this part of the apartment very much, and we want to place some necessary things there, for which it is completely inconvenient to constantly run into the room. It would be just ideal to put a spacious nightstand in the bathroom and hang shelves.

Usually in small baths there is free space under the sink, as well as on the walls. This should not be forgotten, because every centimeter of space is important to us.

There are many cabinets on sale that fit under the sink. Most often they are sold along with it. Therefore, when changing the bathroom decor, it is best to buy a new sink with a built-in cabinet. There are very convenient sets with a long countertop, which is located on the bathroom.

It is possible that there is room for a tall and narrow pencil case. If there is nowhere to squeeze it in, then you need to use the free walls. There is one above the toilet (in combined bathrooms), above the sink, bathtub or washing machine.

Of course, shelves or cabinets should not be heavy or overloaded. We will use them to store towels and hygiene products. In a regular cabinet you can put a bucket, basin and detergents. Usually all this is stored in the bathroom, but no one wants household items to be visible and spoil the interior.

Basic requirements for furniture:

  • compactness;
  • ease;
  • strength;
  • moisture resistance.

Where to put the washing machine

We housewives find it very convenient when washing is done traditionally in the bathroom.

But it seems that our bathroom is unable to accommodate a washing machine. What if there is nowhere else to put it? We'll have to look for a way out.

If there is no free space, you can put the equipment under the sink, but not a regular one, but a flat one. Smart manufacturers have already provided this way of saving space and began making sinks for a certain size of washing machines. They can be purchased as a set and installed at the same time.

In addition, there are narrow models of top-loading machines; it can be squeezed between the sink and the wall. But not quite close, a small gap must remain for ventilation.

There are few options when it comes to placing a washing machine in a small bathroom. If there is a place, then you are very lucky. If not, come up with something else. At least you can sacrifice the sink.

You can't live without a mirror in a small bathroom

Indeed, is it possible to do without mirrors in a large bathroom? Even if we choose a mirror finish as a design, and it’s not above the sink, we’ll still have to hang it.

While discussing furniture, we said that it would be good to place all possible cabinets on the wall. They are practically equipped with mirrors. By buying one of them, we solve two issues at once.

You won’t be able to fit everything you want into a compact bathroom. You always have to give up something. If you don’t place the washing machine along the wall, then you can hang a large full-length mirror there.

Mirrors can be different shapes and “work” on the main idea of ​​the design. With pronounced marine theme, it would be nice to find a mirror in the shape of a fish or sea animal.

If certain geometric shapes predominate in the bathroom, then it is advisable to choose the same mirror.

Which important details What should you consider when choosing a mirror?

  • Will the mirror be well lit (take care of the lighting).
  • Who will take care of it (maybe buy a heated model and forget about the stains?)
  • How long will it last (there are special mirrors for the bathroom that are resistant to moisture, but ordinary mirrors will quickly lose their appearance).

REMEMBER! A successful mirror will “save” any interior!

If the bathroom has a shower

For the home - a brilliant invention. This is what you need for a small bathroom. There are many models of such cabins; the ones that suit us best are corner ones or simple but compact ones. Luckily, there are a ton of them on sale.

The shower cabin provides the following benefits:

  • saving space;
  • saving water (less water is consumed when taking a shower);
  • comfortable washing process (especially if the model has a hydromassage function);
  • modern, stylish look for the bathroom.

By replacing the bath with a shower, we can find room for washing machine, and for some small closet. However, I would like to warn those who like to force and clutter everything!

Even the most spacious bathroom can be so cluttered that it will seem like a shed. In a small room, this risk increases many times.

There is no need to put something in every corner. It's better to put only the most necessary things in the bathroom. And only then will it look more spacious, and it will be much more pleasant to enter it.

The only disadvantage of this solution is the lack of a place for small children to bathe. There are two options here:

  • or place a small bathtub on the bottom of the cabin;
  • or wait until the children grow up.

Another alternative is bathtubs with a shower cabin; they are ideal for a large family, in which there are both shower and bath lovers. But placing it in a cramped room will not save space. Although, in general, this combined option is very convenient.

The decision about the advisability of all this must be made individually. And this time you have to choose between comfort and space.

Renovation ideas for Khrushchev residents

In apartments with such a sonorous name, two types of bathrooms were designed, so in three-room apartments We have a separate bathroom with a tiny bathtub, and in two-room apartments the toilet and bathroom are combined.

A tiny “three ruble” bathroom completely destroys all attempts to dream up its arrangement. All the advice we gave about decorating walls and ceilings in a room like this applies here.

Basic moments:

  • use several spectacular mirrors;
  • make it glossy suspended ceiling with spotlights;
  • give up dark shades;
  • do not hang shelves or cabinets (one above the sink will be enough);
  • If possible, change the bathtub to a shower stall.

A successful design of such a bathroom implies maximum simplicity, the absence of unnecessary details and clutter.

Combined in Khrushevkas is more spacious. Against front door There is a toilet, next to it there is a sink and a bathtub. There is free space next to the door, which is usually reserved for the washing machine.

What can be done with this prosaic situation? How to add chic and shine to it?

Option one

We change the plumbing. We choose a square-shaped toilet, sink and bathtub. It is advisable to find a sink with a long countertop that extends to the bathroom. You can place all hygiene products and other necessary little things on it.

It is also advisable to hang square mirrors above the bathtub and sink. The ceiling is finished with slatted aluminum panels. We lay out the floor and walls with mosaic tiles.

Option two

We install a toilet with a wall mount, select a flat sink complete with a washing machine, and hang a large mirror above them. We replace the bathtub with a corner shower stall, and place a narrow, high shelving unit between it and the wall. We leave the wall next to the door free; only a small laundry basket can be placed there.

We offer to cover the walls and ceiling decorative plaster pastel colors, and the floor should be tiled in a contrasting shade.

There can be a lot of design ideas for a combined bathroom in a bathroom. Fortunately, now there are all the materials to make any dream come true.

Bathroom in a private house

When designing a bathroom in your home, you can plan in advance where you will place the fixtures and furniture. There are no restrictions of an apartment building here.

If the house is wooden, then both the walls and the ceiling can be sheathed with moisture resistant wooden slats. It is best to cover the floor with regular tiles to match the color of wood.

It’s great if the bathroom has a window; in a small room it perfectly increases the space. It can be decorated in an original way with rolls or. This will add coziness to the bathroom, which sometimes seems “cold” and damp.

An important function of the window is the ability to ventilate and dry, which is especially important with wooden finishes.

In a brick house, it is advisable to “ennoble” the bathroom walls with ceramics or stone. In this case, the ceiling can be decorated with any type of suspended ceilings: they are aesthetic, reliable and inexpensive.

The good thing about a private house is that it can be renovated and remodeled endlessly: the neighbors can’t hear anything. However, I want to carry out the renovation efficiently so that all the interior elements serve for many years until they become boring.

To do this, you just need to use reliable materials and follow our advice.


Small bathrooms are the scourge of modern mass housing. It is difficult to find an apartment in which you would not have to literally bite off precious square meters from adjacent rooms to accommodate a larger bath.

However, it is rarely possible to physically expand a bathroom - you have to go to various lengths to fit all the necessary plumbing fixtures and furniture in a compressed space. How to make a small bathroom cozy and functional?

The first step is designing the bathroom

First of all, you need to determine how the furniture will be arranged in the bathroom. There are many design options, and they can be successfully combined to get the optimal result. You need to decide what you want to see as a result: a practical room or a work of design art.

To expand the interior space, you can use methods created by designers from all over the world:

  1. Maintain the minimalism and conciseness inherent in Asians. Forget about hot tubs with curved shapes - only straight, strict lines and ideal geometric shapes.
  2. Use plenty of light. Natural light will not be available if a window in the bathroom was not provided during the construction of the house, but correct selection lighting fixtures coupled with a light finish will help to some extent get rid of cramped spaces.
  3. Accessories. A large number of small details that attract the eye will distract attention from assessing the real volume of a small room - the bathroom, if not larger, will seem less cramped.
  4. Ornaments on the walls, combining tiles of different colors, playing with shades. Looking at the patterns, not a single person will notice that there is no room to turn around in the bathroom.
  5. Use of modern achievements of plumbing in the interior. Today you can have fully functional bathtubs, showers and sinks in very modest sizes.

When planning your bathroom design, you need to consider more than just the actual small size of the room. Consideration should be given to the number of people who will use the bathroom, necessary set plumbing (whether the bathroom will be combined, whether a full bath is needed or a shower is enough, etc.).

Apartment interior redevelopment – difficult task even in a new building. All communications are fixed - if you want to rearrange something, it’s not a fact that you will be able to do it. In addition, leveling the walls can be difficult.

It is necessary to take into account the specifics of the design wet room– due to the fact that finishing materials must be moisture resistant, the range of available options is greatly reduced.

Priorities should be set as follows: practicality, durability and only then aesthetic appeal.

To design the design of the arrangement of furniture and plumbing, you can use special computer programs or sketch a drawing by hand, indicating the location of all the main interior elements. Form a clear picture in your head of what you want to see in the end - and only then get to work!

How to fit everything in?

The main design principle when creating the interior of a small bathroom is to get rid of everything unnecessary.

You should forget about:

  • inappropriate placement of items - cosmetics should be placed in a cosmetic bag or next to the trellis, dirty clothes and washing supplies should be placed in a separate closet;
  • collecting things “in reserve” - in fact, you don’t need 5 cans of shampoo and 10 cans of shower gel;
  • using the bathroom for purposes other than its intended purpose.

Teach yourself to be organized and store excess items in the pantry and separate cabinets in other, more spacious rooms. This is especially true for electrical appliances - hair dryer, curling iron, etc. - keeping them in the bathroom is not only pointless, but also dangerous.

It’s easier to fit essential items into your bathroom if you only fit what’s really necessary. How to organize the arrangement of a minimum set of plumbing fixtures?

Combined bathroom

In most apartments, the bathroom is separate - after all, people usually live with entire families, and using a shared bathroom can be inconvenient. But in reality there is nothing wrong with placing a toilet next to a small bathroom. Even if the project provides for two rooms for plumbing, it makes sense to combine them in order to more efficiently use the available square meters.

There are several design options for organizing a combined bathroom:

  • We place the bathtub along the width, arrange the rest of the equipment and furniture along the long side of the room;
  • the bathtub is placed in a niche, the walls of which can be used to place shelves - this will take up some of the space, but you can compensate for the reduction in the volume of the room by installing a mirror on the entire opposite wall.

If using a shared bathroom is inconvenient, someone lives in the house big family– you can separate the toilet and bathtub with a decorative screen, which can be easily removed when no one is washing.

Shower cabin

Small-sized appliances will save interior space and even allow you to install a washing machine. One of the design options for using minimalist technology is a shower stall.

Cabins come in a variety of different types - you can even make one yourself by installing a watering can and drain behind the wall, separated from the rest of the bathroom by a glass door. What is usually on sale is not floor-standing baths, but sitz baths with a kind of glass bulb on top. The choice is great, and it’s worth thinking through the basic design, starting from the style in which the cabin you like is made.

Corner bath

If you don’t want to completely give up a bathtub in favor of a shower, a corner bathtub will be a compromise solution small size. It is much easier to place than a full oval bathtub.

The shape of a corner bath can be very different:

  • oval;
  • square;
  • circle - not particularly suitable for a small bathroom;
  • complex shape with curved edges - maximum usable space.

By the way, not only the bathtub, but also the sink can be corner. You can wash your face in a small washbasin - there is no need to install plumbing fixtures the size of a full-fledged kitchen sink in your bathroom. The hanging style will save space under the sink.

And finally, the door. If your bathroom door opens inward, give your home designer a good word and remodel it so that it opens outward into the hallway. Better yet, replace the bathroom door with a sliding one - this way it won’t take up space at all.

Visually expanding the space

Many methods have been invented to deceive human perception. You can trick your brain into thinking that the bathroom is larger than it actually is:

  • using light colors in the design when finishing;
  • diagonal laying of tiles;
  • by expanding the walls, raising the ceiling, lowering the floor - save as much as possible when rough finishing the concrete box;
  • bringing the shape of the room closer to a square - the elongated rectangular shape does not allow one to be deceived;
  • creating smooth transitions between walls and horizontal surfaces - work with color and round moldings.

A classic solution for expanding bathroom space is the use of large mirrors. You can hang them not only on the bathroom walls - mirrored cabinet doors will also help. Moreover, you can cover the entire space from floor to ceiling with cabinets - there is a lot of compact furniture today, even the most picky designer can choose something.

Working with tiles

Tile is traditionally used to decorate the bathroom interior. Of course, there is waterproof plaster and special drywall; you can even decorate the walls with natural stone. But in terms of expanding the room, tile is the undoubted leader.

The size of the tiles in the bathroom should be small. The smaller it is, the more confused the brain is - it will look not at the area of ​​individual elements, but at their total number. The associative series is simple: there are a lot of tiles, which means the bathroom is large. If you don’t involve consciousness, the effect is excellent. A non-contrast mosaic will help even more, which can be used to create smoothness not only on the walls, but also on the ceiling of the bathroom.

As for the color in the interior, light shades should be used, but not white - this “hospital” color is not only psychologically difficult, but also difficult to maintain - white tiles will have to be washed almost daily.

The entire room should be made light - finishing the lower half of the walls in contrast would be a bad decision, since it will divide the room and kill the entire expansion effect. The only design style allowed is dark vertical stripes.

It is better to take glossy, smooth tiles. It will reflect light, working in tandem with mirrors, and further increase the space.

The exception is the floor, which should be finished with matte material for safety reasons. Or at least put a rubber mat on the smooth floor - slipping on wet glossy tiles is as easy as shelling pears.

The tiles should be laid evenly from the floor to the ceiling of the bathroom. Do not use curbs, thresholds, or dividing strips - they will attract attention and show the actual area of ​​the bathroom.

A little more about bathroom flooring. It is not at all necessary to use tiles - a self-leveling polymer coating with a pattern or photo printing would be an excellent design variation. It’s easy to create an effect of depth with it, and it will make a small bathroom feel larger. Photo wallpaper can also be used to create an imitation of natural light.

Color rules Light colors are a salvation for a small bathroom. Bright colors strain your eyesight, and you want to relax in the bathroom. Dark colors

can only be used when equipping the bathroom with powerful light, which we will talk about a little later. Color disharmony is the main enemy of high-quality small bathroom design.

Shades of white, beige, milky colors (but not pure white) are ideal for a bathroom interior. They create a feeling of cleanliness and expand the room.

If you decorate light tiles with ornaments (you can use acrylic waterproof paints for this), you can create certain motifs in the room - for example, Japanese. Sakura branches and petals on light tiles, furniture made of natural wood– the eastern corner is ready!

Other possible colors are soft blue and light green. Remember the ban on saturation and brightness. These colors have a beneficial effect on a person’s psycho-emotional state and improve the effect of relaxation. hot bath. They are associated with water, nature, purity. They go well with white earthenware.

The market offers a wide variety of three-dimensional tiles and tiles with a textured surface. You shouldn't use it - protrusions and stucco eat up the space of the bathroom and absorb light, making the small size of the bathroom even more modest.

Combining colors in the bathroom is an option for bold designers. This will make the interior unique, but you should be careful: in a small room it is permissible to use only three different shades.


So, best version for the interior design of a small bathroom - a combination of light shades and natural light. But a window in the bathroom is an unaffordable luxury in our conditions, and try to find at least one similar apartment in planned development buildings.

We have to make the most of the wonders of electrification. Electronics in the bathroom are dangerous, but you can't do without light. The wiring needs to be hidden as best as possible and protected from moisture - it is best to put it under the tiles.

Sconce lamps are not difficult to find today. The choice of models is huge, and you need to try to choose options in the same style. The number of lighting fixtures and their power is up to your taste; try to make the bathroom as bright as possible. But to ensure a relaxing, romantic environment, it’s worth considering dim lighting. The ideal option is lamps with adjustable light intensity.

Powerful light will allow you to use dark colors in the design of even a small bathroom. But dimming the light will turn dark room into a real hole, in which, because of the large mirrors, it will also be scary to be.

An excellent option is lighting built into the bathroom ceiling. It is safe, and sconces hanging on the walls will not take up space.

If the ceiling is suspended or suspended, even spot or LED lighting is possible.

Furniture selection

Many owners of small bathrooms abandon furniture in favor of large and capacious plumbing fixtures, which do not carry a particularly useful load. You shouldn’t do this - even in a modest space there is room for cabinets and shelves.

  • The basic principles for choosing plumbing fixtures and furniture have already been revealed: pay attention to corner baths
  • and sinks, shower cabins, transformable appliances;
  • use the entire height of the walls to place cabinets;
  • cabinet doors with mirrors partially compensate for the wasted space in the bathroom;
  • the washing machine can be hidden under the sink;

give up tiled partitions, thick curtains and screens in favor of glass.

All this will allow you to appropriately place shelves for washing supplies, instead of placing bottles of shampoo, shaving gels and everything else on the sides of the bathroom.

Furniture design

Whatever the style of the bathroom, no matter how small it is, one rule must always be followed - all furniture must be moisture resistant.

Remember that durability is more important than aesthetics - a beautiful bathroom is great, but it will be of little use if everything rots and you have to renovate it again after a couple of years.

  • Among the common materials you can pay attention to the following:
  • MDF, chipboard, laminate - always with waterproof impregnation;
  • plastic – don’t think it will look cheap, modern plastic items look quite good;
  • glass is not only practical, but also relatively invisible, due to which it visually saves more free space;

stone. I would like to use natural solid wood in interior design, but this is not recommended. It looks beautiful, but such bathroom furniture is designed for large premises

with good ventilation.

In our modest rooms, moisture is actively concentrated, hot steam actively destroys even wood impregnated with stain and varnish. Considering the high cost and the imminent but inevitable redevelopment, wood is a waste of money.

Built in furniture Compact cabinets with mirrored doors can be used, but the best solution

there will be a built-in wardrobe that extends from floor to ceiling in the bathroom. It can be built into a niche that frames the bathtub. Even better - glass or metal shelves.

Storing dirty clothes in a hamper next to the bathtub or directly in the washing machine is a common practice. Very bad practice. Linen in the bathroom deteriorates due to constant exposure to humidity, not to mention the fact that the basket for it eats up a significant amount of free space.

It is best to hide the laundry basket in the closet. If it is not there, go to the built-in closet. The washing machine should also be hidden - this will eliminate the temptation to store unnecessary items on it.

Interior in detail

Mirrors and accessories will complement the image of the bathroom and allow you to divert attention from its size. However, you shouldn’t go overboard with small details.

The larger the mirror, the better - the space will double if you make the entire wall mirrored.

Cleaning will take a lot of effort, but you can buy mirrors covered with a special film - it repels soap splashes and prevents the glass from fogging up. In addition, it will last longer, since humidity and hot steam destroy even glass over time.

When creating a stylish bathroom, you can't do without accessories. All of them should be elegant and orderly - deliberate negligence is permissible only in a large area. Everything should be in its place and complement the interior without becoming an excessive feature.

If you are creating a minimalist bathroom, there should be fewer things. Get rid of everything unnecessary and concentrate the style features of the interior design in colors, furniture, plumbing and ornaments.

Bottles for shampoo and soap, a glass for toothbrushes, and a mirror frame should be in harmony with the color scheme of the room, without being a bright spot. This also applies to towels and bathrobe: if you are a girl who loves pink, you shouldn't hang a fluffy pink towel in a green bathroom. It will be easier for men in this regard.

Small accessories and decorations should fit into the theme of the bathroom. You can fill the shelves with sea shells, hang ivy or another heat-loving plant, or a small picture on the wall. Emphasize your style and individuality, feel free to experiment: after all, accessories are not tiles, and a bad decision can always be changed.

It is difficult to create a modern, classic or Provence style in a small apartment area - a complex design requires a large number of details and sometimes has features that are impossible to implement in a bathroom.

Minimalism and hi-tech in the interior - ideal options for this room. Glass and metal are indispensable attributes of such styles. The room will become stylish and comfortable without losing its functionality.

However, no one forbids taking risks - if you love Provence, try placing wicker baskets, porcelain and natural materials. If you carefully and carefully study the interior of the apartment, you will succeed!

Photo options for arranging a bathroom

With a full all-inclusive set with a jacuzzi, bidet and hydrobox, of course, it is possible, but in reality it is important to wisely use the space that is available today in order to create your own good design small bathroom. Even if this space is a legacy of the times of Khrushchev’s “generosity” or the typical and inexpressive design of a small bathroom in panel house. The paradox is that what smaller room, the more difficult it is to think through its ergonomic functionality (remove all that is unnecessary and combine what is necessary). Ready-made ones will help to encourage your imagination design solutions for the arrangement of small bathrooms. Creating a spectacular bathroom lighting will solve many nuances. In this case, there is no point in reinventing the wheel, because all the mistakes have already been taken into account before you.

Advice! The most important aspect of design is Find out all the intricacies of this process from our article.

Design of a small bathroom combined with a toilet

Many people decide to completely remove the plaster cast. partition, separating the bathroom and bathroom with sealing one of entrance openings. Some believe that this is unhygienic and impractical from the point of view of combining two different-purpose plumbing items. We will leave this choice at your discretion, but we will assume that you are a supporter of the first option. After the preparatory work, your 5 (if you are lucky - 7 or more) squares will shine with the pristine purity of bare

A small bathroom is often the cause of dissatisfaction among apartment owners in apartment buildings.

However, with the right approach to renovating a room, you can make it very cozy. Let's look at what techniques can be used to optimize space in a small bathroom.

Where to start redevelopment

First of all, you should decide what kind of bathroom you need: combined or separate. When connecting a toilet and a bathtub, the area of ​​the bathroom increases, which allows you to save on building materials for repair.

Of course, there are also disadvantages to such redevelopment:

  • it is necessary to obtain permission from special authorities;
  • water supply or sewer pipes and other communications that can be damaged;
  • For a large family, a combined bathroom is inconvenient from a practical point of view.

A separate bathroom also has a significant drawback - the small area of ​​​​both rooms. You can add a few meters to the bathroom by reducing the area of ​​the hallway or corridor.

Bathroom finishing

Due to the fact that there is always very high humidity in the bathroom, all finishing materials must be resistant to moisture and temperature changes. The floor is most often simply tiled. But if you want to take this issue more seriously, it is advisable to install a heated floor system.

This will allow installation indoors comfortable temperature. A dense waterproofing layer will also not hurt, as it will not allow moisture to seep out in the event of a flood.

When choosing tiles, give preference to materials with a rough texture; smooth, glossy tiles will be very slippery when wet.

To decorate the walls in a small bathroom use ceramic tiles, plastic panels, paint, fake diamond or moisture-resistant wallpaper.

When using tiles, the most important thing is to plaster and prime the walls well. Can also be used to level the surface.

It is preferable to choose non-toxic paints water based. Oil paints They are not suitable for such a room, they take a long time to dry, smell of acetone and do not tolerate high temperatures.

Stretch film is best suited for ceiling decoration. It is durable, resistant to high humidity, it is easy to wash. In addition, if the vases are flooded by neighbors, losses will be minimal.

Painting is a more budget-friendly option, but in this case, be prepared for the fact that this coating needs to be updated annually.

You can also sheathe the ceiling in the bathroom plastic panels. A stainless metal profile should be used as a frame.

Choosing between a bathtub and a shower cabin

For a small bathroom, a shower stall is definitely more suitable. It will not only help save space, but also reduce the amount of water consumed, which will have a positive impact on the family budget.

If you absolutely want to be able to lie in the bathroom, it makes sense to pay attention to angular and curved models.

How to place furniture, appliances and accessories

The correct arrangement of plumbing fixtures and furniture will allow optimal use of space in the bathroom, and will also make the room comfortable and practical.

In an adjoining bathroom, it is advisable to hide the tank in the wall, leaving the drain button outside. If this is not possible, you should consider purchasing a corner or tall narrow tank.

It will not be difficult to install a small side-loading washing machine under a sink, boiler, in the corner between the bathroom and the wall, etc. You just need to install an insulated socket and hide the pipes discreetly. Drain dirty water should be discharged directly into the sewer hole.

To store bath accessories, use high pencil cases, hanging shelves, and pull-out racks.

Lighting in a small bathroom

With a modest room size, there is no need to install several light sources - one will be enough.

Can be installed ceiling lamps, neon stripes or spotlights. It is not recommended to use incandescent lamps in the bathroom; it is better to choose LED lamps.

Color solutions for a small bathroom

As for anyone small room, for a small bathroom, light colors are best, as they visually expand the space.

If you want to use multiple colors, it is recommended to choose no more than three and try to keep them close in saturation to each other.

Dark shades and voluminous designs will not be appropriate in a small bathroom. Often used for finishing White color, beige, blue, pale pink, light green.

In most cases, the design options for a small bathroom are very limited. After all, the lack of free space does not even allow for the rational arrangement of plumbing fixtures in a given area, not to mention some of the interior refinements. But don't despair completely. There are many ways to, although not increase its internal area, make it visually more spacious through planning, as well as design techniques and tricks.

Layout and zoning of a small bathroom

To increase the functionality of a small bathroom, designers use the method of zoning, that is, dividing the space of the bathroom taking into account its purpose. According to this principle, the bathroom room can be divided into three zones: a utility zone (cabinets for storing cleaning tools, a washing machine), a zone of natural needs and personal hygiene (bidet, urinal, toilet) and a water treatment zone (washbasin, shower, bathtub) .


Zoning a small bathroom can be done different ways: combine furniture and plumbing fixtures for their intended purpose in one zone, or highlight a zone using design techniques. The latter include lighting, multi-level floors or ceilings, the use of finishing materials or contrasting colors. When remodeling a small bathroom, it is important to select models of plumbing fixtures and furniture that make it possible to make the most of the space. Pay attention to the corner toilet and bathtub - they take up less space, but their functionality does not suffer from this.

Open or corner shelves made of stainless steel are also convenient. You can place towels and other bathroom accessories on them.

Instead of a tandem of wall and floor cabinets, it is best to choose a tall pencil case. It is much more spacious and, if desired, it can act as a partition, separating the area for taking water procedures and the toilet. At the same time, the shape of the pencil case quite successfully increases the space of the bathroom.

An excellent result for enlarging a small bathroom is the construction of additional structures. For example, a sink or washing machine can be installed in a niche, and the construction of an additional partition will make it possible to arrange more items.

Installation systems also help save space in a small bathroom - these are special structures with which a wall-hung toilet is attached. Moreover, all systems are built into the wall, and, accordingly, hidden from view.

Original design solutions in small bathrooms can also solve the space problem. A bathtub that is installed in the center or diagonally of the room will make it possible to use free walls for installing plumbing fixtures or additional furniture. Great idea– installation of a washing machine under the washbasin.

Finishing materials for a small bathroom

Bathroom paint

The cheapest option is waterproof paint in combination with a color scheme that can be used to paint the walls. By varying the dosage of the color, you can achieve the perfect match to the desired color. But the entire impression of painting can be spoiled by uneven walls, which must first be leveled.

Plastic panels

Using finishing with plastic panels you can achieve quick results without perfectly aligning the walls. The advantage of this material is the variety of colors and ease of installation. But the panels are short-lived and have to be replaced from time to time.

Ceramic tile

Most often, ceramic and tiles. The tiles are varied in both shape and design. In addition, it is durable and has the waterproofing properties necessary for a bathroom. Glazed light tiles visually expand the space of a small bathroom. Non-slip tiles are an unsurpassed material for bathroom flooring in their properties. In addition to it, you can use waterproof laminate or linoleum. Often used to decorate the ceiling White paint or plastic panels.

Choosing between bath and shower

Indeed, the problem of choosing between a bathroom and for arranging a small bathroom worries many of our fellow citizens. This is especially true for those of them who live in old apartments. Of course, a bathtub is a more familiar and familiar attribute of a bathroom to us than a shower stall, which is why it is always so difficult to resolve the dilemma.

Bath in a small bathroom

First of all, analyze how often you and your family take a bath. Perhaps long water procedures help you relieve fatigue, and you soak in the bath almost every day. Then you shouldn’t deny yourself the pleasure - install a bathtub - it will also allow you to bathe both a child and a pet without any problems.

To save space in a small bathroom, you can install a bathtub 120 cm long instead of standard bathtubs 150-180 cm long. Of course, this option will not be as convenient as a full-fledged bathtub, but it will free up the missing area for placing a laundry basket or a pencil case for hygiene products . The main problem that awaits the owners of miniature bathrooms is a small shoulder or, in other words, the distance from the bathroom door to the corner, which does not allow for successful placement of plumbing fixtures and furniture. Remember that you can always move the doorway, unless it is cut into a load-bearing wall.

Shower cabin for a small bathroom.

In terms of saving space in a small bathroom, the best option for arranging it is to install a corner shower stall with radial sliding doors. The main advantage of this model is the absence of external corners in its design. So, if you choose a shower stall with a rounded shape, you will not interfere with it like a rectangular structure.

The only point that will need to be taken into account is that a sliding system with curved doors will obviously cost more than with rectangular doors. In turn, swing door opening is the most budget option of all possible fencing systems for shower stalls. However, in the cramped conditions of a small bathroom, swing doors are not entirely convenient, since they require additional free space to open. When choosing a shower stall, also pay attention to its overall dimensions - length, width and, especially, depth. Choose corner cabins, which we recommend as the optimal type of shower for small bathrooms, ranging in size from 80x80 cm to 120x120 cm with a depth of about 40 cm - such a mini bath will allow you to bathe both a child and a dog. The material from which the shower tray is made is also important. Acrylic, most often used for the production of inexpensive pallets, may not be best quality and will quickly lose its presentation due to scratches from animal claws. Therefore in your specific case It’s more logical to take either a steel or ceramic bowl. You can also purchase an acrylic or quaryl tray, but from famous manufacturers, which won't be cheap.

The most important thing in the interior of small baths is light

Undoubtedly, the light should be as bright as possible, since this is what visually enlarges the space. The best option when decorating the interior of a small bathroom is multi-level combined lighting, which looks very attractive. The bathroom design can be decorated with lamps around the mirrors, which will ensure uniform illumination of the entire room. It looks very attractive.

Color palette and common mistakes when choosing finishing texture

The design of a small bathroom is very demanding on the color scheme of the walls, floor and ceiling of the room. Not all colors have a beneficial effect on visual perception in a small area, so it is necessary to carefully select the shade, texture, and pattern of finishing materials. Most often, when designing a small or dark bathroom on their own, homeowners make the following mistakes:

  1. Use materials that are dark or too dark for cladding floors and walls. bright color. For the design of a small bathroom, it is not recommended to use dark-colored finishes, as they make the room smaller and darker. The best option The color scheme for a small bathroom is a light pastel palette.
  2. Choose materials with a matte surface. A matte surface may be easier to clean, but it does not reflect light as effectively as a glossy one, so it does not provide the effect of expanding space.
  3. Use volumetric or textured cladding. Materials with a textured surface make the room visually smaller, so it is recommended to use smooth, glossy materials to decorate a small bathroom.
  4. Choose finishing materials with too large or too small a pattern. A small room does not need large quantities decor, so it is better to use plain types of finishes.