How to make a semicircular sofa with your own hands. We make a folding sofa with your own hands. Installation of lamellae and supports

Competently equip the recreation area in a small living space will help furniture corner design. It perfectly fits into the geometry of the room, retains the maximum of the useful area, providing enough space for the location of the guests. Save money on buying furniture such configuration, if you collect corner sofa do it yourself, showing not only skills to work with various materials, but also the ability of a designer. The main thing is to be extremely neat in work, do not rush, and the result will delight beauty, durability.

Assembling the corner sofa with your own hands, in the presence of appropriate tools, materials, it will not cause difficulties even at novice masters. Such upholstered furniture will help zonate space space. Equipped with spacious drawers, the sofas of the corner configuration are in charge of many households.

Flowing, is it worth spending time in search the desired model In the store or easier to build a sofa with their own hands, pay attention to the following points:

  • furniture, collected by the personnel, always fits into the interior of the room, is ideal for dimensions;
  • choice color Gamma. Upholstery does not depend on the range provided by the manufacturer;
  • having independently making a soft corner, you can minimize costs;
  • collecting a kitchen corner sofa with their own hands, you can personally control the quality of the product so as not to have doubts in its strength, durability.

The main plus assembly of a soft corner sofa with their own hands is aesthetic pleasure, a sense of pride from the work done. In the production process, you can feel like a real designer and purchase useful skills. Strengthen positive emotions enthusiastic reviews of others.

Materials and tools

Save time and money will help detailed scheme Corner sofa devices. It is also recommended to compile a list of the necessary materials and tools in advance. In the process of creating furniture may be needed:

  • bar of coniferous trees (used for frame);
  • plywood (better birch) is needed to cover the base;
  • Fiberboard is useful at the bottom of the bottom and assembly of storage boxes;
  • laminated chipboard most often serves to make armrests;
  • soft materials (foam rubber or syntheps) are indispensable when packing a sofa or pillow backboard;
  • fabrics for upholstery (dense canvases impregnated with special water repellent and protecting against excessive contaminants with compositions);
  • fasteners (corners, screws, nails);
  • retractable mechanisms for drawers;
  • furniture legs (it is more convenient to use elements on wheels);
  • consumables (Threads, glue).

One of important moments the production of the corner sofa is their own hands proper selection Required tools:

  • saw - for cutting large wooden elements;
  • screwdriver, without which it is very difficult to quickly assemble any design;
  • sewing machine (better electrical) - for sewing covers;
  • furniture stapler, allowing firmly fix cloth in right places.

Depending on the complexity of the design, the minimum list required devices Can be replenished in the process of work.

Furniture fittings

Fabrics for upholstery

Drawings and schemes

Competently composed drawings and assembly schemes of the corner sofa do it with their own hands determine the quality of the final result. Sketches should be extremely simple and understandable. The main principle is to describe the size and location of all the details of future furniture. After the drawing of the future mild corner is drawn, a detailed scheme of the location of all fastenings, enhancement parts, partitions, is drawn, with drawers, if necessary.

Some recommendations of specialists will correctly help:

  • choosing furniture dimensions, it is important to measure the place where it will be installed;
  • first of all, a sketch is drawn, on which you must indicate the length of two sofa halves, its depth and height of the back (this parameter can be arbitrary);
  • the width of the sofa frame is calculated as the difference between the total two-halves and depth.

Highlights that are taken into account when creating a sofa drawing:

  • angle of inclination of the back;
  • sizes of the whole design and its individual parts;
  • the need to install laid out mechanisms;
  • the need to improve storage compartments;
  • height of sofa legs.

Secret from a professional: For the convenience of reading drawings and diagrams, it is necessary to use different colors for each material.

For example, the basis of the bar is shaded yellow, the surfaces from the chipboard - gray, the field of upholstery is pink-colored. The circuit of the direction of spinning screws is drawn by the red arrows. This will help to quickly navigate and significantly reduce the time costs.

Step-by-step manual instructions

Consider gradually how to make a corner sofa with your own hands. In accordance with the previously drawn scheme, the details must be numbered and decomposed as it introduced to work. The smallest elements must be postponed separately from large-sized parts. Crucified timber, DVP and chipboard panels can be made independently, but it is much easier and faster to order work from professionals. The assembly starts precisely from large parts, gradually increasing small elements based on the basis.

All components are connected to each other screws. To enhance strength, each item is first sampled, and only then tighten the two parts.

Creating a carcass

The sofa assembly begins with the creation of a frame from a bar. Two long and two short blanks are connected to a rectangle. After the bar is bonded by self-draws, metal corners are attached in the corners. In the center of the back, additional transverse supports fix. Thus, the strength of the base of the sofa is achieved.

The bottom of the corner sofa box is sewn with a sheet of the corresponding dimensions. For fixing the material, special small furniture nails or staplers with brackets are used (which is much simpler, faster). By the same principle, the second half and the angular insertion is made. After all three parts of the base of the corner sofa are assembled, they are bonded between themselves bolts, nuts.

Protect wood from damage to metal fasteners will help the washer laid in front of the nut.

Next, proceed to the creation of a frame of the back. To do this, you will need six bars, the same in size, with a cut at an angle relative to the level of the seat. The construction of the design element is assembled similarly to the base frame. It is important that all the details are located mirror elements of the base of the bottom. The backing frame is bonded in the location of the bar at the bottom and in the middle. The finished detail of the furniture is screwed up with self-draws, after which the facade is closed, cut in size, a sheet of chipboard or plywood. The top end is covered with a billet made of wood cut at an angle.

Next to the frame, the loops of the seats are fixed (at the rate of three pieces per element). The loops are fastened with self-drawing in the location of the side board and the across the barus. They record the sheets of fiberboard, which will later become the basis for soft folding seats. The inner part of the sofa will be a convenient storage location for various homemade items. The final step of the frame assembly is the cover of the back of the rear and the installation of furniture legs around the perimeter of the corner sofa.

Collect the carcass

Sew bottom box sheet dvp

Fix seat and niche

Help the carcass of the corner sofa is easy if you clearly follow the following recommendations:

  • the thickness of the foam rubber for the back and the seat must be greater than for armrests (at least 10 cm);
  • before opening, measurements are carefully removed;
  • in order not to get confused, the outfit part of the foam rubber is better immediately glued to the right place (we use the usual PVA glue);
  • give the desired bend, the shape of a soft part can be cut off the thickness of the foam rubber in certain areas;
  • if you wish to make a beautiful bend of the back, you can use twine and small pieces of foam rubber, laying out in the right places soft Material and clamping it with the twine, forming the necessary relief;
  • before the upholstery stage, the fabor is better to cover the layer of agrotectille.

No need to throw back foam rubber. Of these, you can cut suitable small-dimensional sizes.

Upholstery fabric

Pattern covers on the corner sofa with their own hands consists of individual elements - for upholstery, sideways, facade, backs. Most often, collecting an angular sofa for a kitchen or a living room with their own hands, the following fabrics are used:

  1. The rohozhod is very durable, resistant to abrasion and pollution of matter, allowing you to create a surprisingly pleasant to the touch, a soft surface. The indisputable advantage is its durability. Outbating furniture with such a cloth, you can forget about the change of covers for many years. The rotogo will report highly density, keeps the form well, does not mind.
  2. Cotton fabrics are attracted by naturalness. They skip moisture and air, differ in the brightness of coloring. But choosing such covers for the corner sofa, you must be prepared for their frequent replacement. They quickly come into disrepair rather quickly, losing color. If the angular sofa is going for the kitchen, from natural tissues of this kind it is better to refuse.
  3. Flock - a good option. Tender, velvet to the touch fabric stands out by practicality due to kapron and nylon threads in the composition, resistant to pollution, exposure to sunlight. Collecting the sofa into the kitchen with your own hands with a flood upholstery, you can be sure that even after a couple of years, the covers will look just like on the first day.
  4. Leather - expensive material that allows you to create very beautiful, practical furniture. Leather covers on an angular sofa are not only a way to maintain the original appearance as long as possible (do not burn, do not wear out, it is easy to clean), but also the ability to give elegance furniture.

Measuring the sofa, make the pattern on paper. Redraw the patterns on the fabric and cut out the part (with the allowance for the seams). In order for the appearance of the upholstery to be neat, textiles for covers in advance are thoroughly stroke. The cutting material is thrown out on the upholstery of the foam rubber and fasten the stapler. For lovers of comfort, coziness, a corner folding sofa with their own hands can be supplemented with soft pillows, sewn from the same fabric as the main upholstery.

The corner sofa is always in demand. It is spacious and does not take up much space. No wonder such sofas are called family, because it is possible to accommodate it with the whole family. Today, furniture made by their own hands is relevant, and the sofas are no exception.

Pluses of independent manufacture

The originality of I. independent choice Forms and colors - Main advantages independent manufacture. At the same time, the price range you control themselves, choosing material on the wallet. Another plus is quality control. It all depends only on you, and therefore there is no risk to be deceived.

The most pleasant is aesthetic pleasure and a sense of pride for the work done. The delight of others and respectful views on your brainchild will only strengthen this state. Therefore, you can safely take for the fulfillment of the sofa for comfort and comfort of your home.

Selection of material

To the choice of material should be approached very seriously, you need to think through the device of the sofa in advance. Drawing up a detailed list of all the necessary, you can go to hardware store. Thickness and the amount of all necessary will depend on your preferences and wishes.

The base of the sofa is most often performed from the tree, the timber of coniferous trees. Usually, preference is given to a pine bruus, as he is stronger than his "counterpart". The following important materials can be distinguished:

  • Fiberboard - bottom for sofa and drawers.
  • Chipboard - laminated, serves for a furniture shield (base of sofa and armrests).
  • Plywood - cover for sofa frame. Berezovoy is considered the best.
  • Porolon, Sintepon - Materials for stuffing the sofa, pillows.
  • Fabric for upholstery is a decorative part of the sofa, which is serving for a hauling and creating a finite image.
  • Fasteners - screws, screws, corners, nails and all that will be used to build elements.
  • The retractable mechanism is the type of mechanism, the choice depends on your desire, as well as from the skills.
  • Furniture legs - can be resistant or on wheels.
  • Glue, threads - will be useful when connecting pieces of foam rubber and working on a drawing.

Required tools

So, you will need to prepare the following:

  • A screwdriver with different nozzles - to screw the attachments or creating holes.
  • Circular saw - for cutting large elements requiring accuracy (or electrolovka).
  • Hacksaw (manual saw) and stub - for cutting accurate angles.
  • The knife for cutting the foam and scissors for the fabric.
  • Sewing machine - for coverage and drying.
  • Furniture stapler - to secure matter.
  • Twine or twine - to give interesting form Back and various elements.

How to make the model at home?

So, you need preparation. For the manufacture of the sofa, it is necessary to make a drawing with all sizes and elements. If you have problems with cutting, you can order it in the store, where materials will be purchased.

Number all the details (according to the drawing) and gently spread everything as it is important: the most necessary - on top or near, then - the elements are smaller. The assembly is important to start with large parts, then you need to gradually "increase" on the framework everything else. Fastenings can only be screws. For durability, you can first cry, and then fasten the result with screws.


Given the fact that the sofa is angular, you need to not be confused by the details of the short and long parties. Procedure:

  • To begin with, set two sidewalls and with fasteners connect them with a horizontal bar and vertical racks. Attachment points should be at least four for each rack. The frame of one side is ready. Now it needs to be sewn. A sheet of plywood is attached from above. To the back need to attach chipboard.

  • If the drawer is removable, then it can be made of fiberboard. For the lifting mechanism, drill holes for fastening bolts and secure.
  • Armrests for the sofa can be removable, fabric or associated with a frame. To do this, screw the bar, repeating the shape of the armrest. All this is trimmed by the chipboard.
  • If the armrests will be unusual shape, with bending, then use fiberboard and many small nails. The sharp boundaries need to be smoothed so that the covering does not grieve.

  • Ready wooden design Put the foam rubber - for seats, take one-piece tight pieces on the left and right parts, and the back can be made of a national team, from several elements. The recommended thickness of the foam rubber is more than 100 millimeters. If there is no such thickness, then thin elements can be glued together.

  • If you want to make an interesting backrest with bends, then use twine and residues of porolone pieces, giving a beautiful shape. For armrests, it is better to use batting. The assembly of the base at this stage is completed.
  • Go to the upholstery. In order not to abrade the fabric, the foam rubber was not worn, it is better to make a weighting agrotectile between them. For the blinks, choose dense wear-resistant fabrics - tapestry, thermal damaskard or shenill.

  • For accuracy and beauty, a pattern is needed or mandrel. You can also apply fabric to the sofa and outline with chalk space for cutting. Do not forget to leave the baby cloth - 2-3 centimeters. When painting the back, consider its form by creating the appropriate elements. The dragging can be with stitched elements.
  • To create convexities of the back, use the twine and stapler. Put the holes in advance to pull the hole in advance. In the holes, spend the loop - and it is to it to attach the twine.

  • Taking up the upholstery, follow the uniformity of the stretch. The drawing must match. To simplify work, use single-tone fabrics or drawings that do not require accuracy.

If you are a fan of soft sofas, you can sew pillows in size and add to the frame. If necessary, they can simply be removed.

We do to the balcony or in a gazebo

With the corner sofa on the balcony and in the gazebo, the comfort you are provided. Summer warm evenings will be very pleased to get together with the whole family or invite friends.

Such a sofa can be created from ordinary and all familiar pallets. Another name is pallets.

All work is to build the desired design of the boxes and their attachment. However, for aesthetics, you need to handle the pallets in advance with any convenient and suitable method for the interior - grinding, staining, lacquer coating, creating an effect of the composition or gloss, decoupage, drawing. Everything is suitable that will come to mind and will be combined with a cloth.

An important role in the life of every man playing a homemade sofa. Do not ironize about this. A lot of creative plans and methods of their implementation were intended precisely on this subject home interior.

A good sofa can be bought in the store, today it is not a problem. But is it real house master will miss the chance to try your hand in manufacture soft furniture?

Material incentive - another weighty argument in favor of " sofa project" If you calculate the cost of materials required for work, and compare it with the price tags of furniture salons, then the savings will be very impressive.

In our article we will look at the implemented options for homemade sofas and give short description their manufacturing. In addition, the topic will be lit self-assembly Corner sofa, from the drawing to the finish cover.

How many sofas, beautiful and different ...

Having decided to make a sofa with their own hands, it will not be too easy to get to know the ready-made sofic sampled creativity.

We note the main features of this type of furniture so that in the future not to confuse it with a regular bed. The main distinguishing sign of the sofa is not a soft bed, but the rear back, which can be reveal. At the bed this element is missing. The side railings with armrests are another classic sofa design element.

In modern models from armrests often refuse, leaving only the back back. In some designs it can be turned on hinges and turn into a mattress.

Photo №2 Sofa with swivel back

Such a system was called Eurobook. The principle of its work, as can be seen in the photo number 2 very simple: the block with the seat on the wheels goes forward, and the back of the light movement turns on the hinges and turns into an extra bed. This option can take note of the one who decided to make a sofa at home.

No wonder the attention of homemade furniture makers attracted. These are ready-made durable modules. Can be with minimal cost Time and time to build an original bed. Sofa from pallets made in deliberately rough fashionable style Loft looks great with a wheel from the dump truck that performs the function of the coffee table.

All that is needed to build such a design is a screwdriver and an electrolovka. Poping the base pallets in pairwise screws, sidewalls are fixed to them. They are made from the same pallets, cropped at the level of "Bars" - thick wooden inserts. There are no backs of such a sofa. It is replaced by two wide pillows leaning against the wall. Pleasant "softness" of the whole design give two thick foam mattresses.

When going to make a simple sofa, try to enlist the help of the spouse. Her sewing machine will relieve you from the need to contact the studio for sewing covers. If the wife does not share your grand planners, then buy a building stapler. With it, it is possible to carefully and quickly perform the upholstery of the frame.

Someone in the soul of wood, and someone cannot live without a metal, making everything you need from it, including a sofa. If your old cast iron bath not yet handed over to scrap metal, then use in the original method turning it into a comfortable laying. Better materialthan enameled cast iron, for a garden courtyard not found.

Such a street sofa is not afraid of either snow, no rain, regularly bringing respect to its owner from guests and neighbors.

Models designers make not only mocks of old ships, tanks and aircraft. The scope of their attention often fall furniture objects (photo № 6).

Why don't we do such a sofa, increasing his miniature layout to the desired size? The idea of \u200b\u200bthis design is simple and rational: the basis is made of profile pipeto which a thick plywood or OSB stove is attached.

After working out the assembly techniques on a reduced copy, it will be easier for you to work with a full-length sofa.

If the farm has no old auto stroke, then make the original round sofa is not easy. If the rubber "shoes" of the tractor is available, you can cover it with a cloth and attach a high back. Stand with legs and soft pillows The ideal appearance will give the structures from the foam rubber.

How to make an angular sofa yourself?

Without a detailed assembly scheme, it is impossible to start this work. The angular sofa consists of several parts, the manufacture and docking of which requires accuracy. The best fastener for the newbie - self-tapping screws. Sowing frame joints - level of an experimental carpentry wizard.

So, the following materials will be needed for assembling an angular sofa:

  • wooden bar (cross section 30x50 mm);
  • board (25x80 mm);
  • plywood or chipboard (thickness 12 mm);
  • plywood (thickness 5 mm);
  • porolon 10 cm thick;
  • thin foam or batting (for the manufacture of lining under the enclosure);
  • pVA glue for fastening up soft lining;
  • furniture upholstery fabric.

To work requires such a set of tools:

  • screwdriver;
  • electrolovka and knife with stub;
  • construction knife for cutting of foam rubber;
  • furniture fabric cutting scissors;
  • stapler;
  • self-tapping screw;
  • sewing machine.

Before making an angular sofa independently need to clearly decide on its layout diagram and see all prepared drawings again.

The base of each block of an angular sofa is a frame of plywood or chipboard, fixed on the barcase. If the plate thickness is large enough (from 16 mm), you can do without bar. In this case, the self-tapping screws are wrapped directly into the ends of the plates, driving into them the guide holes of a small diameter to exclude the splitting of the material.

For rational use indoor space In blocks No. 1 and No. 2, removable covers can be made. For their support, from within the contour of the frame, you need to fix the bar with a cross section 2x3 cm, lowering it below the top cutting of the slabs on the thickness of the cover (12 mm). In order for the lid to easily raise, two holes under the fingers are drilled in it.

According to the design of blocks No. 1 and number 2, the same, but Block number 3 we will do with a sliding-seed drawer, increasing useful Square Sofa. This is the easiest option that does not require the installation of transformation mechanisms (retractable or rotary). Them correct installation And adjustment for beginners is a complex process.

The drawer will be with a lid from chipboard or thick plywood. It is not difficult to collect it, but make comfortable folding legs - a problem. They will interfere with the hiding box in the sofa body. Instead, we will increase the height of the front plate of the drawer. It will play the role of the reference platform when placing the sofa.

For easy pulling on the back of the front panel of the drawer, you can fix two wheels from office chairs. The wheel housing will not rest in the bottom of the sofa, if it make a small cut in advance.

The lid on block number 3 can be made removable to fold her bed linen.

The sizes of the seat cushion must be equal to the size of the platform of the drawer. Having put forward the box of our corner sofa, we remove the pillow of the back and lay it instead of a mattress.

Next ours step-by-step instruction Contains the description of the assembly of the back. For all blocks of the corner sofa, their design is the same: the vertical racks connect three boards. The two bottoms serve to fix the back to the sofa, and the top provides stiffness and serves as the basis for fastening the skin.

Having gathered the frame of the back, in front and behind it you need to see the plywood 5 mm thick. All sharp corners are processed by sandpaper, so that there are no hooks and irregularities when installing the upholstery fabric. All facial and lateral surfaces need to stick batting or a thin foam in order for the upholstery to be softer and bulky.

The last stage of manufacturing is a sewing sofa with a cloth. It can be bought in a specialized store, making a preliminary calculation of the area of \u200b\u200bthe trim and not forgetting about the supply of 5-10% required for the cutting and socotant on the frame.

To do this, all the facial parts of the case and the back should be measured and the sizes of the material should be carved. They are attached with the help of a stapler on the invisible ends of the panels. In order for the fabric to not frowned on the corners, make cuts on it and tension tightly before shooting brackets.

Pillows for the back and the seat of the angular sofa are best made from the foam rubber with a thickness of at least 10 cm. The optimal design of covers for them is removable on the Lightning Castle. When contaminated, the covers are easily removed and sent to washing. If you do not have experience in the sewing case, then draw a simple sketch of the pillow and order sewing covers in the studio.

It's nice to enjoy homemade warm and comfort, sitting on a soft sofa, especially if it is made personally. Although the range of furniture proposed by furniture stores is huge, sometimes there are situations in which this attribute needs to be made.

Which sofa to choose

When there is a desire and opportunity, you can try your hand in the process of making furniture. To begin with, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with information on how to make a sofa with your own hands, and think over everything to the smallest detail. It is necessary to decide on the design of future furniture, as well as for the premises it is needed: for a kitchen or living room, bedroom or children's. It is important to determine where it will be located - the wall, windows or in the middle of the room.

For the operation of the necessary skills for the manufacture of furniture for the first time you can construct a simple form ottoo, without any shelves and boxes. If you have even small knowledge of the joiner's profession, then you can mount the corner sofa with your own hands, the master class on the manufacture of which is described in this article.


Designing the sofa - time-consuming and sufficiently difficult work, to prepare for it in advance. Before the beginning this processIn which the sofa will be manufactured with their own hands, the drawings of the future furniture accessory must be developed and designed on paper. It is necessary to consider the dimensions of the product, the thickness of the upholstery, to decide which the backrest will be the inclination, etc. It is also important to take into account the tolerances of the material when it is striking. So that the scheme is clear, you must first figure out what is part of the most ordinary sofa:

  • framework;
  • back;
  • seat;
  • legs;
  • sidewines, railing or armrests.

The better the drawing will be performed, the easier it will make a sofa. A clearly thought out scheme will help when purchasing necessary number building material And save your time.

Advantages of self-making sofa

Describing furniture can any person who has at least initial knowledge in this area. Before making a sofa with your own hands, it is recommended to make sure that the advantages of this process is obvious:

  1. The sofa, manufactured personnel, will cost several times cheaper than buying a new one.
  2. No need to worry about what the ottoman was created. Creating furniture yourself, a wizard with special care will choose the main and consumable material: high-quality and dry beam, foam rubber, durable upholstery.
  3. The shape and dimensions of the homemade bed are selected taking into account the size of the room for which it will be collected. Consider various sofas whose photos are placed in the catalogs of furniture stores, and choose the most suitable option - The task is rather pleasant than difficult. After all, the range of various shapes and colors is very large, and you can choose a suitable sofa for every taste.
  4. The upholstery of the self-made sofa can be easily changed independently, unlike the finished.

Construction material for making sofa

Since making a sofa with your own hands is difficult, but it is quite feasible, the material and tools for installation should be prepared. Approximate list of components for the manufacture of a sofa:

  • Wooden bar With a cross section of 30 x 30 mm.
  • Chipboard - 16 mm, chipboard - 3-5 mm. Choosing this material, you need to make sure that the certificate is available, since poor-quality products negatively affect human health.
  • Plywood from birch 5 and 15 mm.
  • Nails, screws.
  • Certified foam rubber 20 and 40 mm.
  • Singyprc or batting.
  • Foam crumb or any other eco-friendly material for stuffing sofa pillows.
  • Fabric for upholstery.

Go up to the choice of building material for the manufacture of the sofa is with all seriousness, special attention should be paid to the quality and environmental friendliness of the fabrics. Buy everything you need is recommended in specialized stores, where the certification documentation will be provided.

Required tool

An exemplary set of tools that is needed to make an angular sofa with their own hands without attracting professionals:

  1. Electric drillwhich has a speed controller.
  2. Electric saw or jigsaw.
  3. Furniture stapler.
  4. A knife for cutting material.
  5. Sewing machine.

Making a sofa carcass

The basis of any furniture is a frame, materials for the sofa design are boards, rails and bars. Their choice depends on the size and features of the future ottoman, as well as the maximum possible load on this product. It is important to properly design the future design, especially since it will be manufactured by an angular sofa own hands. The level of deflection, deformations and other possible inconvenities depends on the quality of this stage.

With the help of the screws, the board or rail are collected in the frame, with the help of bars enhance the angles of the base. As a bottom of the sofa, a sheet of fiberboard is used. To secure it in the base of the sofa, several ridges are roasted, for which the Fiberboard of the desired size is nourished. With the help of these manipulations, the bottom sagging can be avoided.

Assembling back and seating

The back of the future sofa should be strong and durable, as it serves not only for beauty, but also in order for it to be leaning. This also applies to the seat, because it must withstand a certain weight and, accordingly, carry a considerable load. For the manufacture of the main components of the sofa, boards will also be required. Of these, a box is gathering equal to the size of the base of the sofa. Metal corners firmly combine all carrier parts of the seating and back. The latter from two sides is hijacked by DVP sheets. The outer part of the back is covered or placed in foam rubber (then synthetic tubingon or vatin) to provide softness and elasticity, because no one likes to sit on a hard base. The final stage, when the homemade sofa is manufactured, but far from the last most important is the upholstery. It is performed using decorative tissue, leather or other materials. The upholstery of the back and seats are made using a hard pistol or furniture stapler. Very often, these works cause some difficulties at home craftsmen. In such cases, specialized organizations come to the rescue, it is enough to indicate the necessary dimensions of the future sofa and consumables.

From the bottom to the base of the ottomans are screwed legs, which can be made from a wooden bar. For the reliability of the compound, they are fixed on metal corners.

Sideways sofa

Now it becomes clear the question of how to make a sofa with her own hands, especially since the work remains quite a little bit - make sidewalls or armrests. Usually they are made from chipboard or design from boards and rails, which are subsequently rushing to plywood. To give the softness of the sidewalls are separated by foam rubber or syntheps, and in conclusion upholstered material.

About how to make furniture properly, few people know, but if you have a lot of desire, it is for everyone. The main thing is to put a goal: make a unique and original thingwho does not have anyone, let it be a sofa. Simple instruction On the installation will help create the desired furniture attribute quickly, efficiently and without overpayments. The homemade sofa will not only hit relatives and close to their unique external species, but also to tee the pride of the Creator.

Upholstered furniture is the necessary object of the situation in every home. The ability to expand the functional of the sofa in the living room, using it as a sleeping place, is always welcome, especially by the owners of small apartments. Having a desire, a small budget and can handle a joinery tool, you can make a convenient folding sofa with your own hands.

Make an independently sofa is not the easiest, requiring care and accuracy, the task, but quite perfect. Assist in this image, schemes, drawings, both all products and its individual elements. It should be carefully considered to consider the future decomposition mechanism and take into account its features of work and installation when creating a sofa. Today there are many ways to transform a soft sofa in the living room in a full-fledged bed. For example: book, eurobook, roll-out, "Click-klyak", "Dolphin", etc.

What is needed to create a sofa?

Decade proven to decades, the usual kind of upholstered furniture, a sofa book, continues to be popular thanks to its simplicity and versatility. We propose to make a compact and user-friendly model, which has parameters in the folded state 100x220, and in the unfolded - 140x220 mm.

Necessary materials and tools

Before proceeding with work, prepare the following materials:

  • Foam rubber with high density (25 kg / m³): 1 sheet - 2000x1400x60, 1 sheet - 2000x1600x40, 1 sheet - 2000x1600x20.
  • 6 rose meters (p. M.) Fabrics 1400 mm width.
  • 4 p. M. Fliselina.
  • Wooden timber: 2 pcs. 40x60x1890, 2 pcs. 40x60x1790, 6 pcs. 40x60x530, 4 pcs. 40x50 × 330, 4 pcs. 50x50x200.
  • 25 mm thick boards. 1900x200 (2 pcs.), 800x200 (2 pcs.), 1000x50 (12 pcs.), 800x50 (2 pcs.).
  • 32 wooden lamellas, 64 holders for lamellas.
  • 1 sheet Fiberboard 1.7x2.75 with a thickness of 3.2 mm.
  • The mechanism for folding the sofa by type "Book".
  • 4 plastic legs.
  • 4 furniture bolts 8x120.
  • 4 furniture bolts 6x40.
  • 8 furniture bolts 6x70.
  • 4 nuts for 8 and 12 nuts 6 mm.
  • 20 nails - 70 mm, 40 nails - 100 mm.
  • 20 screws 89d, 16 screws 51d.
  • 1000 brackets of 10 and 300 brackets for 16 mm.
  • Adhesive for foam rubber.

In the manufacture of a booking sofa, you will need tools:

  1. Roulette, square.
  2. Saw.
  3. Pencil.
  4. Electric drill with drills.
  5. Screwdriver.
  6. Set of wrenches.
  7. A hammer.
  8. Furniture stapler.

Operating procedure

The sofa book consists of the main constructive parts: back, seats, linen storage box, two armrests. The easiest way to make a box for linen, so it is better to start working from this element.

  1. First collect the box of the box. To do this, we fasten with the help of screws and glue 2 boards 25x40x1900 and 2 boards 25x50x800, forming a rectangle, as shown in the photo.
  2. In the same way, at the corners of the frame, we set the brus of 40x50x200 (or 50x50x200), and 4 pieces.
  3. Recall that this part of the structure will serve as the base of the sofa, and therefore, during operation, most of the load will have to have. Therefore, to increase the stiffness of fasteners, the enhancement of the design is installed inside the drawer two more transverse rails with a length of 800, 200 mm wide.
  4. At the end of this stage of work, you nail the Fiberboard 1800x800 to the DVP frame, which forms the bottom of the box for linen.

Getting to assembling the backrest of the sofa and the seat. Each discretion can make a width parameter amendment to increase the size of the bedroom, as far as the base stability allows.

  1. We collect 40x60 from a bar of the same frame for the backrest and the seat long 1890, width (in our case) 650 mm. Fastening parts we carry out self-draws and nails. First, the drill make a hole with a drill with a diameter of 3 mm, clog nails. We make holes again (already under the self-tapping screw) by the same drill, then a large drill (8 mm) we deepen it to 10 mm. Self-tapping screw (89d), screwed on the joints of the planks, will strengthen the frame, the discrepancy between the details will warn.

  1. In the middle of each frame (back and seats) set the bar - the rigidity edge.
  2. We make marking and evenly secure on both frames holders for lamellas. Then we install the lamellas themselves, which will be support for the sofa mattress.
  3. We proceed to the manufacture of armrests. We take the fiberboard 25x50x1000, it is necessary to make 4 lateral blanks of armrests: 2 right, 2 left. With the help of pencil and roulette, transfer the shape and sizes indicated on the diagram. Cut the details.
  4. Fly wooden frames in the form of armrests so that they turn into shorter fiberboard by 20 mm. We install in the middle of each of the ribbier stiffness and another 2 additional planks, as shown in the diagram.
  5. We retreat 150 mm from the lower edge of each armrest, mark the points on the internal booths. 8.5 mm drill in designated places drill holes. We put the 8x120 bolts there.

  1. Attach the second side of each armrest on the screw.
  2. In the side parts of the laundry box with a drill of 10 mm make 2 holes. The first is retreating 100 mm from the angle (front part), 150 from the lower edge of the drawer. The second is done at the same height, measuring 700 mm from the angle (the facade part). On the opposite sidewall, it is necessary to make symmetrical holes.

Compound of prepared elements into a single whole

  1. Mount the finished mechanism designed to lay a book sofa. Such details are manufactured industrial enterprisesThey can be purchased in specialized stores of furniture accessories. When installing the mechanism, pay attention to the features of the fixed location of the details. In the folded state, the seat should not be for the armrests, and in the unfolded - the edge of the seat is from the edge of the back at a distance of 10 mm.

We work with a seat and back

  1. You nail the flieslinic web on the lamellae, on top of the foam rubber (60 mm). At the corners, where the foam rubber comes with the transformation mechanism, so as not to interfere with its work, cut off the rectangles 50x95 mm. At the same time, the edges of the foam rubber freely cover the backs and seats.
  2. To make a rounded roller on the edge of the back and seats, we glue another 20x200 strip over the foam rubber.
  3. We are laid on the glue by one more than one sheet of foam rubber with a thickness of 40 mm. The edges wrap under the seat, we do the same with the back.
  4. On the parts covered with foam rubber, carefully put on the stitched fabric covers.

Finishing armrests

  1. First, on the upper curly edge of the armrests, using a 40 mm thick foam rubber, we make a roller. So that there are no chances, you can use two pieces of material. At the same time, the width of the used foam rubber is not the same everywhere. At the end of the lower (facade) edge, it is 150 mm, to the middle gradually narrows up to 50 mm, then this width remains.
  2. On top of the first layer, turn around the edge of the roller from the foam rubber 20 mm, nail it, cut extra pieces.
  3. The inner surface of the armrests (where bolts are visible) are coated with a foam rubber 20 mm, retreating from the lower edge of 320 mm. Fix foam rubber glue.
  4. After drying the glue, we turn around the roller with the upper piece of foam rubber. Cut all the more unnecessary, we bring the edges, nail them.
  5. We are decorated with decorative fabric, fixing it with brackets with a furniture stapler.
  6. Facial side can be decorated with a finished wooden lining.

  1. Box for linen can be issued different ways: to process sandpaper, and then cover with varnish, or just sew decorative furniture cloth.
  2. It remains completely to collect a sofa. Install legs. Once again, check the reliability of fixtures and the operation of the mechanism.

Drawings, schemes and detailed step-by-step instructions helped make the manufacture of such, it would seem like a difficult product, as a sofa book, understandable and simple. The new sofa is able to become a favorite holiday destination in a private house, in a city apartment. He is ready to provide a sleeping place to guests, as well as decorate your living room.