Combination of roof and facade. Features and rules of color solutions for modern facades. Finishing siding has a number of advantages

A roof is not just protection of a building from cold weather, but also the logical completion of the implementation of the overall architectural design. The shape and color of the roof should be in harmony with the facade of the house and fit perfectly into the landscape. A competent combination of the color of the roof and facade helps to visually highlight the house against the backdrop of summer greenery or hide it against the backdrop of the winter landscape. You can find the optimal color solution using different methods, but you cannot do without knowing the basics of combining different shades. It is important to take into account environmental conditions, as well as advice from color specialists.

What is important to know when choosing the color of roofing materials?

Everyone enjoys admiring a beautiful new house, and even better - to live in it. But it turns out that not everyone has good taste, especially few who have an artistic education. Therefore, you should not take on the construction of a facade and roof without a project, without having a complete idea of ​​how the house will look upon completion of construction.

If you walk along a street with relatively new houses in the private sector, it will become obvious that not all buildings evoke pleasant aesthetic feelings. One of the reasons is a violation of unity:

  • color scheme and style;
  • building proportions and color balance;
  • combination of facade and roof.

Some mistakes are easy to correct during renovation, but it is difficult to change obvious inconsistencies or completely change the shape and color of the roof. Complete roof replacement is expensive, and painting it is often impractical. Therefore, it is also very important to initial stage choose a color and type of roofing material that will be perceived very harmoniously. Peaked roofs attract the most attention, but also the facades of houses with flat roof It’s also important to think about it.

Advice: Do not hesitate to seek professional advice when in doubt. Today it is also possible to use:

  • successful “finds” of designers;
  • shade matching tables;
  • advice from psychologists on color perception;
  • special computer programs for design, etc.

When choosing the main color, the style of the house and landscape design are taken into account local area. Someone wants to hide the building in the shade of trees behind a high fence. Others intend to show off the beauty of their home to their neighbors and friends. And the correct choice of color will help with this - photos of roof facades.

Don't forget about the change of seasons. The green color of the roof is hidden behind the crowns of trees, but in winter it will look like a bright spot on a white snow-covered canvas if it is not covered with snow. Or if there are a lot of evergreen coniferous plantings in the yard, green facades of the roofs of private houses will be very appropriate.

Brown roofing harmonizes perfectly with autumn foliage, and this is important for households in a climate zone where autumn is warm for a long time. A terracotta, burgundy or chocolate roof looks advantageous against the backdrop of low wooded slopes. A gray roof evokes boredom in a humid climate zone where there is little sun - it is advisable to refresh the façade with warm colors. And in a mountainous area somewhere on the shore of an endless sea, a white facade of a house with a blue roof is more appropriate.

To emphasize the advantages of a tall building with a roof of complex shape, it should not be blocked by tall trees. Such houses are built on a hill or separately, so that the beautiful roof is visible against the backdrop of a clear blue sky. But it is equally important to take into account the color of the roofs in a given area, as well as the style of neighboring houses.

Today, entire streets, houses, neighborhoods, and cottage communities are designed in a common way. This has its advantages, especially when neighboring buildings have a roof made of common materials, for example, metal tiles or corrugated sheets. But let us remember how beautifully perceived the historical quarters of European and Asian cities are, made in one piece. For example, how luxurious Prague or Old Tallinn look under tiled roofs, or all-white neighborhoods in the coastal towns of Italy or Greece.

Attention: Bright, visible buildings attract not only tourists, but also robbers. The selection of shades of roofs and facades of houses and the style of construction is a personal matter for each developer, but it depends on taste and the right choice in harmony with environment depends on the overall landscape. When choosing an extravagant architectural project, you risk running into bad taste and obvious shocking without meaning. Some of these houses were not completed, being ridiculed by relatives and neighbors.

Factors influencing the choice of roofing for a finished facade

1. Anyone who deals with the construction of a house in the private sector has to choose the type of roofing material and its color, based on the offers of the modern building materials market. The cost of all layers of the roof and rafter system, costs for steam, hydro and thermal insulation and other parameters.

2. The degree of heat absorption by the roof cannot be ignored. Today part of the roof is covered with panels solar panels in regions where there is a lot of sun. A dark roof absorbs heat better, and snow melts on it much faster, the attic warms up faster in early spring. This is reflected in maintaining the temperature inside the building, especially in a house where the thermal insulation of the roof is poorly organized. In northern latitudes they prefer natural wood and dark shades of roofs; in the south they often use a light roof.

3. Visual features of each color. All colors of the spectrum are divided into “cold” and “warm”; there are also “non-spectral”, calm “pastel” and neutral tones. Some shades are associated with “tasty” sensations, others are too bright “acidic”. Classic contrasting combinations help emphasize the advantages of complex broken lines. The general color of the facade and the color of the roof are a special design or architectural technique for certain styles.

4. The fading or burnout of some shades also cannot be ignored. Over time, any coating changes its rich color, and the overall impression becomes different. The destruction of pigment is affected by ultraviolet radiation, temperature changes and other factors. But high-quality roofing materials lose their original color much more slowly, some shades darken, others remain unchanged under the rays of the sun.

5. Visual combination of facade and roofing materials. Today, the most popular shades for roofing are blue, green, red and brown. It’s not a fact that in a few years old roof will look as good as new today. But it is important that the façade material itself is in harmony with the roofing, joinery and other finishing. For a stone, brick and plastered facade, some roofing materials are needed, and for whitewash, log frame or siding - others.

6. Availability of materials in the area, low cost and their combination with each other is also important. In forested mountains, as a rule, we use what is at hand - wood. Saving on manufacturing and transportation is an important argument when choosing a roof and its natural color.

Tip: Terracotta tiles go well with natural wood-based materials or brickwork. Under a plastered facade or white cladding sand-lime brick Suitable for almost all types roofing materials.

The most common mistakes when choosing a roof color:

  • choosing one shade of the facade and roof (even if the color is the same, the walls should be darker or lighter than the roof);
  • variegation or the use of several colors from the warm and cold range of the spectrum;
  • choosing a roof color that is too bright against the background of a nondescript building;
  • inability to use neutral colors to balance bright colors;
  • too bright contrasts with a predominance of dark colors, and not vice versa;
  • limited understanding of the possibilities for choosing roofing materials and facade paint(for all types of external surface).

Attention: If an unfortunate mistake occurs, today you can repaint almost everything! However, you should not repaint the roof; it is easier to change the color of the facade. The range of shades of roofing materials is much poorer than the palette of facade paints.

A win-win option is white walls that are suitable for all types of roofing. But it is important to choose companion shades for a harmonious finish when choosing the color of the roof and facade.

It is important to consider that when sunny color the roof looks different in cloudy weather, and is brighter in winter than in summer. Experts often use win-win options, for example:

  • the combination of a light facade with a dark top, which is pleasing to the eye and visually increases the height of the walls;
  • a single solution when choosing a color, where a slight play of shades is recommended;
  • a light roof and dark walls look original, but this is not always advisable, since the facade attracts attention, and a light gray or blue roof “dissolves” against the sky;
  • contrasting combinations allow you to dilute the boring appearance of the house.

Characteristic features of some colors

Those who know the secrets of each color can highlight the advantages or hide the defects of any item. Or distract attention from shortcomings, as ladies skillfully do who intend to visually hide their curvaceous shapes and lengthen their proportions. The same thing can be done with buildings using color perception.

White color is associated with cleanliness, prosperity, order and improvement. Such roofing is often used for transparent glass or polycarbonate inserts. A completely white house looks great against the backdrop of lush greenery, but “disappears” against the backdrop of a snow field.

Gray is an excellent companion color that balances 2 bright shades, but is associated with cloudy weather. This is the color of slate, metal and some other roofing materials. It is practical and familiar, does not attract the attention of strangers.

Yellow color is often used in northern latitudes to add optimism and somehow “add” the sun. Often used for facades that go well with brown and dark red roofing. Such a house looks attractive and hospitable.

Green color of various shades is becoming increasingly popular in the decoration of facades and blood. Until recently, it was little used for exterior decoration, but today it harmonizes perfectly with landscape design and “hides” buildings in the garden.

Brown color is simple and friendly, it is readily used both in interiors and in exterior decoration. Brown roofing in shades of chocolate and honey is classic version"dark top and light bottom."

The color blue is not often present in classical architecture, but is becoming increasingly popular in modern buildings. It is often fashionable to see a blue roof, which looks great against the blue sky. Excellent for whitewashing walls, cladding white brick and light gray siding.

Red is the most memorable color, and its most subdued shades are now successfully used in the latest generation of roofing materials. This combination of roof and facade colors matches natural wood, brickwork and textured plaster.

The easiest way is to match the color of the roof facade to a gray, black or white house. Complex and transitional shades when painting a facade are achieved by mixing pigments into the paint base. But then it can be difficult to match the color of the roof to these walls.

The perception of color is largely subjective, since each color evokes its own associations in different people. Therefore, no matter what experts advise you, it is always fashionable to reject the offer, for example, choose yellow walls and a green roof.

Natural color combinations are most appropriate, but what seems normal in nature is not always suitable for construction. For example, we all admire the beauty of classic tulips, but green walls and a red roof don’t look very good.

It is important to pay attention to the connection of a certain color to the style of the house. Any historical and classic style welcomes White color and light pastel colors, country loves natural wood, and modern styles prefer bright colors combined with the shine of metal.

For a harmonious combination of facade and roof, special computer programs are used. Any service for experimenting with interior design and for architectural design is also acceptable. It is also recommended that you familiarize yourself with the “Color compatibility for walls and roofs” - color combination table.

The color composition of the building's exterior is subject to uniform rules for determining harmonious combinations. In addition, the chosen color of the house facade is influenced by whole line individual structural features. For example, its tinting depends to a large extent on large structural elements (roof, plinth). To a lesser extent - from small details: window frames, doors, gutters, technical or decorative relief on the surface of the walls.

We took into account all the versatility of the issue of exterior design of private cottages. Therefore, in this article, in addition to recommendations for harmonious color combinations, we have collected information about the influence of architectural style, cultural traditions, location of the house, as well as some other factors.

Which paint to choose

First you need to decide technical side The question is to determine the protective functions of the coloring composition, depending on its color and type.

The color of the facade has a certain impact on its durability. So, if you choose dark colors for the facade of a house located in the southern part of Russia, then the temperature of the outer layer of plaster in summer can reach +70°C. In winter, daily changes in surface temperature can be 30-40°C. For example, from +15°C at noon to -25°C at night. This can result in significant thermal deformations and disruption of the integrity of the outer decorative protective layer. If the decision to paint the facade in dark colors is nevertheless made, it is recommended to use textured paints with quartz filler. They form a high-strength layer that can resist atmospheric destruction of the finish.

Market paint and varnish materials offers the following types of facade paints:

  1. Vinyl or polyvinyl acetate. They are inexpensive water-dispersed materials with rather mediocre performance characteristics. The coating of them has to be renewed every 2-3 years, and annually under intense influence of external factors. This completely eliminates their initial economic advantages.
  2. Silicone. Under this general name, a series of paint and varnish products based on siloxane, silane, etc. are produced. The coating made from it is hydrophobic, strong and quite durable. Thanks to the effect of repelling moisture, the protective layer becomes less dirty. It is recommended to use for painting houses located near roads with heavy traffic.

  1. Silicate (based on organosilicon compounds). Silicon paints have one of the best performance indicators. They have high adhesion, are immune to biological damage, and are resistant to precipitation.
  2. Acrylic and acrylic-silicone (latex). Paints based on organic acrylic resins are the optimal combination of cost and quality. Their compositions are distinguished by a rich range of colors from saturated to pastel shades, retain freshness, despite intense and solar radiation, and have high abrasion resistance.

What influences the choice of color for the facade of a house

When choosing, the following are taken into account:

  1. Requirements of state municipal bodies.
  2. Climate of the region.
  3. Folk and cultural traditions.
  4. Geographical and topographical location of the building (relief, natural environment, urban area).
  5. Technical characteristics of materials and building structures.
  6. Dimensions of the structure, its purpose.

IMPORTANT! The requirements of the municipality are put first, since the developer or owner of the structure cannot exert significant influence on it. For example, in some populated areas French Provence, it is legally accepted that in order to preserve the historical appearance, only roofing materials are used. natural tiles in red-brown tones.

When tinting the facade, you should approach it with moderation in mind - use no more than 4 colors. Of these, one is main, 1-2 are auxiliary, 1-2 are accentuating. In this case, the walls of the structure are painted in a transitional shade, intermediate between the color of the roof and the foundation. It is advisable to paint the base (foundation) in dark colors. In fact, it should have the darkest possible color from the entire palette of the structure. This decision is dictated by the rules of a harmonious combination of halftones and practical expediency - dirt is not so visible on dark surfaces.

The combination of colors on the facade of a house of a simple form without decorations and architectural structural elements makes up compatible rich shades. They can disguise imperfections, defects or hide unwanted structural elements. Facades with complex structures are painted in pastel colors. A light palette makes the architectural ensemble more holistic, connecting small, varied elements into a single whole. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the texture of the materials. A rough, textured texture dampens the brightness, softening the intensity of the color; a smooth texture gives the shade greater intensity and brightness.

When choosing several pastel colors, it is recommended to use adjacent shades of the main color to paint adjacent structural elements of the facade: the main wall with a highlighted relief, columns with porticoes, pediments with a cornice. This can visually enlarge some structural elements, for example, windows. The light tone of the overall color scheme visually enlarges the building itself, bringing it closer to the observer.

Dark colors, on the contrary, harmoniously fit in and “dissolve” the building in its surroundings, visually distancing it and transferring the design emphasis from the building to the surrounding area.

The relief elements of the facade are painted lighter than the general background of the wall. Small structural elements of the structure: drainpipes, gutters, shutters, cornices, roller shutters, frames are designed in a single color scheme with a difference of no more than 3 semitones.

Features of climate and cultural traditions

It is advisable to combine these two factors into one, since the traditions of construction and decoration of house facades among different nations were formed, first of all, under the influence of climatic conditions. Color schemes traditional for a cultural ethnic group are most harmoniously combined with the environment where they live.

For example, in the Middle East external walls They are painted in cool, calm colors, among which white, blue, and light green prevail. They do not heat up the walls of buildings, reflecting more sunlight. In Scandinavian countries, pastel halftones of a warm palette are preferred for exterior decoration: red, yellow and orange.

It is useful to know that the oldest traditions of color combinations were based at that time on the presence of a dye resistant to external influences characteristic of this region. Therefore, now we can observe a more diverse color scheme, formed on the basis of the traditional one.

Landscape and environment

The color of the roof and facade of the house must be harmoniously integrated into its surroundings. If you set a goal for a building located on a flat area, surrounded by low fruit trees, bushes or vineyards, stood out against the general background, using rich shades of the natural palette: brown, yellow, green and their various combinations. If the building is surrounded by tall trees, mainly conifers, wild deciduous trees, discreet colors are suitable. A combination of green, brown, dark gray facade with a dull burgundy roof. A house on an open plain, not overgrown with trees, is usually painted in pastel colors, with a bright accent color.

The recommended palette for the exterior of a house located on the coast of the sea or a large lake is aquatic. The entire blue spectrum with a focus on complex colors: turquoise, azure, indigo in any combination. At the same time, if the roof has a rich color, then the harmoniously combined colors of the facade are coffee, milk, and beige undertones.

If the house is located in a high-density residential development, neighboring structures are fundamental factors. The structure should not stand out with saturated colors and contrasting shades. The design style, while maintaining the individuality of the owner, should be combined with the styles of nearby buildings.

The influence of architectural style on color

Perhaps the chosen architectural direction has the strongest influence on the color scheme of the house. Uncharacteristic colors and their combinations can seriously spoil the exterior of a structure. To prevent distortion of the overall harmonious appearance of the architectural ensemble, it is necessary to know what colors were inherent in each style.

Classic. Houses in this style are distinguished by their simplicity and linearity of form. They are ergonomic, comfortable to live in, and allow the color preferences of the owners to be realized. The priority shades for walls are all combinations of beige. The roof and foundation are several shades darker. Sharp color differences are unacceptable. Structural elements are distinguished by texture or relief.

Chalet. The facade of the house is made of bricks of different colors, dominated by a large overhanging roof. The color accent is based on the design of the roofing materials. Suitable shades are all halftones of the brown spectrum, the texture of natural wood. The walls of the house, if they are painted, shade the roof, being its thematic proposal in a light version.

Roman style. The color and texture imitate natural materials. The most common shades are brown and dark gray. The gradient goes from the dark base to the light roof. Wall painting or mosaic panels are used as decoration. Mosaic masonry is used more often, as it gives the structure the monumental appearance of an ancient castle.

Provence. A fairly common style with characteristic, recognizable features. The main background of the facade is pastel, decorated with tiled panels or painted with floral patterns. The use of saturated colors or sharp contrasts in design is completely excluded. The most common colors are beige, blue, white, yellow-sand. Roof covering made from natural materials or imitating them. The roof color is dark brown, red-brown, brick.

Gothic. The emphasis in the Gothic architectural style is more on form than on color design. As a result, the priority palette is gray. Contrasting combinations of white and dark gray are acceptable. For example, a white facade and dark gray gabled roofs with decorative turrets.

Scandinavian style. Initially, the design of the facades was dictated by the use of natural materials, primarily wood. The modern palette has changed somewhat towards beige undertones with priority given to natural shades of the wood spectrum. Facades wooden houses coated with clear or tinted varnish. The roofs have a rich, dark, predominantly brown color. This is dictated not only by aesthetic, but also by practical considerations. Dark roofing materials accumulate thermal solar energy.

Renaissance. The calling card of the style is exquisite simplicity. The facades are painted in soft pastel shades of warm undertones. The priority shades are cream, light brown or brick red. Gray colors and cold shades are completely excluded. Color decorative elements The facade, plinth and roof are made in the same colors, but with a bias towards darker shades.

Modern. Another style with an emphasis on the unique geometry of architectural compositions. It is characterized by a wide variety of combinations of facade finishing. Modernity provides ample opportunities for experimentation in choosing design solutions when decorating walls, basement, roof. For example, for the Art Nouveau style, the combination of beige walls with a rich purple or lilac roof and dark brown window and door frames looks quite harmonious.

Romanticism. The romantic style is characterized by a combination of two or three shades. In this case, it is allowed to use colors that do not complement each other. For example, a rich blue roof with a gray textured facade imitating natural stone or beige walls under a green or burgundy roof.

Baroque. Color combinations characteristic of the style are as neutral as possible. The use of saturated, bright colors is unacceptable. Traditionally, cream or light brown colors are used to decorate facades, brick-red, dark brown are used for the base, and red-brown or dark green material is used for the roof. The neutrality of the gamma is compensated big amount architectural decorative elements.

Art Deco. One of the most unique styles, in which it is quite difficult to harmoniously select the color of the facade of the house. In this case, the emphasis when decorating a house is on the color palette, and not on its architectural form. Combinations of beige, brown and gray with contrasting black and white elements are considered traditional.

Modern residential buildings represent a variety of architectural styles. Huge selection finishing materials make it possible to make the appearance of a living space unique and memorable. The most acceptable option for finishing the facade is siding panels for cladding the house.

Features of the material

One of important features siding is its variety.

There are several types of siding depending on the material:

  • metal;
  • wood;
  • vinyl;
  • ceramic;
  • cement.

Each type has a rich palette of shades and different textures. For example, basement siding imitates texture natural materials- stone, wood. The colors are neutral, muted - light, beige, brown tones.

Metal siding made from galvanized steel. The surface of such material can be smooth or textured. Smooth panels can be placed in vertical and horizontal positions. The color range allows you to choose from light to dark shades.

Wood panels are an environmentally friendly material, but require more careful maintenance than other types. The paint needs to be updated periodically.

The most common type is vinyl. It comes in a wide range of colors, which correct selection They will create an individual house façade for each owner.

Ceramic siding is made from clay, adding special binders. Imitation of brick and wood, safety, fire resistance are the advantages of this type.

The more wear-resistant and practical cement siding, due to its considerable weight, is not suitable for all buildings.

Finishing siding has a number of advantages:

  • withstands temperature changes;
  • refractory;
  • easy;
  • resistant to bacteria and fungus;
  • easy to maintain and install;
  • has protective and aesthetic functions.

High-quality material has a service life of 40-50 years. If painted conscientiously, panels of dark shades begin to fade after 10-12 years, then the color gradually loses saturation, which is not noticeable. The colors for cladding the house can be chosen in white, pastel and bright colors.

Current colors

Thanks to the rich palette, a residential building covered with siding will sparkle with new colors. Manufacturers of this building material use Newest technologies when painting panels. Color stability is provided by sodium dioxide, mass and color stabilizers, as well as high-quality dyes. Dark panels can attract a lot of sunlight, a source of ultraviolet radiation. Siding in pastel shades will look like new for a long time.

Can be done classic design Houses. For this purpose, the palette includes colors - white, beige, cream, ivory. Such tones are less susceptible to fading in the sun and fit harmoniously into the environment.

Red, graphite and black will add extravagance. The colors “golden oak” and “stained oak” will help you take on the look of a wooden house.

Bright shades of yellow, green, blue and blue attract the attention of others. But brown and chocolate colors also remain relevant.

Manufacturers from different companies offer consumers entire collections of flowers. The names of the shades are different. Common colors are white, red, green, black. There are original ones, for example, “delicious” ones - cream, chocolate, kiwi, lime, ice cream, banana.

For every taste and color, you can choose an unsurpassed option for decorating the room. High-quality building materials for cladding will for a long time delight residents with your appearance.

Combination rules

House cladding requires an individual approach to color selection. Features such as the shape of the building, the number of floors, the surrounding landscape and size should be decisive in the choice of siding.

The easiest way to install is with one color. This does not require special skills or calculations. Light shades visually increase small house, and dark ones, on the contrary, reduce the large structure.

Houses with several floors can be decorated in an original way with siding, combining multi-colored panels. The main thing when combining is to take into account that light shades are combined with dark ones, and bright colors It's better not to abuse it.

But it is also important to pay attention to what texture the plinth sheathing is made of. Mostly the finishing is made to look like wood or natural stone. In this case, panels in pastel colors, ivory, bronze and amber shades are ideal.

Door and window openings can be optimally played out by choosing a color to match the roof, and the cornices and corners can be made light against a dark background.

It is better to make complex architectural buildings unified, focusing attention on a certain fragment - they are decorated in a different color. This allows you to give the building a more elegant look.

If the house is built on an open area, finishing in sand and pearl tones will look advantageous. The white house, surrounded by garden greenery, is a classic version of the exterior.

Small, simple houses covered with siding bright colors, will acquire an attractive appearance. For example, an old dacha with a bright yellow color will charge passers-by with a positive mood.

An excellent addition to the design will be courtyard buildings and fences made in the same style.

Choice of colors

When cladding the facade of a house, it is recommended to use no more than 2-3 colors. Optimal combination: dark bottom - light top, dark top - light bottom or tone on tone. You can choose the color yourself or use a computer program for choosing shades, presented on the manufacturer’s websites. This will help you see the structure in its finished form. But there are also tables for selecting colors.

The color of the facade is matched to the shade of the roof:

  • brown roof + cream, beige, chocolate panels;
  • blue roof + white and all light shades;

  • green roof + light gray, yellow;
  • cherry roof + all colors except green, blue and brown;

  • light roof + bright sunny shades;
  • Galvanized roofing can be combined with any shade.

Choosing suitable finish, it is important to consider the area surrounding the house. If there is a pond or river near the house, blue and all shades of blue will be optimal. A house surrounded by trees should not be made in a dark color, it will look depressing. A light facade against a green background will look elegant and fresh.

Gray tones evoke boredom; it is not advisable to cover a house with them alone; it is better to choose additional panels of a different suitable color. Brown is the color of modesty, symbolizes simplicity, perfect for a country house.

The red façade will be very bright, but it should be diluted with more muted tones. For example, decorate the corners and window openings with white.

The yellow shade evokes a feeling of joy and is one of the most popular for creating the exterior of a house. Green is the color of spring mood; it will transform and highlight a small home.

Lovers of all things natural can opt for pastel shades. Bog oak, ivory, golden oak are shades that can satisfy the needs of people who want to be closer to nature.

Spectacular design examples for inspiration

Houses lined with siding look modern and presentable. The choice of style and color is available to everyone who wants to decorate their home and make it unique. Cladding a new house or restoration old dacha are able to turn working with panels into an exciting creative process.

Let's look at the example options in the photo.

  • The house with a red roof is lined with pastel-colored siding. Cladding window openings and corners in the color of the roof is an excellent addition to the light facade.

  • The brown roof, inserts on the windows, and the beige facade against the backdrop of green spaces make the two-story building presentable.

  • Green shades framed small house lift your spirits. The black roof and fuchsia entrance door add casual originality.

  • Bright red façade and unusual windows highlighted in white. Such a house is visible from afar and can attract glances.

  • Wood paneling combined with chocolate-colored roofing. The drain, corners and window openings match the roof, the base is lined with brick siding.

The roof is not only a means of protection from bad weather () but also a decorative element of the entire building and even the site. In order for the roof to fit harmoniously into the design of the house, it is necessary to think about it in advance. In order for the roof and facade of the house to fit each other well, you need to choose the right primary colors and try to combine various options these colors and their various shades. But in order for your house to fit harmoniously into the atmosphere around it, you need to choose the right colors depending on the place where it is located (forest, mountains, seashore, etc.).

1. What should you pay attention to when choosing the color of your future roof?

Figure 1. Roof and façade color sample

In order for your future roof, and the whole house as a whole, to look beautiful following the construction results, you need to prepare a project in advance, in which you can calculate and think through everything in detail in advance, including what color of roof and facade to choose . You can mentally imagine this yourself and then try to transfer it all onto paper, or you can immediately contact special agencies that develop projects of any complexity. They will help you decide on the color of the roof and the material for both the roof and the facades of your future home. In the process of work, you can create a computer model of the future house, on which it will be very easy to “play” with the colors of the roofing material and walls of the house.

Only if you approach this issue wisely “What color of roof and facade to choose” and clearly work out the color scheme of the roof, only in this case, after all construction work Looking at your roof and house, you will receive moral satisfaction and a feeling of aesthetic completeness. Not every new home can boast of this now. Very often, future owners pay little attention to the choice of roof color and, based on the results of all the work, do not feel the joy that should be from a new home.

Everything should be in unity and harmony:

  • Roof with house;
  • A house with an environment.

Sometimes, depending on the roofing material, roof color can be changed while working on the roof itself (for example, if the roof is any color). But what to do if the roofing material does not allow you to change the color of the future roof? To do this, you need to think in advance about the color scheme of the roofing material, and decide in advance on the material itself.

Very often doubts arise about the correct choice of roof color or facade color. In this case, as an option, you can ask your friends or relatives for advice. After this, you can analyze their answers and make your decision. In addition, there are various tables of “color shades” that allow you to design education choose matching colors wisely. It's no secret that different colors have different effects on the human psyche. Thus, some colors can cause irritation and nervousness, while others, on the contrary, can lift your spirits and bring joy to life.

The basic rule when choosing the main color is to support the same style of the house and its surrounding buildings with the location of the house itself. Sometimes you need to emphasize the beauty of your home and somehow make it stand out from the background of neighboring houses, and sometimes, on the contrary, you need to make sure that the house merges with the environment and is one whole. For example, if you always have a lot of green vegetation (trees and fir trees) in your yard both in winter and summer, then a green roof will fit very well into this interior. But if there is very little or no greenery around, then in summer, such a roof can still look beautiful, but in winter it will just look like one big green spot on a white background. The change of seasons can greatly affect the color scheme of the future roof and this must be taken into account.

Here are some tips to consider when choosing roofing and roof colors:

  • It will look very dull in places where it is constantly wet and damp, during long autumn and spring. For a gray roof, in this case, it is best to choose some bright and warm color of the facade;
  • Dark red or burgundy roof color(terracotta) looks very rich in forest and hilly areas;
  • Brown and chocolate roofing It looks very beautiful and advantageous in those places where it is warm and sunny for a very long time in the fall;
  • Blue roof It will look very good somewhere near water (for example, on the seashore or lake). In this case, it is better to choose a light color for the facade, for example white.

2. What factors can influence the choice of roof color?

It must be remembered that a dark roof absorbs sunlight and heat generated by the sun much better. The attic or attic of a dark-colored roof warms up much faster. And the snow on such a roof melts faster than on a light-colored one. It is for this reason that in northern and cold countries, dark roof colors are most often chosen, and in the south, where the weather remains warm and hot most of the time, light colors are chosen for roofs.

When choosing a roofing material and its color, it is also necessary to take into account the fact that over time, under the influence of sunlight and other atmospheric factors, colors fade, fade and fade (change their saturation). On light colors, color fading is less noticeable, but black, dark blue or dark brown colors are not recommended for use in places where there is a lot of sun. Otherwise, the roof will have to be painted frequently (if the material allows) or the roofing material will have to be changed more often than indicated in the warranty period.

At the moment, the most common colors for roofing are: red, blue, brown and green color A. The color of the roof, as well as the material of the roof itself, must be in harmony with the facade of the house and its various finishing materials. Those. the same roof will not look beautiful on a brick or log house. Under stone houses(blocks, brick, plaster, tiles) you need one roofing material, and under wooden houses(lining, plywood, logs) another roofing material is needed. And the color is accordingly the same. A red brick house will not look good with red metal tiles, but wooden frame with beige soft roof. They will simply merge.

The choice of roofing material and, accordingly, the color of the roof is also influenced by the region in which the building with the future roof is located. So in a wooded area it is much easier and cheaper to make a roof out of wood, which means you will have to choose a color close to the color of the tree. And in some rocky or hilly areas, it is much easier to make a roof from tiles or slate. The natural color of the roof will always look beautiful and rich.

Roof tiles dark colors works very well with natural materials such as red brick or logs.

3. The most common mistakes when choosing a color for a roof

  • Very often, home owners buy roofing material of the same color as the facade of the house. If the choice is made in favor of the same color for the roof and walls of the house, then the colors must be separated by at least shades, for example, make the walls lighter and the roof darker (or vice versa)
  • There are more dark colors than bright ones. For example, a huge dark-colored house will not look harmonious with a small but bright roof. It is much better to make bright walls and a dark roof. Dark color should not predominate in contrast over light.
  • Simultaneous use immediately large quantity colors;
  • Simultaneous use of several warm and cold shades at once.

If for some reason you made a mistake in choosing the color for the roof and, in your opinion, it does not look against the background of the facade the way you would like, then do not rush to repaint it. Sometimes, it will be much easier, and sometimes even cheaper, to repaint the walls of the house, since there are not so many color options for roofs, compared to the number of colors for facades.

4. Options for companion colors for any roof and wall:

  • Dark roof and light walls. For example, brown roof(chocolate) will look very rich with a beige wall facade. This combination of colors visually increases the height of the building and has a calming effect on vision. Brown roof adds charm to the structure. Looks very good with wooden houses (log houses). A brown roof and light walls are an all-time trend. If you don’t know what color of house and roof to choose, pay attention to this combination of colors and you won’t go wrong.
  • If, on the contrary, you need to make the house brighter and stand out from the background of neighboring buildings, then it is better to choose bright contrasting colors. For example, a house with red walls and a green roof will look very bright and rich. will never seem boring and will always lift your spirits.

A roof in light colors, such as blue, light blue, gray or beige, will blend with the sky and the appearance of the house can greatly lose in this.

5. Distinctive features of various roofing colors

It has long been known that some colors can destroy the curvy shape of the human body, while some, on the contrary, make the shape larger. These tricks and tricks are very often used in modern fashion. This can be applied to the roof in the same way. Some colors can hide certain defects and unevenness on the roof, and some can decorate an old and flabby roof, breathing new life into it.
Let's look at the properties of the most common colors for the house and roof today:

  • Red color- one of the most catchy and bright colors. Today, very often, manufacturers of various roofing materials use different shades of it in their production. This color fits almost any wall and is very popular among consumers. Red roofs are very popular. Perhaps this is one of the most fashionable colors at all times. Red roofs can often be found in the old areas of tourist cities.

  • Brown color- a very calm and neutral color. Brown roof and light walls are one of the “gold” standards in construction, which is being chosen more and more often. A brown roof is an excellent option in almost any situation. Brown roof and light walls (white, beige, light yellow) will always look rich at any time.

  • White color- creates a feeling of cleanliness, comfort and superiority. So white walls look higher, and white roofing is very often used in combination with transparent polycarbonate roofing or large glass windows. This color also looks great against the background of the sea or greenery, but completely dissolves against the background of a snow-covered field or snowy mountains.

  • Yellow- looks very good against a background of brown or burgundy colors. True roofs in yellow usually painted where there is very little sun. Usually facades are painted this color.

  • Grey colour— One of the most common roof colors today. This is the color of ordinary unpainted slate and metal (seam roofing or stainless steel sheet). This color is neutral and has long been loved by everyone. He does not evoke any aggressive emotions and does not attract the attention of others.

If you don't know what color of roof and facade to choose, then it makes sense to turn to natural color combinations. For example, if you look at the flowers, you will notice that they all have a green trunk and various white, red, yellow, and so on flowers. Although green facade and white roof color will not look good, white facade walls and green roof will look much better.
You should not completely rely on someone's taste, since the same color may be perceived different people in different ways and evoke different feelings. You always need to see exactly how you like the color of the roof you chose.

It seems that homeowners are no longer happy with a light and neutral exterior color paired with a darker roof shade. In 2019, there is a clear trend of demand for more unusual and bold colors of houses in the private sector. However, the desire to stand out from others does not always lead to the desired “Wow” effect. In this article, we have collected 35 photos of successful examples of painting houses and combining the colors of the facade and roof with useful tips for those planning to update the appearance of their home's exterior this year. Enjoy reading!

Here are a few general advice on choosing a color for the facade of a house, before moving on to an overview of popular shades and color combinations of the facade and roof:

  1. If you want to paint your home an unusual color that you love but don't know what to pair it with, then simply choose a shade that is a couple of shades lighter or darker than the main one. color wheel. And to make such a simple decision unforgettable, paint front door in some bright and contrasting color, as in the next photo.

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2. Are there natural materials in the facade of your house that do not need painting? Then know that if they have a cold texture (concrete, slate, etc.), then it is better to combine them with bright colors of facades, and vice versa. Thus, concrete today is combined with orange walls The home's exterior features warm wood and stone with elegant gray facades.

3. Solid color the facade can become much more interesting if you highlight its individual details with white or other suitable color. Thin gables, window frames and other small elements can be very expressive decorations for the exterior of your home.

4. Contrasting (in relation to the facade walls) shades are ideal for painting the base, canopy over the porch, bay windows and other protruding parts of the facade. Just make sure they have interesting enough shapes that are worth highlighting.

5. Surprisingly, bright and bold colors are best suited for unremarkable or even repulsive facades, because... distract our attention from low quality details and design. At the same time, if your house has beautiful bas-reliefs or other attractive elements, then the color of the facade should be gentle or neutral.

6. If your house is made of stone, wood or other unpainted material and you are looking for a color to paint the roof and other exterior elements, then try to find it in the facade material itself. This could be brownish-green specks on the stone, or darker shades of “knots” in the wood. Nature - best master on creating stylish color combinations.

7. After you have roughly decided on the color of the facade, try painting a fairly large piece of drywall, plywood or whatman paper. Apply this sample to the outside of your home and stand back to see how it looks. Any tone may look gorgeous in someone else's photo, but in reality it will not harmonize with the environment of your home. An extra check never hurts! Based on its results, it may well turn out that you need to dilute the paint a tone lighter or darker.

Color combination for house facades and roofs - 35 photos

If you don’t have a specific favorite shade and you need ideas on what facade color to choose, then especially for you, we provide an overview of several of the most popular shades for the facade of a private house in 2019.

The most fashionable facade color is sage

This soft light green shade looks great against any background and pairs well with both bright and dark tones. In the next photo of the facades you see examples of its combination with red-orange and dark blue “Navy”. Both houses are made in the same style, have two floors, siding and the same shape of windows, but the details of different shades against the general background make them look completely different! Which combination do you like best?

Elegant gray house facades

No matter how versatile the shade of sage is, it cannot be compared with gray. By the way, gray tones are in demand today in interior decoration private houses. Below we show several photos where gray is used as the main color of the facade.

Facade finishing in luxurious red color

Deep ruby ​​red shades, as well as last year -, are loved by facade designers not only for their luxurious appearance, but also for their ability to combine with the green plants that surround most private houses. This is because red and green are opposites on the color wheel, and therefore provide the greatest contrast to each other. If your home has interesting shape If you want to highlight it, paint it in a color that will complement the surrounding landscape.

Combination of gray and brown colors for the facade of the house

Gray and brown are versatile earthy shades that are guaranteed to look good against any background. The combination of these colors is no less suitable for the facade of the house and the roof than the fashionable gray-brown color, which is also called “taupe”. The photos below prove it.

Other beautiful colors of house facades (photos)

Finally, we'll give you a few more successful combinations colors of the house facade and roof, including houses blue, yellow, black, etc. We will be grateful for any comments and opinions on this article!

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