How and with what to cover the roof of a bathhouse? Types of roofs for a bathhouse, their design features and construction technology Which roof is best for a bathhouse

A reliable roof protects the building from bad weather and hot sun. Naturally, the bathhouse should also have a roof - a good-quality and practical one, built in accordance with all the rules of construction. What type of roof to choose, what materials to pay attention to, what are the main stages of construction - this is what will be discussed in our material. The purpose of this article is to give you simple instructions for building a roof for a bathhouse with your own hands.

The roof is the upper part of the building, insulating, enclosing and protecting it from the adverse effects of precipitation, wind and ultraviolet radiation.

Single-pitch and gable roof for a bathhouse

Before you start designing a bathhouse, you need to decide what type of roof to choose for the bathhouse (single or gable) and at what angle of inclination to build it.

Shed roof

A shed roof is the simplest type of roof. The roof rests on opposite walls and, depending on the difference in the height of the walls, forms a slope angle - the greater this difference, the sharper the angle. At the same time, the cost depends on the difference - the smaller it is, the cheaper the construction of the roof will cost.

Advantage: simple and quick way roof construction, which is low cost.

Flaw: if the slope angle is small, water and snow are retained on the roof surface after precipitation, which causes damage to the coating. You can prevent roof rotting by choosing the right material to cover the surface.

A pitched roof is the optimal solution for small baths, including buildings adjacent on one side to the main building. It is desirable that the roof area does not exceed 15 m2, since with large parameters its construction becomes economically unprofitable.

Tilt angle pitched roof selected depending on weather conditions or landscape features. Thus, in a region with heavy rainfall, it is recommended to install roofs with a roof slope of 35-45° so that snow or water flows down without staying for long. In the steppes with strong winds, it is better to install a bathhouse with a flat roof.

A pitched roof can be made with an attic, after installing attic floor, or without it, combining the roof with the ceiling of the room. A building with a pitched roof without an attic - a good option For summer bath, besides, it costs less and is built faster. A bathhouse with a good quality insulated attic can be used at any time of the year, and attic space often used for storing bath brooms and drying herbs.

Gable roof

A gable roof has two inclined slopes, which in the lower part rest on the walls of the building, and in the upper part they adjoin each other. This type of roofing is suitable for any weather conditions and almost any landscape.

Advantage: The roof is visually attractive and functional.

Flaw: Unlike a pitched roof, this option will be more expensive, as it requires more materials and installation time.

A bathhouse with a gable roof looks like a nice, cozy house, and if good thermal insulation is provided, it can be used at any time of the year. A gable roof with an attic space is easy to use; in addition, a bathhouse with such a roof is cool in summer and warm in winter. The angle of inclination of such a roof is given taking into account the climatic conditions and the roofing material that they intend to use.

The choice of roof pitch angle is made at the building design stage. The calculations take into account the coating material, snow load, and wind pressure. For example, with a slope of 45°, snow can not be taken into account in the calculations, since it will roll off the roof, but with such a slope, the wind load and windage of the roof sharply increase, which means the wind resistance decreases.

Bathhouse roof construction technology

The main elements of the roof are the mauerlat, rafter system, sheathing and roofing material.


At the first stage of roof installation, a mauerlat is installed, which attaches the rafter system to the building frame. Mauerlat is laid on finished walls using special anchors. If the building is built of timber, then the upper crown is used as a support beam.

Considering that the Mauerlat is most often made of wood and is subject to rotting under the influence of steam and moisture, it must be carefully insulated with any waterproof material. It is enough to put several layers of roofing felt between the wall and the Mauerlat.

Rafter system

Rafter system - main element roof, the main task of which is to hold and withstand all types of loads. Correctly calculated parameters of the rafters will make the roof reliable and durable.

Rafter system for a gable roof.

The rafter system is a structure of beams connected to each other in such a way as to evenly distribute the external load exerted on the upper part of the building. Depending on the slope and roof area, in addition to beams, lintels, crossbars, spacers and other building elements are additionally used.

There are two types of rafters:

Hanging: when load-bearing supports are connected to each other on one side, and rest against the walls on the other;

Diagram of hanging rafters

Layered, when the rafter legs rest against the Mauerlat and in interior walls building.


The sheathing consists of beams or boards laid on rafter legs. Roofing material is attached to the structure, which is laid perpendicular to the rafters. The sheathing is mounted from edged, unedged or tongue-and-groove boards, OSB-3 (oriented strand board) or FSF (extended resistance plywood).

Roofing material

In the figure you can see what type roofing fits a certain angle of inclination.

After preparing the lathing, proceed directly to laying roofing material. What type of roof to choose, everyone decides depending on their financial capabilities, weather conditions, and the type of bathhouse.

Slate is a traditional material, time-tested and tested in practice. The slate roof slope is 12°. The material has high strength, is resistant to fire, is quick and easy to install, and also has a low cost. Over time, slate becomes covered with lichens and moss, so it must be periodically cleared of overgrown plants.

Ondulin is lightweight and easy to install, can be installed at a roof slope of 5°, and has a warranty period of up to 15 years. The main advantage of the material is its lightness, but over time it changes color, has extremely low frost resistance (25 cycles), and can become deformed if the temperature is too high.

The tiles are a natural material, are installed at a roof slope of 25° and have a very long warranty period, up to 30 years. In fact, the service life of tiles reaches 150 years. The tiles absorb sounds well, have increased fire resistance, and are resistant to low temperatures and amazes with its variety of shades and shapes.

Cement-sand tiles are similar in characteristics to natural tiles and is laid at a slope of 20°. The material can last up to 100 years, has good soundproofing and frost-resistant properties, and is resistant to high temperatures. From time to time, the surface of such tiles must be cleaned of accumulated moss.

Bitumen shingles are a popular material with excellent sound-absorbing properties. The roof slope for this material is from 12°, and it can be installed on any type of roof. Does not break or break during transportation. However, it has some disadvantages: the material cannot be installed at temperatures below 5°, the cost of the roof and its installation is expensive.

Metal tiles are installed at a slope of 15°, serve from 15 to 50 years, and are characterized by fast and simple installation. Among the advantages of metal tiles are a large selection of colors, simple design, and increased fire safety.

The corrugated sheet has a warranty period of 15 years, is characterized by convenient and simple installation, has simple design and good fire safety. You can choose unusual and bright colors.

Stages of constructing a roof for a bathhouse

The roof is erected after the walls of the bathhouse are completely built. The principles of constructing a bathhouse roof are the same as for conventional buildings: first the mauerlat is laid, then the rafter system is installed, then the sheathing is attached, and at the final stage of the work the structure is covered with roofing material.

Mauerlat and rafter system

At the first stage of work, the protruding ends of the mauerlat should be leveled, because it is these logs that will serve as support for the rafter legs. The more carefully the measurements are taken and the smoother the logs are cut, the faster and easier the rafter system will be erected.

It is necessary to measure all the protruding parts of the Mauerlat and determine the smallest value. On the logs located along the edges of the structure, make a mark of the lowest value and drive nails there. Stretch the cord between two logs at opposite ends, make marks on all other parts and saw off the excess logs. After which you can safely begin installing the rafter system.

Before installing the rafter system on the mauerlat, you should lay a rough flooring on which you can walk. Flooring can be made from any boards.

Rafter system made according to the roof parameters indicated in the bathhouse design. Those parts of the rafters that rest on the Mauerlat beams are impregnated with a special waterproofing agent, then wrapped in roofing felt, inserted into pre-prepared grooves and securely attached to the walls using metal brackets or studs.

Roof structure

An under-roof structure is mounted on the finished rafter system - it helps to securely attach the roof directly, transfers external load to the rafters and provides good ventilation in the space under the roof.

The roof structure consists of the following elements:

Rough flooring;




The rough flooring carries a huge functional load. Place on the flooring waterproofing material and attach the counter-lattice. In addition, together with the sheathing, the flooring forms gable overhangs with a length of 60 cm.

The rough flooring is made from plywood, boards, OSB or unedged boards. The gaps between the boards should not exceed 2 cm, so when laying the flooring it is necessary to adjust the protruding areas and minimize the possibility of gaps.

Additional rigidity to the roof can be provided by nailing the rough flooring boards to the junction with the rafter leg with two nails.

Waterproofing is laid on the rough flooring. Any rolled waterproofing material that is sufficiently resistant to moisture is suitable for an attic roof. Strips of waterproofing material are laid horizontally on the flooring with an overlap of 15-20 cm. For insulated attics, it is recommended to choose a material that allows steam to pass through.

A counter-lattice is placed on the waterproofing layer. For this, bars with a length of 70 cm and a cross section of about 30 mm by 70 mm are used. Starting from the very bottom, the counter-lattice is filled with lathing - bars with a cross-section of 50x50 mm or 40x60 mm. The lathing scheme for all types of roofing material is the same, the main difference between the structures is the distance between the individual bars. So, for example, under slate the bars are placed at a distance of 50 cm from each other, under ondulin - up to 60 cm, under corrugated sheets or metal tiles - 35 cm.

The final stage of installing a bathhouse roof is the installation of roofing material. When choosing a roofing covering, you should consider the following factors:

Strength and reliability: the material must have sufficient resistance to wind and precipitation;

Functionality and durability: a good coating protects the structure from snow and rain, extends the life of the building walls; the longer the service life of the material, the longer the roof will last, requiring only ongoing maintenance and intermediate repairs;

Good thermal insulation: well-chosen hydro- and thermal insulation materials, as well as their correct installation, retain heat inside the building in winter and prevent walls from getting wet and rotting.

Competent roofing- this is a reliable roof for a bathhouse for many years. If during construction all important points, then further operation will not require significant material costs; it is enough to periodically clean the roof of overgrown plants and small debris.

Video on the features of constructing a roof for a bathhouse

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When planning to build a bathhouse, you need to think about the method of covering the roof and the materials that the construction team will use for these purposes.

It can be sheet or roll. The design of the roof will largely depend on the choice. Therefore, everything needs to be thought through and calculated before work begins.

Factors influencing the choice of roofing

When sitting down to make calculations, it is necessary to take into account external factors that will certainly affect the performance of the future bathhouse.

  1. Determine what the rainfall levels are in the area where the project is being built.
  2. The durability and practicality of the structure depend on the design and angle of the roof.
  3. Find out what materials are used to cover similar buildings from neighbors who have been using them for a long time.

When choosing a roof structure for a bathhouse, the owners try to make the work as simple as possible, since for such an object it is not advisable to use expensive and complex technologies.

Design for a bathhouse roof

Rules for choosing roofs should take into account:

  1. Detached buildings are equipped with gable roofs; extensions located directly next to the house are equipped with gable roofs tied to load-bearing wall cottage. The most acceptable tilt angles in this case are 45-65 degrees.
  2. If a free-standing bathhouse has an area of ​​more than twelve square meters, then it is advisable to make a gable roof. Smaller buildings can be covered with a flat, lean-to roof.
  3. If the house is located in a climate zone where precipitation is above average, then the roof slope should be at least 45 degrees, since in winter excess snow can damage the building.
  4. When constructing a bathhouse in steppe zones, where wind storms are frequent, the slope should be less than forty degrees, since in this case the windage is significantly reduced and the building can successfully withstand the pressure of the wind.

When choosing a material, you must remember that in order to cover the roof with sheets of corrugated sheets, it is necessary to install a sheathing, and if it is a rolled material, then edged wide boards or sheets of plywood are attached to the rafters, creating a flat, even surface.

Materials used for the roof of the bathhouse

Today, one of the most commonly used materials is roofing felt; it is practical and inexpensive. It is better if the roof for the bathhouse is not only of excellent quality, but also as economical as possible. Trying to keep costs to a minimum, we can remember the construction methods of our ancestors. Wood chips, turf and timber are perfect.

Using wood chips requires good experience from workers. Large chips of coniferous wood are prepared. Laying is carried out in two or three layers, trying to ensure that each element overlaps the previous one.

Such a coating looks original and will certainly make your building stand out from the crowd. general system. However, it is necessary to understand that for similar work you will need a lot of free time.

This type of roof can last at least ten years if the slope of the roof and the selected material meet the necessary requirements. The higher the slope, the longer the roof will last.

Turf roofing is of little relevance today; it is more often used as an additional form of design project, since it has the appearance of a green meadow floating above the ground.

It is required to cover it with bitumen and fill it with a thin layer of gravel, on top of which two layers of turf are laid. The lower one should lie with the root system up, and the upper one down.

Such a roof retains heat well and protects from extraneous sounds, however, a hot summer can quickly lead to a breakdown of the roof. This type of coating is short-lived and impractical.

The board roof is made of thin logs impregnated with bitumen. They fit into two rolls and can last for decades.

However, this is more suitable for lovers of vintage, design projects, since they are a fire hazard. They require constant care and are short-lived.

How is a modern roof made?

Craftsmen use three main types of roofing materials - rolled, soft and hard. Depending on the angle of inclination, the builder selects the material and uses it during construction.

  • Roofing felt works well at low pitch angles on a flat roof and can last up to ten years without major repairs.
  • Slate has proven itself at angles of up to twenty degrees and can provide protection for up to thirty years.
  • Profiled metal sheets are suitable for buildings with a minimum roof slope of up to eight degrees and are guaranteed to last at least sixty years.
  • The ondulin coating can be formed at a minimum tilt angle of thirty degrees. Service life up to sixty years.
  • Metal tiles are used with a minimum slope of up to twenty-five degrees, and they can serve their purposes for at least half a century.

If funds are limited, a free-standing bathhouse can be covered with the usual roofing felt or slate sheets. The attached building is covered with the same material as the main roof to create a single complex. The most expensive way to cover a bathhouse is with metal tiles; the cost of such a roof can be up to a third of the estimate.

Positive and negative properties of different types of roofs

Each material has a number of advantages and disadvantages, let’s try to figure it out.

Various types of ondulin and soft tiles

The advantages include:

  1. Low weight and easy to install.
  2. Has five different colors.
  3. 3. Good protection from noise when it rains or hails, the bathhouse will be quiet.
  4. Excellent resistance to mechanical stress.
  5. Range temperature conditions from minus to plus sixty degrees.
  6. Does not require a powerful rafter structure.

Main disadvantages

  1. Soft tiles are not a cheap pleasure.
  2. Ondulin is highly flammable and burns.
  3. The angle of inclination should be longer than forty-five degrees, otherwise snow will accumulate.

Profiled sheets or metal tiles

Unconditional advantages

  1. Long service life.
  2. Easy to install.
  3. Has a wide range of colors.
  4. Does not burn.
  5. Low weight does not require a powerful roof.
  6. Can withstand significant mechanical loads and is not afraid of aggressive environments.
  1. Significant cost.
  2. Deformation due to severe impact.
  3. Poor sound insulation.


  1. Low price.
  2. Resists fire well.
  1. Becomes brittle at low temperatures.
  2. Significant weight requires a good rafter system.
  3. The appearance is not very beautiful.
  4. Low durability.


Positive properties

  1. Minimum cost.
  2. Easy to install.

Negative qualities

  1. Fails quickly.
  2. Limited service life.
  3. Installed using hot mastic.
  4. Easily flammable.

Features of laying a hard roof

Currently, this is one of the most common and practical types of roofing. A waterproofing film is placed on the prepared sheathing, and sheets of corrugated sheets or metal tiles are attached on top, starting from the bottom row. The sheets are mounted using special self-tapping screws with wide heads and rubber gasket, providing isolation of the hole from moisture. All joints are well insulated, and the ridge can be made of bent steel sheet. The overlap depends on the steepness of the slope; the higher it is, the less it is necessary to place the sheet one on top of the other. For additional strength of the bottom row, special staples or long screws are used.

Features of laying soft roofs

The sheathing must be flat and even. The roofing material is laid overlapping, and the joints are carefully treated with mastic. Several layers of material will increase the strength and durability of the roof. The ridge must be iron, galvanized steel. Attached long screws. Heated mastic is applied with special brushes, which requires good skill from workers, since the material quickly hardens, losing elasticity and adhesiveness. The litter must be secured with special nails and overlapped. All work must be carried out with special gloves and thick clothing, as hot mastic can damage the skin.

Ruberoid strips are rolled out from top to bottom and the joints are well coated with mastic. An additional layer of protection is required between other roofing materials and roofing felt.

The owner himself chooses the roofing material for the bathhouse based on his financial capabilities and needs. In order for the bathhouse to serve for a long time, it is better to use the services of professionals or consult with a good specialist.

Most owners of private houses build a bathhouse on their property. Laying the foundation and building the walls is only part of the job. You also need to properly make the roof with your own hands, since this will determine how much the structure can withstand precipitation. Only a combination of correctly performed work can guarantee you a high-quality result and comfortable conditions in the bathhouse. This can be achieved if you follow the step-by-step instructions for building it yourself.

Options for roof designs for bathhouses

Before you start building a roof in the bathhouse, you need to select best option. It should be as simple as possible, but reliable, since it is needed to protect the structure from rain and snow.

Most often, baths are:

  • attic;
  • roofless.

The roof structure itself depends on this. This is also affected by the frequency of operation of the bath. For the one that will be used all year round, it is best to choose a gable roof with an attic, as it is warmer. There you can equip a rest room.

Summer baths are usually built without an attic, but are designed to install a tank of water for heating under the sun. This type of roofing is easier to construct.

According to their shape, roofs can be:

  • single-pitched;
  • gable;
  • multi-slope.

Shed roofs are the simplest. Typically used when attaching a bathhouse to the main house or other building. The rafters rest firmly on opposite walls at a certain angle of inclination.

The optimal tilt angle is 20–30°, but if the bathhouse is built in areas with high levels of precipitation, then this parameter increases to 45°.

Gable roofs are installed on separate structures. They consist of two parts connected to each other at an angle. For areas where a large amount of snow falls in winter, the connection angle should be quite sharp (from 45 to 80°) so that precipitation can easily drain and does not put pressure on the roof from the outside. And in areas where there are frequent winds - minimum slope so that in case of strong gusts it does not fly off the bathhouse.

Multi-pitched roofs are usually not erected on small bathhouses, as this is not entirely rational and convenient. But if a large bath complex is being built, then it will be appropriate here. She has a wonderful appearance, and allows you to arrange additional rooms under your vaults (relaxation rooms, billiard rooms, storage rooms, etc.). The disadvantage of the roof is the complexity of its construction.

That is why masters often choose this option.

How to make a gable roof diagram correctly

The best option for small bathhouse is gable roof. It can be inclined and hanging. The first option is equipped with additional wooden stops for greater stability. Hanging systems rest only on mauerlats or ceiling beams. At the top, the rafters are supported by crossbars.

Preparation for installation: sizing, drawings

For convenience, all calculations will be made for a bathhouse with a side of 5 m. It is recommended to build it from sawn timber, and use the top row as a mauerlat.

Before making rafters, it is necessary to make all the necessary calculations and measurements, as well as determine the angle of inclination of the roof and the dimensions of the wooden elements.

The roof system is subject to certain loads:

  • the mass of rafters, sheathing and the roofing material itself;
  • workers' weight;
  • the likelihood of natural disasters (they are not taken into account in our country, since they have a low percentage of the likelihood of their occurrence).

When calculating the thickness and width of the rafter system elements, take into account the totality of all types of loads.

The lower elements of the rafters are placed on the Mauerlat, and they bear lateral and vertical loads. Horizontal ones are placed on crossbars. The ridge part of the rafters takes on the compression forces in the horizontal direction. Rafter spans are subject to the greatest degree of bending.

When calculating the load, it is necessary to use correction factors that depend on the height of the house.

There are also meanings snow load depending on the climate zone.

Belonging to a certain climatic zone can be seen on a special map.

Choosing roofing material

The wood that is used for the construction of the rafter frame must have a minimum number of flaws (primarily this concerns knots and cracks).

For the roof of a bathhouse, pine or spruce boards are most often chosen due to their high degree of strength. This wood is easy to process. Experts recommend using grade I lumber, well treated with antiseptic and antifungal agents. But for a small bathhouse, grade II or III material is suitable.

You can use laminated veneer lumber with a high degree of strength without signs of deformation. But such material is expensive.

  • 20% (if the inside of the bathhouse ceiling is completely covered with finishing materials);
  • 23% (if some roof elements will be located on the street, for example, a canopy over a veranda or terrace).

Wood for a roof must be dried naturally (in a dry room at a low temperature) for 2–3 years or in special chambers at the highest possible temperature.

There are a large number of roofing materials:

  • ondulin;
  • metal tiles;
  • soft tiles;
  • roofing felt;
  • slate;
  • euroslate;
  • metal profile.

The most popular and available materials are metal tiles and corrugated sheets, which are characterized by their low price and long service life.

The corrugated sheet is made of galvanized steel with a special coating. Its main difference from metal tiles is the thickness of the metal. For example, corrugated sheets with a thickness of more than 1 mm are not intended for roofing.

Advantages of this material:

  • high performance;
  • ease of installation (sheets can be easily selected according to the exact size of the roof slope);
  • light weight;
  • affordable price.

There are also disadvantages, for example, low sound insulation characteristics, less attractive appearance compared to metal tiles, short service life (about 5 years).

Advantages of metal tiles:

  • high degree of corrosion resistance;
  • excellent sound absorption, which provides multilayer material;
  • long service life (about 50 years);
  • wonderful appearance.

Despite its positive qualities, it is not suitable for installing pitched roofs, since it can only be laid at an angle of at least 14°. Corrugated sheets have no restrictions.

Ruberoid is an inexpensive but short-lived material. It is easy to install and does not require much labor. For a budget roof covering for a bathhouse, roofing felt can be called a completely acceptable option.

Slate is an affordable roofing material that is suitable for a bathhouse. It has a fairly long service life (about 40 years) and does not require additional care. Installation of slate sheets is carried out quickly, which is very important in the final stages.

The disadvantage of this material is the high degree of water absorption, so after 2-3 years moss and various harmful lichens may appear on it - painting will help to avoid this. The high fragility of slate is also a significant disadvantage. Therefore, it is better to pre-drill holes into which fasteners will be driven.

What material and tools are needed

In order to build a gable roof for a 5x5 m bathhouse, you need:

  • boards (pine or spruce) - 50x150 mm (the distance between the rafters is recommended to be 90 cm);
  • unedged board for temporary fixation of rafters;
  • edged board - 20x100 mm (length 3 m);
  • metal corners;
  • metal plates - thickness 2 mm;
  • bars - 50x50 mm;
  • bolts with washers and self-tapping screws;
  • glued plywood, OSB or unedged board for sheathing;
  • slats - 20x50 mm;
  • insulation, vapor barrier and waterproofing material;
  • metal tiles or corrugated sheets.


  • Bulgarian;
  • electric jigsaw;
  • stapler;
  • hammer;
  • tape measure - length at least 10 m;
  • sharp knife;
  • electric screwdriver;
  • antiseptic agents and impregnations.

Construction of a bathhouse roof: step-by-step instructions

To install the roof you need to follow the following plan:

  1. Check the parallel position of the Mauerlat (the degree of run-up is no more than 2–3 cm). Fixing dowels must be placed at the required distances.
  2. For a 5x5 m bathhouse, six pairs of rafter structures are sufficient. In order to mount big number identical parts, it is recommended to make one general template, which will significantly speed up the work.
  3. To make a template, you need to take three-meter boards and knock them down with a nail at the top. Nail a piece of horizontal strip to one board, which will serve as a template for making the crossbar. Its distance from the ridge should be no more than 40–50 cm. Fix the crossbar on one board, and nail it to the second after determining the angle of inclination of the slings.
  4. Lift the template up and install it in place where the rafters are attached. Change the angle of inclination and distance of extension so that the future ridge is exactly in the center of the bathhouse. After finding the right place nail the crossbar to the second board. Reinforce the boards and ridge with two or three more nails.
  5. Place the template structure on the supporting mauerlat, mark the point where the rafters will combine. Connect these elements with timber and steel corners. Attach a wooden strip to the template at the point of contact with the support element.
  6. At the location of the gables, nail the bars vertically. Their height should be similar to the height of the slings. To check verticality, pull a construction cord between them. Check the template along the entire length of the bath structure. Take a step of about 1 m and look at the angle of inclination. The ridge part must go strictly along the cord. All irregularities can be removed during the creation of the sheathing. If the error is more than 1 cm, then it is necessary to adjust the template so as to reach the average values.
  7. If everything is done correctly, you can carefully remove the template and lay it on the ground.
  8. Lay the template on a flat base and attach one leg of the rafters to it. Monitor the structure of the ridge part. Trim the knots. Overhanging excess rafter elements can be sawed off before installation or after installation.
  9. Ridge rafters can be connected using several methods. One of them is the connection at the ridge part in half a tree.
  10. It is best to connect the slings at an angle of 90°. To prevent displacement on both sides, the assembly must be fixed with steel plates. The fasteners should be located evenly along the entire length of the rafters.
  11. Now you need to make marks at the top and bottom of the rafters. Saw off the top at an angle, as a butt joint will be made. The cutting location should coincide with the top and bottom of the template. It is not recommended to saw off two sling legs at once. It is necessary to remove the drawing on each of them from a certain side separately. This unit is connected by steel plates.
  12. Using the template, you need to mark the point where the rafter board will rest on the mauerlat, and attach a board in this place that will rest against it. It can be fixed from the bottom of the sling to the edge of the board or from the side. This assembly will withstand significant shear loads, so it is recommended to use strong bolts for fastening.
  13. Place two rafter boards on a flat surface, and check the location of the nodes using a template. Remove it and fix the bolt in place.
  14. The upper elements of the slings must rest firmly against each other along the entire cut.
  15. Then we bolt the crossbar with an overlap to the legs of the slings. You will need 2 bolts for each strap.
  16. The crossbar is subjected to compression - even slight vibrations should not be allowed at the fastening points. To prevent the rafters from cracking when installing the bolts, it is recommended to drill holes for them slightly smaller than the diameter of the bolts by about 1 mm. The excess part of the bolt must be cut off with a grinder.
  17. In the same way, it is necessary to install all the other rafters: lay them on top of each other, and check that all sizes match.
  18. Once all the rafters have been made, you can begin assembling the roof frame. You need to first attach the outer rafters and secure them with pieces of boards. Carefully install each rafter leg and check the dimensions. Pull the cord from the side parts at the overhang of the rafters to the ridge.
  19. Mark the fastening points of the remaining slings on the Mauerlat in increments of approximately 1 m.
  20. Lift each sling one by one, align it along the cords and secure it with boards. Nail them at a certain angle.
  21. When all the rafters are aligned, you need to check the accuracy of their placement, then begin fastening them using steel angles and strips. The corners must be fixed on both sides of the rafters. The result is a stable and reliable system. Now you need to align the length of the slings from below along the cord so that they protrude beyond the bathhouse by about 30–40 cm.
  22. Install additional supports made of boards under the outer legs, which in the future will serve as a frame for cladding the gables.

Creating a sheathing

The sheathing can be slatted or solid.

After installing the sheathing, it is necessary to close the end sides of the roof. If you plan to create an attic, then you need to leave space for installing doors and windows.

Insulation from the inside

For insulation, you can use mineral wool 10 cm thick. First, a vapor barrier material is laid on the rafter system to protect against moisture from the interior of the bathhouse.

Insulation is laid on top of it, and then waterproofing material, which will prevent moisture from penetrating through small cracks in the roof.

Protective hydro- and vapor barrier films are laid with an overlap of about 15–20 cm, then glued together with construction tape.

How to properly cover a roof

Laying roofing material is no less important part of the roof structure than its construction. If you properly cover the bathhouse with metal tiles or metal profiles, you can protect everything wooden elements structures from precipitation, which will significantly extend their service life.

To lay metal tiles you will need:

Stages of installation of roofing material:

  1. The metal tiles are lifted onto the roof frame using special belts. The first sheet is placed and carefully aligned along the end part and the cornice. It is attached with self-tapping screws at the points where the wave joins the sheathing slats. They are screwed in a certain order.
  2. Laying is done from left to right. The edge of the second sheet is brought under the end of the first, and then they are carefully aligned. If the material will be laid from right to left, then the second piece should be placed with a slight overlap. All sheets are screwed one by one.
  3. The first sheet is placed on the sheathing slats with a protrusion of about 40–50 mm, and secured with a self-tapping screw at the very edge of the ridge and the bottom of the cornice.
  4. To install the second sheet, two pieces of the profile are joined using a lateral overlap method, so that there are no gaps or distortions. They are connected to each other with self-tapping screws under the transverse part of the wave. You need to start connecting from the eaves to the ridge. In this way, 3–4 profile sheets are fixed. The temporary self-tapping screw is unscrewed and the entire row of the metal profile is aligned with the cornice.
  5. The correctness of the offset on both sides of the block is measured. The sizes matched - everything was done correctly. Now the sheet is firmly secured with a self-tapping screw. All other profiles are attached at the joints with each other and screwed to the sheathing.
  6. After the work is completed, it is necessary to remove all the shavings from the metal tiles with a soft brush, and slightly tint the drilling areas with paint of the same color as the material itself.
  7. Then you need to secure the ridge in such a way that the attic is ventilated. It is attached to the metal tile using self-tapping screws at the top of every second wave. The overlap should be about 10 cm in length.
  8. A cornice strip is attached, which will protect the frontal board from external factors. To do this, they are laid with an overlap of approximately 50 mm. They are nailed every 30 cm.
  9. The end strip is placed on the side board and screwed with self-tapping screws (a step of about 1 m). It is attached to the sheathing slats through the top of the roofing sheets with self-tapping screws in increments of 40–80 cm. The plank should overlap the upper edge of the wave.
  10. A special insulation is attached before installing the ridge strip. To do this, remove the protective film and stick it from the edge of the ridge towards the center at a distance of about 25 mm. The ridge itself is attached to the roof every third wave with an overlap of 10 cm.

Video: how to properly make a roof for a bathhouse from a log house with your own hands

Only on condition correct device roof of the bathhouse, you can be sure that it will serve for many years and withstand any natural conditions. Therefore, the construction of this element must be taken very seriously and responsibly, since it takes on heavy loads, and therefore must be as strong and reliable as possible. And then you and your friends can enjoy relaxing in the steam room at any time of the year.

The roof performs several functions at once. First of all, it protects the building from precipitation, and also decorates the house. As for the bathhouse, the most simple options that you can build with your own hands. But for this it is necessary to strictly follow building regulations.

Types of roofs for baths

The simplest design of a sauna roof includes two main elements: a rafter system and a roofing covering, for the installation of which it is necessary to make a sheathing and lay a waterproofing layer. In some cases, the presence of an attic is allowed, but for this it is necessary to install a gable roof, which is not always advisable for a bathhouse.

A gable roof allows you to equip an attic space

Shed roof

Most often, a pitched roof can be found at bathhouses, which are part of another building. The angle of inclination of such roofs can vary from 5 to 45 degrees.

  • The value depends on many factors, such as the type of roofing material and weather. The flat roof structure consists of:
  • rafter system;
  • sheathing;
  • insulation;
  • external cladding of gables;

The shed roof has the simplest design and is used in cases where the main priority is speed and low cost of work.

Depending on the building, they can be used different types rafter systems:

  1. Sliding system. Suitable for log baths as it can withstand structural shrinkage of up to 15%. The peculiarity of this design is that the rafter legs on the upper wall are fixed to the mauerlat, and on the lower wall - to special devices.
  2. Layered system. Suitable for buildings with slight shrinkage. It is characterized by the support of the rafters on the floor beams, with the upper ends necessarily resting on a high wall. To increase rigidity, struts and racks are used.
  3. Hanging structure. It is rarely used for a pitched roof, since the height of all walls must be the same, and the system itself consists of trusses. These trusses must be assembled on the ground and only then installed on the roof of the house.
Depending on the span length, the rafter system uses different kinds stops and struts

Shed roofs can have a non-ventilated structure, which is mounted with a slope of no more than 5 degrees and is carefully insulated, and a ventilated roof with a slope of up to 45 degrees, which has free space under the roof covering.

Advantages of a pitched roof:

  • efficiency;
  • ease of installation;
  • light roof weight;
  • high resistance to precipitation, but only if tilted correctly;
  • large selection of roofing materials.

It also has disadvantages:

  • there is no possibility to equip the attic;
  • You need to remove the snow on time.

Before starting work, it is necessary to draw up a complete drawing of the roof, in particular, to correctly determine the angle of inclination and length of the slope. The angle of inclination depends primarily on the type of roofing material and the level of snow load in the construction region.

The angle of the roof depends on the selected roofing material

Required materials and tools

To work you need to prepare:

  • edged board 40–60 mm for beams and rafters;
  • lathing board;
  • board for filing the ceiling;
  • waterproofing film;
  • roofing;
  • insulation;
  • antiseptic.

You must also ensure that you have:

  • knife;
  • hammer;
  • roulette;
  • screwdriver;
  • jigsaw;
  • stapler.

Installation of a pitched roof

The installation process itself consists of the following steps:

  1. Artificially increase the projection of one of the walls, guided by the drawn up project.
  2. Make rafters. Those that will later rest on beams are impregnated with a waterproofing compound and wrapped in roofing felt. Insert them into the grooves. Secure with special staples or pins. Tighten the rafters on the upper mauerlat with plates. If the roof length exceeds 4 m, additional struts or supports must be installed.

    The rafters on the Mauerlat must be secured using metal plates, having previously made a corresponding cutout in them

  3. Finish the gables. For this purpose, boards or special facade material. It is necessary to make a ventilation window on one of the gables. Place the waterproofing film on the rafters so that it is not stretched, but sag slightly between the rafters. Lay a sheathing of boards on top of the film in increments of 20–50 cm. Roofing material is spread over the sheathing and secured with self-tapping screws. The material is installed with an overlap.

    Typically, the gables of the bathhouse are sheathed with the same material as the walls.

  4. The work must be completed by installing the cornice strips, while ensuring that there is a ventilation gap. If the chimney in the bathhouse will pass through the roof, it is recommended to carefully treat the junction of the roof and the chimney pipe. Remember that the distance from it to any wooden structures should be more than 20 cm.

    The junction of the chimney with the roofing must be protected from moisture penetration

  5. Flat roof the inside needs to be insulated. Thermal insulation material 10 cm thick is laid between the rafters. If you plan to equip an attic, you also need to insulate the ceiling of the bathhouse, which requires laying a subfloor and covering it with a waterproofing film. Insulation is installed between the ceiling beams. Additionally, vapor barrier protection is required.

    The roof is insulated with sheets of mineral wool, which are placed in the spaces between the rafters

Not every insulation is suitable for a bath. High-quality material must be:

  • moisture-resistant, thanks to which it will retain its properties for a long time;
  • with low conductivity;
  • safe;
  • self-extinguishing;
  • well adjacent to the surface;
  • resistant to sudden temperature fluctuations.
  • For a bath you can use fiberglass, mineral wool, polyurethane foam, extruded polystyrene foam, basalt wool. Some craftsmen use natural materials such as straw or seaweed.

    The most popular insulation for bathhouse roofs is mineral wool

    Video: building a pitched roof quickly and at no cost

    Baths with sloping roofs

    The construction of a sloping roof over a bathhouse involves the arrangement of an attic space for various purposes. The sloping roof system is characterized by the presence of a large number of joints. Although it is beautiful, it will be very expensive.

    Under a sloping roof, you can arrange a full-fledged living space, in which you can equip, for example, a recreation room or a games room

    Features of the rafter system for sloping roofs:

    The angle of inclination of the roof slopes must exceed 15 degrees. This is necessary for effective removal of precipitation. To install the rafter system, it is recommended to use boards or beams made of coniferous wood; only they can withstand significant temperature fluctuations and not deteriorate from constant exposure to moisture.

    The main components of the rafter system must be tightened with staples or metal plates

    Construction of a sloping roof

    Installation work The installation of a sloping roof should proceed in the following order:

    Now you can insulate the attic and get started interior decoration. Mineral wool, polystyrene foam or penoizol are suitable for insulation. To cover the roof you can use:

    • ondulin - it is able to withstand sudden changes in temperature and constant exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
    • slate is the most cheap material;
    • metal tiles

    To create a comfortable atmosphere in the attic room, it is recommended to use a special roofing pie. This way you can create optimal humidity.

    If you want to equip a year-round living space in the attic, you must fully comply with the technology of laying the roofing pie with all recommended ventilation gaps

    Video: attic devices in the bathhouse

    Gable roof for a bathhouse

    Most often, a gable roof is installed, which allows you to equip a room, for example, for storing bath accessories. This design allows you to quickly remove precipitation from the roof. The most simple system rafters - hanging, which involves supporting the rafter legs on only two points. The rafter legs are fixed from above with a ridge beam.

    A gable roof is one of the most popular solutions for a bathhouse, since it is easy to erect and allows you to get an additional attic space

    Construction of a gable roof

    It is necessary to draw up a project in advance and calculate the basic parameters, in particular, determine the angle of inclination. The installation process itself consists of several steps:

    Video: gable roof rafter system


    There are two types of T-roofs:

    1. The width of the gables is the same, while the ridge is located at the same level, and the angle of inclination of the slopes is the same.
    2. The angle of inclination and width of the slopes changes, which leads to the location of the skates at different heights.

    Before installation, you must draw a plan of the walls. This will allow you to determine the roof parameters. On the project, you need to retreat 50 cm from the extreme line of each of the four walls and draw the perimeter of the roof, taking into account the overhangs. It is also necessary to mark the locations of the roof ridges. After this, determine the location of the valley, for which a straight line connects the angle of closure of the two roofs: the main and additional. In these places it is necessary to install layered rafters.

    The T-shaped roof is well suited for bathhouses because it allows you to arrange a dressing room

    The process of installing a T-shaped roof takes place in several stages:

    Chalet roof

    The peculiarity of this style is the strong overhang of the overhangs over the walls. This allows you to completely protect the bathhouse from the sun and precipitation. In some cases, the extension of the roof beyond the wall reaches 3 m. This design saves the bathhouse from dampness. In addition, additional usable space.

    The roof of the chalet has long overhangs that protect it from dampness and precipitation

    IN winter period such a roof is capable of holding a large amount of snow, which provides the room with additional thermal insulation. It is recommended to further strengthen the roof overhangs with supports.

    When calculating the roof, be sure to take into account:

    • weather features;
    • amount of precipitation;
    • roof covering used.

    For the roof of a chalet you can use very original roofing materials:

    Chalet roof requires internal insulation, and an air gap is needed between the insulation and the roof. Installation of a vapor barrier layer is also required.

    The chalet roof structure can be assembled independently. It includes rafters and roof beams that extend several meters beyond the walls. The main thing in this process is to correctly install the nodes, and fix the rafters to the ridge with brackets and overlays only.

    You can increase the service life of the roof if you cover all joints with a special compound, and move the rafters and tie-rods beyond the walls by at least 1.5 m. After completing this stage, you need to lay a lattice bar.

    Unusual roofs for baths

    It is allowed to combine a bathhouse with other buildings. For example, a profitable option is a bathhouse with a garage. This allows you to reduce construction and heating costs. When drawing up a project, the following must be taken into account:

    • the level of waterproofing in both rooms must be sufficient;
    • you need to choose a roof so that removing snow and ice is not difficult; it is best if it is a gable roof;
    • the roof on the garage side requires an additional waterproofing layer, this also applies to the adjacent wall.

    The roof of the garage adjacent to the bathhouse must be well insulated and waterproofed

    The bathhouse can also be adjacent to the house. This also has its advantage - you won’t need to make a long walk down the street to return home from the bathhouse. There are several ways to place a bath:

    The roof of the bathhouse extension does not need to be connected to the main roof of the house

    A separate roof for such a bathhouse is required only if it is located in an extension. Remember that with this arrangement, two pipes will exit onto the roof of the building at the same time, which means there will be two holes on the roof. Therefore, it is very important to think ventilation system baths, in particular, make a ventilated roof.

    The bathhouse combined with a gazebo looks very original. As a rule, such a building common roof. Usually it is made gable.

    When combining a bathhouse with a gazebo, you get good savings building materials

    Remember that no matter what kind of roof your bathhouse has, you must provide access to it. This will allow for periodic inspection of the rafter system and roofing, thanks to which leaks and roof deformations can be detected in time, and therefore eliminated in time.

    A bathhouse is a utility building, but the owners of suburban areas impose the same requirements on it as on the main house. That is, it must be durable, reliable, beautiful, plus insulated on all sides. But the topic of this article is the roof of a bathhouse, so let’s look at what roofing structures are most often used to cover bathhouse buildings, what materials are used for this, and briefly about the technology of their construction.


    Types of roofs for baths

    In general, the attitude towards bathhouse roofs is simple - it must be reliable and inexpensive. This means that the best option for the shape of the roof structure is single- or gable. Therefore, I will focus on them.

    Shed roof

    This is a single-slope structure, whose edges rest against the walls of a building of different heights, which is why the angle of inclination of the roof is formed. There is an option when the slope is formed not by the difference in wall heights, but by the installation additional element on one of the walls, which increases the height. This element is called a truss. It is assembled from bars or boards in the form of a rectangle, inside of which support posts are installed that increase bearing capacity designs. The photo below shows just such an option for constructing a pitched roof on a bathhouse.


    It should be noted that a pitched roof is better than a gable roof in terms of labor intensity, cost and manufacturability. In fact, it consists of rafter legs that rest on the walls of the building. There are no complex units in the form of a ridge girder, and there is no large consumption of lumber.

    In this case, a pitched roof can be with or without an attic. The second option is used more often, although small room under roofing structure is formed, and it is usually used as a storage room where gardening tools are stored.

    The complexity of constructing a lean-to structure may lie only in the length of the span of the bathhouse building. That is, if the rafters cannot cover this building parameter in their length. Then you have to build up the rafter legs and install supports under each of them in the form of boards or beams of small cross-section. This increases the required amount of building materials, but there is no other way out.


    Typically, shed roofs, especially those that are erected with a slight angle of inclination, are erected in a “cold” design. That is, they are not insulated. But since a bathhouse is a structure that requires more stringent requirements for thermal insulation measures, great importance is given to ceiling insulation. And usually this process is carried out from the attic side even before the roof structure is erected. For this purpose, various heat-insulating materials are used, which are laid between the floor beams or on the floor slab.

    There are not many advantages of a pitched roof over a gable roof. But when the task is to build a bathhouse using small financial investments, then this is the best option.

    Gable roof

    A gable roof for a bathhouse is an opportunity to give the building a more presentable appearance, plus get additional space under the roof that can be used for different purposes. For example, the photo below shows a bathhouse with a gable roof structure, inside of which there are recreation rooms. In fact, the attic was converted into an attic, thereby “killing two birds with one stone,” that is, they increased usable area buildings with small financial investments.


    This roof option requires a different approach in terms of creating comfortable living conditions inside the building. Since this type of roof immediately becomes “attic” by default, it means that its construction must be approached from the standpoint of thermal insulation operations. That is, a gable roof is insulated with different thermal insulation materials, which are laid between the rafter legs.

    To make it clear how this is done, here is a brief sequence of activities:

      On top of the rafters lay down vapor barrier film in rows, starting from the cornice to the side ridge knot. Strips of material are laid overlap– 10-15 cm, attach them to the rafters.

      On top of the rafters(along) mount slats section 50x50 mm. This counter-lattice, whose purpose is to create ventilation gap. The purpose of the latter is remove wet vapors air from the thermal insulation pie and rafter system, thereby extending their service life.


      Roofing installation.

      Now all processes are transferred to attic. Here laid between the rafters insulation. Then it is closed waterproofing membrane. The installation technology is exactly the same as that of vapor barrier.

      Rafter system together with insulating pie are closing finishing material: OSB boards, plywood, chipboard, plasterboard, plastic panels And so on.

    If the roof for the bathhouse (gable) is built in a “cold” design, then living quarters will not be organized under the roof structure. And just as in the case of a single-pitch modification, the floors are insulated. For example, in the photo below such a bathhouse roof is shown.


    It cannot be said that a gable roof is a budget design. But everything will depend on the size of the structure planned to be built. WITH mansard roof everything is clear, this is the most expensive option. But with this design you can get additional usable space for a small investment.

    The majority of country developers save on the appearance of the bathhouse, so they erect cold gable roofs. This can be understood, but over time, when the requirements for comfort grow, everyone begins to understand that it was in vain that they did not invest a little more money at one time. But, as practice shows, converting an attic into an attic is not a problem, even if the angle of inclination of the gable roof is small. There are many reconstruction technologies, so only additional finances will be required.

    Video description

    The video shows how a gable roof is constructed over a wooden bathhouse:

    Our website contains the most popular manufacturers of houses presented at the exhibition who offer the service. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

    Complex roofs for baths

    So, we looked at two budget options for bathhouse roofs. But it should be noted that not all customers follow the path of standards and savings. Money. Today, many owners of country real estate even have special requirements for their outbuildings, where, first of all, it is necessary to highlight the unusual appearance. Therefore, modern baths cover complex roofs. For example, the photo below shows a bathhouse covered with a hip roof.


    This roofing structure is not a budget option. Hip roofs require large quantity various lumber. At the same time, the construction of the structure is caused by large waste due to the fitting of roof elements to each other.

    Or another option - a bathhouse with a hip roof. This also unusual design stands out among the pitched varieties. It, like the hip one, is difficult to construct and is not budget-friendly.


    In the next photo you can see the most complex roofing structure built over the bathhouse - a multi-gable roof. Here we can only draw one conclusion - if such a design is chosen to cover a bathhouse building, then it is better if living quarters are organized under it. That is, you should not invest a lot of money in such a roof just for the sake of making it different from the roofs of neighboring bathhouses.

    It must be added that an attic under a multi-gable roof increases its cost. But even this is cheaper than building or adding additional premises next to the bathhouse. Although it should be noted that under a multi-gable roof structure there is not as much free space as, for example, under a gable or hip roof. But even this small space can be properly organized using the services of professional designers.


    Today manufacturers wooden baths offer a huge variety of proposed architectural designs, where sometimes the roofs become a smooth continuation of the walls of the building. Let's look at some photographs that show such baths.


    Barrel baths did not appear today. Such architectural forms have been known for a long time, in which the roof is an arched structure. The uniqueness of such buildings lies in their compactness and versatility with full functionality. At the same time, flexible products, for example, bitumen shingles, are used as roofing materials. Although there are barrels on the market that are not covered with anything. It’s just that the elements from which they are assembled are tightly fitted to each other, ensuring 100% tightness of the structure.


    Barrel baths on the market are represented not only by standard shapes and designs. Eat unique buildings, for example, as in top photo. Moreover, the design is unique in that its dimensions can be changed depending on customer requirements. The same model as in the photo above can be increased in depth. And this size can be increased indefinitely.

    Or this barrel with a roof, which in cross-section resembles a dome structure. This is one of the most unusual options that the market offers today.


    And, probably, the most unique bathhouse roofs are round ones. In the very concept of this term there is a sphere, and they got their name because in the cross-section of the bathhouse, including the roof, there is a circle. Pay attention to the bottom photo, which shows one of the models of the proposed buildings.


    In fact, there are no special obstacles to building baths different forms, sizes and designs. This fully applies to the roof that covers the bathhouse. That is why there is such a wide variety of roofing structures.

    Video description

    We would like to invite you to familiarize yourself with the barrel baths, which are indicated in the proposed video:

    Conclusion on the topic

    Any outbuildings that are erected on suburban area, must comply with SNiPs. Therefore, it is very important to approach the construction processes correctly, regardless of what part of the structure is being built. Especially when it comes to building a roof. It must be durable, reliable and one hundred percent sealed. And the shape and size are the second thing.